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Topic Title: Man responsible for "debunking" Pizzagate pleads guilty to child porn charges
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Created On: 11/30/2023 05:13 AM
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 12/02/2023 01:58 PM
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Turns out Meek never did any investigating of Pizzagate at all. That element of the "story" is untrue.

So looks like Griper fell for a hoax on that part.

Meek did get arrested for CP though.

Seems the hoaxers are trying to connect him to Pizzagate, in order to revive it, when they are really not related at all.

This information on the Post article being false was out way back in August, well before Griper managed to fall for it, which just goes to show how easy it is for this type of misinformation to keep spreading, even after its been debunked.

Fabricated New York Post headline on ex-ABC journalist

The image circulating features a New York Post headline that reads, "Award winning ABC journalist who 'debunked' pizzagate, pleads guilty in horrific child porn case." The post on X, previously known as Twitter, had garnered about 551 reposts at the time of writing (here).

No such headline exists on the New York Post' website, however ( here ), ( here ).

Coverage of Meek's case by the New York Post (here) includes no mention of "Pizzagate", a fake theory about a pedophile ring run at a Washington, D.C. pizzeria that has also been adopted by followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory (here).

Check your sources first next time


Chaos & Violence Party 2024

Edited: 12/02/2023 at 02:03 PM by fishkller
 12/02/2023 02:39 PM
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If you look into his words, griper leans to the pro-pizzagate side of the argument, so it's not surprising he promoted the false information. Things like this need people like griper.

I was right.
 12/02/2023 06:30 PM
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He didn't even both to doublecheck the story- he just passed the misinformation right along..

that's how this stuff gets around

and why they create the fake stories in the first place.. they know people will share it and believe it regardless

hell, the "blew the lid off" thing has been debunked for 3 months now and he's just posted it..


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 12/02/2023 06:38 PM
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Well, some people are saying......
not me, but...some people, ok?
Lombards pizza in west melbourne has been operating a illicit teen male "gaming" emporium in the cellar
some fat loud drooler in a hover round seems to be in charge

It's a democratic hoax
 12/02/2023 07:04 PM
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I think I know where that is.. but I try to avoid the area


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 12/03/2023 01:42 PM
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This is definitely the most busted thread for Griper ever.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 12/03/2023 03:22 PM
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If he were on a jungle safari adventure back in the 60's.. he'd be the guy that walks right into the quicksand


Chaos & Violence Party 2024

Edited: 12/04/2023 at 06:28 AM by fishkller
 12/03/2023 06:26 PM
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But he wants to educate you about real media literacy.


 12/03/2023 07:50 PM
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Well, in fairness, he's been educated on here quite a bit.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 12/03/2023 08:12 PM
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Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 12/04/2023 06:08 AM
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Satanists and quicksand were all the rage for us 70's kids. lol

Come on griper, it's time for a triple down.

I was right.
 12/04/2023 06:27 AM
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They really were!

Who knew the quicksand on Gilligan's Island was just vermiculite mixed with water

and Led Zeppelin didn't sacrifice babies to the Prince of Darkness lol


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Edited: 12/04/2023 at 06:29 AM by fishkller
 12/04/2023 04:39 PM
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Does this have anything to do with queer-anon leader and pedo in thief guy caught boinking widdle boiz?
Watch this space...

It's a democratic hoax
 12/04/2023 04:46 PM
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We need to bring back the Satanists, kids have it too easy these day. Seriously, without the fear of being roasted or drown in wet sand, people get soft.

I was right.
 12/04/2023 05:15 PM
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I would, however, really enjoy bald eagles feeding on some morbidly obese orange pus filled entrails.
Since these traitors helped tangerine antichrist attach itself to my beloved america,
there has been an unrelenting spew of grifters, incel inbred perv misogynists, queer lying samba poofs, crotch grabbin', cat fightin' bimbos and
pedos galore.
Only the wurst sheeple.
Yuck.....string em up, mow 'em down
enough already.

It's a democratic hoax
 12/04/2023 08:38 PM
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Originally posted by: Cole

We need to bring back the Satanists, kids have it too easy these day. Seriously, without the fear of being roasted or drown in wet sand, people get soft.


We need to take away their sissy participation trophies and get them back into Satanic sacrifices and windowless vans-

builds character!!!!!!




Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 12/05/2023 10:54 AM
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Basement Pizza. BASEMENT PIZZA!


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 12/05/2023 11:03 AM
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Originally posted by: johnnyboy

Basement Pizza. BASEMENT PIZZA!

Mario the pizza guy molester just isn't as intimidating as Satanists. Close, but still not quite there. Now if they tossed you into a pit of quicksand after grubbing on you with their tomato stained fingers!

I was right.
 12/05/2023 04:09 PM
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Damn, Griper fell into the quicksand and never came out..


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