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Topic Title: Fat, loud, foreign agent orange
Topic Summary: ameriqa first...if it makes him some grifts
Created On: 09/20/2023 09:30 PM
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 Fat, loud, foreign agent orange   - nukeh2o - 09/20/2023 09:30 PM  
 Fat, loud agent orange   - nukeh2o - 09/20/2023 09:36 PM  
 Fat, loud agent orange   - johnnyboy - 09/21/2023 05:24 AM  
 Fat, loud agent orange   - nukeh2o - 09/22/2023 07:55 PM  
 Fat, loud agent orange   - Bamboo - 09/23/2023 06:47 AM  
 Fat, loud agent orange   - Cole - 09/23/2023 03:36 PM  
 Fat, loud agent orange   - nukeh2o - 09/24/2023 05:22 PM  
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 09/20/2023 09:30 PM
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Posts: 9061
Joined Forum: 03/18/2016

only he can slime it
Cozy relationships with the foreign enemies of my beloved american constitutional nation has been the lifelong M.O. of this coddled furball.
This article makes all the stolen documents, un-documented meetings with his beloved vladdie pu, li'l rocket man love affair,
and effusive praise and weekend home stayovers with the qommunist leader for life of china, emperor xi:
show a treasonous pattern of a lifelong sociopath.
Lock him up.

It's a democratic hoax

Edited: 09/22/2023 at 07:07 PM by nukeh2o
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