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Topic Title: 'Elon Musk has made me embarrassed to drive my Tesla now'
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 01/31/2023 05:40 AM
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Fish Killer

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'Elon Musk has made me embarrassed to drive my Tesla now'....

Musk doesn't give a shit about this shrew.

Id tell her to sell her 'undesirable' vehicle to the multitudes who want it as the orders for Tesla's are two for every one being made.

Bet she could sell it at a profit!



(Oh and I personally could give a shit about the EV market as nope...I will NEVER own one.)

The REAL truth is....both of the forum idiots are OWNED.
-BOTH of them have no clue who their owner is.
-They are both card carrying narcissists.
^These are PROVED facts.
 01/31/2023 11:15 AM
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she will understand your high iq and sell it.


I'm interested.
 01/31/2023 12:18 PM
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The Mustang mach-E is almost as stylish as a prius, similar in appearance as the fat, overweight frumpy people in many commercials!

Romans 8;18-32 John 3;16-18; Ecl. 10-2
 01/31/2023 01:00 PM
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so for most americans

"The truth is incontrovertible.
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but in the end,
there it is." -Sir Winston Churchill
 01/31/2023 01:14 PM
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Originally posted by: WG "When Anne Marie Squeo received her fiery red Tesla sports utility vehicle in 2020, the 55-year-old marketing and communications professional felt like she had joined a special "club" of people who were doing something to help the environment, while still driving with style. But last year, as Tesla boss Elon Musk shared right-wing conspiracy theories on Twitter, posted a picture of guns by his bedside, and proposed terms to resolve the war in Ukraine that were adamantly rejected by many of the country's top leaders, Anne Marie's satisfaction gave way to shame. "It's been very depressing, and sometimes embarrassing to be driving this car around," says Anne Marie, a former journalist who lives in Connecticut and wrote an article about her discomfort. "I wondered if people were making a judgement about me that I wasn't looking for." Once hailed as the secret to Tesla's success, Elon Musk now appears to be one of its biggest problems, as his steady stream of politically charged social media posts alienates key parts of Tesla's customer base, just as increased competition starts to eat away at the firm's dominance of the electric car market." BBC
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This is funny on so many levels

1. Imagine being so fragile to feel alienated because of Twitter? Can anyone tell me what "politically charged social media post" from Elon caused them to be so triggered?

2. Imagine actually buying in to this narrative forming POS "story?"
3. Imagine actually being manipulated so much, by an opinion FORMING piece of propaganda....that you actually share it.......without realizing how stupid it makes you look?

fragile snowflakes, that only support people inside their own bubble, while calling everyone else sheep and brainwashed.....lol.


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

 01/31/2023 04:15 PM
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Wow- that post was "chalk full" of maga trigger


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 01/31/2023 06:34 PM
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Well off Liberals are your best customer.

Musk attacks well off Liberals.

LOL...Ya can't make this shit up!

I was right.
 01/31/2023 06:36 PM
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Fish Killer

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'Elon Musk has made me embarrassed to drive my Tesla now'....

Musk doesn't give a shit about this shrew.

Id tell her to sell her 'undesirable' vehicle to the multitudes who want it as the orders for Tesla's are two for every one being made.

Bet she could sell it at a profit!



(Oh and I personally could give a shit about the EV market as nope...I will NEVER own one.)

The REAL truth is....both of the forum idiots are OWNED.
-BOTH of them have no clue who their owner is.
-They are both card carrying narcissists.
^These are PROVED facts.
 01/31/2023 06:40 PM
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Can't see you Lomtardo.

But you know what you can do. lol

I was right.
 01/31/2023 06:42 PM
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Fish Killer

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NEW: Hunter Biden Threatened an Assistant to Extract Sex From Her, Joe Biden Remains Silent
By Bonchie | 8:30 PM on January 31, 2023

NEW: Hunter Biden Threatened an Assistant to Extract Sex From Her, Joe Biden Remains Silent
AP Photo/Susan Walsh
The saga of Hunter Biden just keeps getting worse and worse, and a new report from The Daily Mail may be one of the most disgusting revelations yet.

According to the report, President Joe Biden's son threatened one of his assistants in order to secure sex from her over FaceTime, taking advantage of the fact that she was "cash-strapped" and trying to make a rent payment.

Hunter Biden threatened one of his cash-strapped young female staffers with withholding her pay if she didn't FaceTime him for sex.

Shocking texts between the President's son, 52, and his young assistant, who was 29 at the time, show Hunter asking for video sex sessions and sending her cash via Apple Pay after she pleaded that she was struggling to make rent.

The woman, who DailyMail.com has chosen not to identify, worked as an assistant at Hunter's law firm, Owasco, in 2018 and 2019. She is the fourth employee he is known to have had a sexual relationship with.

It needs to be said: Hunter Biden is a predator.

He's not just a troubled man who dealt with an addiction problem. He's a sociopathic degenerate who sought out and preyed on women nearly half his age. He used his position of power to secure sexual relationships with staffers, had multiple affairs (including with his brother's wife and her sister), and then tried to skip out on child support payments when he got one of the women he abused pregnant.

The response from the left will be that Hunter Biden doesn't hold office. That's true, but he is the son of the most powerful man on earth, and that means something. Why? Because how someone responds to disgraceful behavior matters.

It's not enough to say that Hunter Biden isn't president. We've long passed the point where the expectation should be that Joe Biden and Jill Biden outright condemn their son's predatory escapades. To not do so represents tacit approval, especially since Hunter Biden is allowed to prance around the White House and ride on Air Force One, never mind his financial entanglements with his family.

For all the talk of the supposed decency of the Biden family, a line pushed ad nauseam during the 2020 campaign, the failure to even acknowledge Hunter Biden's abuses is a colossal moral failure by the president and his wife. Unfortunately, it's not surprising given these are the same two people who have disowned a young granddaughter that resulted from their son's behavior.

In fact, throughout this ordeal, Joe and Jill Biden have consistently defended their son, pretending that he's been unfairly maligned. It's one thing to not openly attack one's son in public. It's another to offer excuses and blame others for his deplorable behavior. The Biden family has chosen the latter path, and in doing so, they've revealed there's no decency among them.

The REAL truth is....both of the forum idiots are OWNED.
-BOTH of them have no clue who their owner is.
-They are both card carrying narcissists.
^These are PROVED facts.
 01/31/2023 06:46 PM
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I can see where Lomtard has replied, but when I click the thread.... WOOSH, he's gone!

The blocking tool is as relaxing as a solar bird bath!

I was right.

Edited: 01/31/2023 at 06:47 PM by Cole
 01/31/2023 06:48 PM
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Fish Killer

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Hunter Biden Readies His Next Scam
By Bonchie | 2:00 PM on January 31, 2023

Hunter Biden is currently facing legal fees that could total up to millions of dollars. That's according to The Washington Post, which is reporting on how the president's degenerate son plans to pay the bills he's currently racking up.

You'll be less than shocked to learn that the solution being readied isn't exactly above board.

Hunter Biden's allies have held initial discussions about creating a legal-defense fund to pay for a growing team of attorneys that is helping him confront both a years-long federal tax investigation and a host of new congressional inquiries, according to people familiar with the matter.

The effort has been triggered by Hunter Biden's struggles to pay his mounting legal bills amid increasingly stretched resources and his pursuit of a new, aggressive legal strategy, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive subject.

Despite claims from the left that he's just a misunderstood drug addict, Hunter Biden is being investigated by the DOJ for a myriad of crimes that can't be blamed on his past substance abuse problems. Those include tax evasion, tax fraud, and gun-purchase crimes. The first two issues stem from the money he made during a period when he was allegedly selling access to his father, a much-covered scandal here at RedState (see here, here, and here).

Ask yourself, how could such a legal defense fund be anything but a scam with the understanding that it'll curry favor with Joe Biden? It's not like Hunter Biden is some persecuted politician with an army of supporters to donate. The only people giving to that fund would be high-rollers in the political arena, and high-rollers don't give away their money out of the goodness of their hearts.

I'd also like to know how Hunter Biden has run up "millions" in legal fees before he's even been charged with a crime and before the House GOP has issued its first subpoena. That revelation alone seems rather sketchy. I get that lawyers are expensive, but he hasn't had to actually defend himself from anything but public scrutiny yet, and I doubt the preliminary conversations his lawyers have had with the DOJ have totaled up to "millions" of dollars in billable hours.

Something just doesn't feel right here. If Hunter Biden does try to set up a legal defense fund, alarm bells should be going off for everyone involved. You can't have the president's son taking large donations without the implication that something is expected in return. But perhaps the Bidens are shameless enough to run such a scheme anyway? It might be smarter to call up Burisma for another cash injection.

The REAL truth is....both of the forum idiots are OWNED.
-BOTH of them have no clue who their owner is.
-They are both card carrying narcissists.
^These are PROVED facts.
 01/31/2023 07:34 PM
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Sandi is a much better person than Gary Lee.

Well done sandi, keep it up.

I was right.

Edited: 01/31/2023 at 07:34 PM by Cole
 01/31/2023 09:27 PM
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Originally posted by: Fish Killer

NEW: Hunter Biden Threatened an Assistant to Extract Sex From Her, Joe Biden Remains Silent

By Bonchie | 8:30 PM on January 31, 2023

NEW: Hunter Biden Threatened an Assistant to Extract Sex From Her, Joe Biden Remains Silent

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The saga of Hunter Biden just keeps getting worse and worse, and a new report from The Daily Mail may be one of the most disgusting revelations yet.

According to the report, President Joe Biden's son threatened one of his assistants in order to secure sex from her over FaceTime, taking advantage of the fact that she was "cash-strapped" and trying to make a rent payment.

Hunter Biden threatened one of his cash-strapped young female staffers with withholding her pay if she didn't FaceTime him for sex.

Shocking texts between the President's son, 52, and his young assistant, who was 29 at the time, show Hunter asking for video sex sessions and sending her cash via Apple Pay after she pleaded that she was struggling to make rent.

The woman, who DailyMail.com has chosen not to identify, worked as an assistant at Hunter's law firm, Owasco, in 2018 and 2019. She is the fourth employee he is known to have had a sexual relationship with.

It needs to be said: Hunter Biden is a predator.

He's not just a troubled man who dealt with an addiction problem. He's a sociopathic degenerate who sought out and preyed on women nearly half his age. He used his position of power to secure sexual relationships with staffers, had multiple affairs (including with his brother's wife and her sister), and then tried to skip out on child support payments when he got one of the women he abused pregnant.

The response from the left will be that Hunter Biden doesn't hold office. That's true, but he is the son of the most powerful man on earth, and that means something. Why? Because how someone responds to disgraceful behavior matters.

It's not enough to say that Hunter Biden isn't president. We've long passed the point where the expectation should be that Joe Biden and Jill Biden outright condemn their son's predatory escapades. To not do so represents tacit approval, especially since Hunter Biden is allowed to prance around the White House and ride on Air Force One, never mind his financial entanglements with his family.

For all the talk of the supposed decency of the Biden family, a line pushed ad nauseam during the 2020 campaign, the failure to even acknowledge Hunter Biden's abuses is a colossal moral failure by the president and his wife. Unfortunately, it's not surprising given these are the same two people who have disowned a young granddaughter that resulted from their son's behavior.

In fact, throughout this ordeal, Joe and Jill Biden have consistently defended their son, pretending that he's been unfairly maligned. It's one thing to not openly attack one's son in public. It's another to offer excuses and blame others for his deplorable behavior. The Biden family has chosen the latter path, and in doing so, they've revealed there's no decency among them.

well done magascum. change the subject. we're talking about some ladies Tesla.. Try to keep up, mr. high iq.

 02/01/2023 03:14 AM
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 02/01/2023 06:21 AM
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Originally posted by: Cole

Well off Liberals are your best customer.

Musk attacks well off Liberals.

LOL...Ya can't make this shit up!

What did Musk do to "attack" liberals? You mean he said something that they might disagree with? Is that what "attacking" is these days?

Show me where he hurt you. LOL

"The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul," - George Bernard Shaw

“End of quote. Repeat the line.” - wise words from Joe Biden

“Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer” ~ Rick Sanchez
 02/01/2023 06:52 AM
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Originally posted by: Sniper

Originally posted by: Cole

Well off Liberals are your best customer.

Musk attacks well off Liberals.

LOL...Ya can't make this shit up!

What did Musk do to "attack" liberals? You mean he said something that they might disagree with? Is that what "attacking" is these days?

Show me where he hurt you. LOL

I am not a Tesla target and have disliked the man's business practices for years. The idea that he smoked weed and acted cool had zero effect on my opinion of him. He treats his employees poorly and I find that distasteful. As per Tesla, check their latest business outlook if you doubt me.

I was right.
 02/01/2023 06:59 AM
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Originally posted by: Cole

Originally posted by: Sniper

Originally posted by: Cole

Well off Liberals are your best customer.

Musk attacks well off Liberals.

LOL...Ya can't make this shit up!

What did Musk do to "attack" liberals? You mean he said something that they might disagree with? Is that what "attacking" is these days?

Show me where he hurt you. LOL

I am not a Tesla target and have disliked the man's business practices for years. The idea that he smoked weed and acted cool had zero effect on my opinion of him. He treats his employees poorly and I find that distasteful. As per Tesla, check their latest business outlook if you doubt me.

Stop trying to bullshit. Twitter was the plaything that the DNC, the FBI, and the media were using to accomplish things together and Musk took it away. Now they are all throwing temper tantrums like f'ing toddlers. Sorry he took your toy away.

"The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul," - George Bernard Shaw

“End of quote. Repeat the line.” - wise words from Joe Biden

“Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer” ~ Rick Sanchez
 02/01/2023 07:11 AM
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Never had a twitter account. Most people don't.

You are making something out of nothing.

I was right.
 02/01/2023 07:13 AM
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Musk is a businessman. Why would you want to do away with half your business by spouting politics?

I was right.
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