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Topic Title: Charlie Watts 1941-2021
Topic Summary: Roling Stones Drummer. R.I.P.
Created On: 08/24/2021 10:30 AM
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 08/24/2021 10:30 AM
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Central Floridave

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Bummer. Was recently announced he would not tour with the stones due to being sick.

Edited: 08/24/2021 at 10:34 AM by Central Floridave
 08/24/2021 01:31 PM
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Another legend RIP....seems we are running out of them.

So if you are a surfer I wish you the prosperity that allows you more time to pursue the salt water dream, and the true happiness that comes from warm water, clean waves and the companionship of your fellow surfers. If you are an internet troll just spewing bs then f off.
 08/24/2021 04:18 PM
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"Another legend RIP....seems we are running out of them." Absolutely true. But, then it was true when our parents, and grandparents, said the same thing about their superstars. Sucks, but it just shows that we are getting old. Our kids will say the same thing in 50 years.
 08/24/2021 05:45 PM
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Central Floridave

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Let's hope we are all in the Club 80 rather than the 27 club like other rock stars, i.e. hendrix, joplin, cobain and many more.

It's better to burn out than fade away?
 08/25/2021 06:50 AM
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Mick jagger has 8 kids from 4 women. The oldest is 51 and the youngest is 5. Charlie watts was married to the same woman the whole time. Pretty amazing feat for a rock star.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 08/26/2021 04:55 AM
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From Joe Ely's wife Sharon:

Written by Sharon Ely

He served me a cup of tea
It was my birthday , November 8th ... around 1989 ...Bobby Keyes, one of the Rolling stones great saxophone players had invited Joe and me to the Rolling stones concert in Houston that night... Bobby was also a member of the Joe Ely band at that time .Bobby was a great friend to Joe and he had invited us to come to Houston to see him play with the Rolling Stones It was pure luck that the concert fell on my birthday. Joe and I was escorted backstage before the show. the backstage was more like a fancy suite with a banquet of food and flowers everywhere. couches and marble tables to set your food and drinks on. low light from the decorative lamps sitting on the end tables at the end of the couches facing each other. it was all very comfortable and elegant. Joe and i were alone in the room for awhile waiting for Bobby Keyes to show up. then Joe disappeared for a little bit to go find Bobby. I was sitting there by myself on the couch in my new red taffeta dress . There was a man there in the room dressed in all white suit,..He was cleaning up the tables and picking stuff up. He asked if i would like a drink. I told him I did not drink ...so he asked me if I would like a cup of tea. I said yes, that would be very nice., thank you . he kindly came back with the wooden box of sorted teas and let me choose my favorite english breakfast teas. He came back with a teapot, a cup and saucer and the tea brewing in the pot. he also brought a creamer with milk and a sugar bowl.i felt like a queen being served afternoon tea. I thanked him . I appreciated his kindness..shortly thereafter Joe and Bobby and Kieth came rumbling into the peaceful back room where i had been sitting quietly enjoying the tea ceremony. Bobby, Kieth and Joe sat across from me playing riffs on the guitar and laughing telling jokes and drinking their drinks.....Bobby asked if I had met Charlie watts, and he pointed to the man in the white suit .I laughed surprisingly and realized he was one of the rolling stones and not the waiter who i thought he was.
Keith and Bobby left to go get dressed for the show. charlie sat to one side of the room reading. He was already dressed for the show in his white suit. Joe and I sat again in the backstage by ourselves. we got up and went over to the banquet table overflowing with every kind of incredible food one could imagine.there was even a giant ice sculpture . I wondered how the rolling stones could possibly eat all that food before their show.Joe usually did not like to eat before his performances.anyway as we scanned the food selection, and was about to load our plates, suddenly Mick Jagger and his wife ,came in and shook Joe's and my hand and kinda did a curtsy to us as they said hello......but after the mng waved them over to the royal guests at the other side of the room they suddenly realized we were not the royal guests that they were required to meet.. We were quite honored to be welcomed so graciously by Mick and his wife , even though we were the wrong royal guests they were expecting to meet.
We sat there at the couch and coffee table eating our food and I sipped the last of my cup of tea and then here comes Bobby and Keith all dressed for the show. Bobby asked if we wanted to meet Mick. Joe and i tried to explain we already met him by mistake , because he thought we were royal guests...but it was too hard to explain that so we finally just said yes we would like to meet Mick..... so Bobby takes us through the door to where they were finishing Mick'''s make up and hair. Mick stood up from the makeup stand He was all dressed in his stage outfit , which consisted of yellow skin tights and a purple scarf. and nothing else. except some little white slippers . frankly I was shocked at how he was dressed... bobby introduced joe and me to him . we laughed about our earlier meeting...and when bobby introduced me and Mick shook my hand ,all i could think to say to Mick was " nice pants"
 08/26/2021 10:11 AM
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One of the real class acts of the music industry.
There's a terrific documentary floating around on the net called "Charlie is my darling" about the stones in about '66 that has some great interviews with him, i'll try to link it.


 08/26/2021 05:00 PM
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Saw them once in '81 Tangerine Bowl O'town.. Put on a great show!! Mick def the most active - not that I can remember much of it in great detail.. Wasn't real close to the stage but def experience and see one of the true 'super-groups' in action.. Not that I'm inti them but Van Halen w/ DL Roth warm up were also pretty good..

Can't beleive when I heard they are still touring.. This Oct 29 Tampa.. Wow.. Talk about one of the few supergroups that have kept together for this many years.. 2021 - 1962 = 59 years! Most serious rock stars don't even live that long!!

There are NO white people at all in the Bible... take all the time you need with that...
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 08/29/2021 09:32 AM
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Central Floridave

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 08/31/2021 12:02 PM
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Originally posted by: surfsail

Saw them once in '81 Tangerine Bowl O'town.. Put on a great show!! Mick def the most active - not that I can remember much of it in great detail.. Wasn't real close to the stage but def experience and see one of the true 'super-groups' in action.. Not that I'm inti them but Van Halen w/ DL Roth warm up were also pretty good..

Can't beleive when I heard they are still touring.. This Oct 29 Tampa.. Wow.. Talk about one of the few supergroups that have kept together for this many years.. 2021 - 1962 = 59 years! Most serious rock stars don't even live that long!!

I was at that show also. Henry Paul Band (grew up in Tampa & was in The Outlaws) opened and then Van Halen (with David Lee) played

"Most people would die sooner than think; in fact, they do." - Bertrand Russell

"Morality is doing what is right, regardless of what you are told. Religion is doing what you are told, regardless of what is right.

If I do not answer you .... nothing personal, I just have you on ignore.
 09/28/2021 11:30 AM
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Central Floridave

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The Show Must Go On!

Watch the Rolling Stones Open 'No Filter' Tour With Moving Charlie Watts Tribute

 10/04/2021 01:25 PM
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Originally posted by: LBLarry
Originally posted by: surfsail Saw them once in '81 Tangerine Bowl O'town.. Put on a great show!! Mick def the most active - not that I can remember much of it in great detail.. Wasn't real close to the stage but def experience and see one of the true 'super-groups' in action.. Not that I'm inti them but Van Halen w/ DL Roth warm up were also pretty good.. Can't beleive when I heard they are still touring.. This Oct 29 Tampa.. Wow.. Talk about one of the few supergroups that have kept together for this many years.. 2021 - 1962 = 59 years! Most serious rock stars don't even live that long!!
I was at that show also. Henry Paul Band (grew up in Tampa & was in The Outlaws) opened and then Van Halen (with David Lee) played
Was there also! Tickets were $15 ...plus.60c "tax adjusts" & excellent show!
 11/01/2021 07:04 AM
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Central Floridave

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I had a couple friends attend the stones in tampa on Friday. they both said it was a great show and they played for 3+ hours. I've also watched a couple live youtube vids from last week shows.

How can Rock Hall of Famers go on after losing a key bandmate? Lessons for the Rolling Stones
Jon Bream, Star Tribune 4 days ago

MINNEAPOLIS - The Who did it. ZZ Top did it. Now the Rolling Stones are doing it.

 11/03/2021 07:49 AM
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Central Floridave

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 11/03/2021 02:52 PM
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Central Floridave

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 03/20/2022 05:27 PM
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Central Floridave

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 03/26/2022 12:44 PM
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What's the most amazing thing to me is that Keith Richards is not only with us, but very alive and kicking..

With his legendary abuse of the hard stuff, thought he would have gone way before Jimi, Janis, Morrison etc..

He seems to pop up on youtube regularly - doing more than just talking..

There are NO white people at all in the Bible... take all the time you need with that...
Please stop feeding the trolls - they will go away if you do...

 08/22/2022 05:30 PM
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Central Floridave

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Sounding pretty good:

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