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Topic Title: Fat, loud, foreign agent orange
Topic Summary: ameriqa first...if it makes him some grifts
Created On: 09/20/2023 09:30 PM
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 09/20/2023 09:30 PM
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only he can slime it
Cozy relationships with the foreign enemies of my beloved american constitutional nation has been the lifelong M.O. of this coddled furball.
This article makes all the stolen documents, un-documented meetings with his beloved vladdie pu, li'l rocket man love affair,
and effusive praise and weekend home stayovers with the qommunist leader for life of china, emperor xi:
show a treasonous pattern of a lifelong sociopath.
Lock him up.

It's a democratic hoax

Edited: 09/22/2023 at 07:07 PM by nukeh2o
 09/20/2023 09:36 PM
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The KGB's psychological profile of Trump had determined he was vulnerable to flattery and not much of a deep thinker, so they told him repeatedly how brilliant he was and that he should run for president in the US.

It's a democratic hoax
 09/21/2023 05:24 AM
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And the milquetoast country club GOP set, ripe with rot saw the Rasputin for what he was too late.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 09/22/2023 07:55 PM
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Two russian speaking wives, from soviet backgrounds.
and a beachside bimbo ho...who bore him an ignored girl child.
Lifelong close association with organized crime. Look up roy cohn, his mentor

It's a democratic hoax
 09/23/2023 06:47 AM
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People say that he was not briefed on all capabilities/programs because there was a mistrust of Agent Orange, mainly because of his unusual and secretive private meetings with Putin.

Go Trump!!!

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
 09/23/2023 03:36 PM
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From the looks of it, he took the most expensive set of Top Secret files he could get his hands on. Big money on the open market.

I was right.
 09/24/2023 05:22 PM
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"I wonder if putin will be my new best friend.....?"
Lil fatty rocket boy love affair
Former President Donald Trump gushed about Chinese leader Xi Jinping in an interview on Fox News, calling him a "brilliant man" and praising his good looks
Never met a qommie or fascist he doesn't love.....
Stinking traitor......string him up

It's a democratic hoax
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