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Topic Title: Man responsible for "debunking" Pizzagate pleads guilty to child porn charges
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Created On: 11/30/2023 05:13 AM
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 Man responsible for "debunking" Pizzagate pleads guilty to child porn charges   - Sniper - 11/30/2023 05:13 AM  
 Man responsible for "debunking" Pizzagate pleads guilty to child porn charges   - Cole - 11/30/2023 05:41 AM  
 Man responsible for   - 3rdworldlover - 11/30/2023 07:06 AM  
 Man responsible for   - Pagerow - 11/30/2023 07:59 AM  
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 Man responsible for   - RustyTruck - 11/30/2023 09:03 AM  
 Man responsible for   - johnnyboy - 11/30/2023 12:02 PM  
 Man responsible for   - Sniper - 11/30/2023 02:35 PM  
 Man responsible for   - tom - 11/30/2023 06:32 PM  
 Man responsible for   - tom - 11/30/2023 06:48 PM  
 Man responsible for "debunking" Pizzagate pleads guilty to child porn charges   - Sniper - 12/01/2023 04:55 AM  
 Man responsible for   - Cole - 12/01/2023 06:15 AM  
 Man responsible for "debunking" Pizzagate pleads guilty to child porn charges   - fishkller - 11/30/2023 12:26 PM  
 Man responsible for   - fishkller - 11/30/2023 09:08 PM  
 Man responsible for   - fishkller - 12/01/2023 06:07 AM  
 Man responsible for   - fishkller - 12/01/2023 06:20 AM  
 Man responsible for "debunking" Pizzagate pleads guilty to child porn charges   - Cole - 12/01/2023 06:24 AM  
 Man responsible for   - fishkller - 12/01/2023 07:53 AM  
 Man responsible for   - Cole - 12/01/2023 08:12 AM  
 Man responsible for   - johnnyboy - 12/02/2023 11:56 AM  
 Man responsible for "debunking" Pizzagate pleads guilty to child porn charges   - fishkller - 12/02/2023 01:58 PM  
 Man responsible for "debunking" Pizzagate pleads guilty to child porn charges   - Cole - 12/02/2023 02:39 PM  
 Man responsible for   - fishkller - 12/02/2023 06:30 PM  
 Man responsible for   - nukeh2o - 12/02/2023 06:38 PM  
 Man responsible for   - fishkller - 12/02/2023 07:04 PM  
 Man responsible for   - johnnyboy - 12/03/2023 01:42 PM  
 Man responsible for "debunking" Pizzagate pleads guilty to child porn charges   - fishkller - 12/03/2023 03:22 PM  
 Man responsible for   - scombrid - 12/03/2023 06:26 PM  
 Man responsible for   - johnnyboy - 12/03/2023 07:50 PM  
 Man responsible for   - fishkller - 12/03/2023 08:12 PM  
 Man responsible for   - Cole - 12/04/2023 06:08 AM  
 Man responsible for "debunking" Pizzagate pleads guilty to child porn charges   - fishkller - 12/04/2023 06:27 AM  
 Man responsible for "debunking" Pizzagate pleads guilty to child porn charges   - nukeh2o - 12/04/2023 04:39 PM  
 Man responsible for "debunking" Pizzagate pleads guilty to child porn charges   - Cole - 12/04/2023 04:46 PM  
 Man responsible for "debunking" Pizzagate pleads guilty to child porn charges   - nukeh2o - 12/04/2023 05:15 PM  
 Man responsible for "debunking" Pizzagate pleads guilty to child porn charges   - fishkller - 12/04/2023 08:38 PM  
 Man responsible for   - johnnyboy - 12/05/2023 10:54 AM  
 Man responsible for   - Cole - 12/05/2023 11:03 AM  
 Man responsible for   - fishkller - 12/05/2023 04:09 PM  
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 11/30/2023 05:13 AM
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Posts: 8893
Joined Forum: 09/24/2003

James Gordon Meek has claimed to "debunk" several stories over the years involving child sex abuse, including Pizzagate.

Well, recently Meeks pleaded guilty to having child pornography in his possession. The investigation began when Dropbox tipped off the FBI about an account linked to Meek containing videos showing the sexual abuse of children. The FBI raided his home and found an iPhone containing a video containing the sexual abuse of an infant.

The devices obtained in the raids included messages to others including the following:
"Have you ever raped a toddler girl? It's amazing,"

In another message, Meek allegedly shared a perverted fantasy he has of "abducting, drugging, and raping" a 12-year-old girl.

It seems like the main points that this pervert used to "debunk" Pizzagate was that there was no basement in the pizza parlor where the abuse was said to take place and then the part about drinking blood, which sounded ridiculous from the start. I don't think anyone believed that anyone was drinking the blood of kids and I don't think anyone cares if this particular building has a basement.

I'm reserving judgement until more information comes out but it will be interesting to see if this will be the next "conspiracy theory" that crosses over into just being a conspiracy. Regardless, I don't think you can take this guy's word on anything having to do with the sexual abuse of children.

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