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Topic Title: Trump Doubles Down On Efforts To Fix Flint's Broken Water System
Topic Summary: Awwwwww...darn...another Trump achievement...
Created On: 10/13/2018 04:35 PM
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 10/13/2018 04:35 PM
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Fish Killer

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Trump Doubles Down On Efforts To Fix Flint's Broken Water System
2:28 PM 10/12/2018 | Energy
Jason Hopkins | Energy Investigator

President Donald Trump is widely expected to sign comprehensive water infrastructure legislation that carries strong support among both parties.

The Senate passed America's Water Infrastructure Act by a near-unanimous margin on Wednesday, with 99 senators voting in support of the measure and only one lawmaker voting against it. The bill, if signed into law, would green-light more than $6 billion in federal spending on harbors, waterways, ports and other projects.

"America's Water Infrastructure Act is a major step toward meeting the challenge of improving our nation's infrastructure," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tweeted on Wednesday. "From dams, levees, and flood control to safer drinking water and sewage systems, this legislation meets all sorts of pressing needs."

The bill also calls on the federal government to discontinue funding water projects that have been deemed inefficient; doles out billions to the Environmental Protection Agency so it can improve drinking water; and mandates the prioritization of low-income communities when testing for lead poisoning.

"President Trump called on Congress to take action on the country's water infrastructure and we have done that today," said Republican Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, the chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and sponsor of the bill.

Notably, America's Water Infrastructure Act also brings more aid to the city of Flint, Michigan, where residents are still dealing with the fallout of lead poisoning in their drinking water - the situation has long been characterized by critics as an example of the government's lack of concern for minority communities.

In addition to prioritizing low-income areas, the bill extends a federal program specifically geared toward improving Flint's drinking water. The EPA will go a step further by requiring each regional office to employ at least one employee to serve as a "point person" for low-income, minority and tribal communities.

"This legislation invests in the critical water infrastructure we don't see every day, but that American families in every state rely on, such as drinking water systems, dams, reservoirs, levees, and ports," said Delaware Democratic Sen. Tom Carper, a ranking member of the Environment and Public Works Committee.

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 10/13/2018 05:58 PM
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Remember the whole Republican obstruction thing?


It takes Democrats to work across party lines. Vote Blue in November.

I was right.
 10/13/2018 06:40 PM
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Fish Killer

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Originally posted by: Cole

Remember the whole Republican obstruction thing?


It takes Democrats to work across party lines. Vote Blue in November.


"Republicans objected and said a large tax increase on business was not the right economic plan. They want to create a new "deficit neutral reserve fund" to supplement federal infrastructure spending."

Large tax increases on buisnesses DONT WORK!

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 10/13/2018 07:30 PM
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Can you point me to this 'deficit neutral reserve fund'?

...or are they just adding it to the debt?

I was right.
 10/13/2018 07:45 PM
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Fish Killer

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Originally posted by: Cole

Can you point me to this 'deficit neutral reserve fund'?

...or are they just adding it to the debt?


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 10/13/2018 07:50 PM
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For this case you fucking retard.

I was right.
 10/13/2018 08:03 PM
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Fish Killer

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Originally posted by: Cole

For this case you fucking retard.

Listen you MORON......

When Obama took office there was a debt of $10.626 trillion dollars.

Obama ADDED $9.3 Trillion dollars!

Obamas total national debt was $19.926 Trillion dollars when he left office!

Today the national debt is $21.625 Trillion dollars!

That means that Trump has ADDED $1.699 Trillion dollars SINCE HE HAS BEEN IN OFFICE!


"Former President Barack Obama has left office having added $9.3 trillion to the national debt, the Washington Free Beacon reported. When Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the outstanding public debt totaled $10.626 trillion."
Total= 19.926 Trillion dollars.

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Edited: 10/13/2018 at 08:06 PM by Fish Killer
 10/13/2018 08:12 PM
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Um, this thread isn't about the debt, this is about Republicans using a deficit neutral reserve fund.

Why do they say one thing and do another?

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 10/13/2018 08:15 PM
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Fish Killer

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Originally posted by: Cole

Um, this thread isn't about the debt, this is about Republicans using a deficit neutral reserve fund.
Why do they say one thing and do another?

So now you are claiming that a 'deficit nutral reserve fund' has nothing to do with the debt?!?!

You are as stupid as a box of rocks!


You're an IDIOT!

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 10/13/2018 08:27 PM
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Stay on point moron, we are talking about the line you posted, which is below.

"Republicans objected and said a large tax increase on business was not the right economic plan. They want to create a new "deficit neutral reserve fund" to supplement federal infrastructure spending."

Are they doing it deficit neutral or are they adding it to the debt.

I was right.
 10/13/2018 08:32 PM
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Fish Killer

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Originally posted by: Cole

Stay on point moron, we are talking about the line you posted, which is below.

"Republicans objected and said a large tax increase on business was not the right economic plan. They want to create a new "deficit neutral reserve fund" to supplement federal infrastructure spending."

Are they doing it deficit neutral or are they adding it to the debt.

I posted that in RESPONSE to your post above^^^^...NOT my post!




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Edited: 10/13/2018 at 08:34 PM by Fish Killer
 10/13/2018 08:33 PM
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Wait a second, $6 billion? It will cost $1.5 billion for Flint alone?

More much ado about nothing?

I was right.
 10/13/2018 08:36 PM
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Fish Killer

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Originally posted by: Cole

Wait a second, $6 billion? It will cost $1.5 billion for Flint alone?
More much ado about nothing?

Awwwwww...darn...another Trump achievement...


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