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Topic Title: Landed on head, afraid of going to dr, back hurts, broken?
Topic Summary: Landed on head, afraid of going to dr, back hurts, broken?
Created On: 07/23/2017 12:55 PM
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 07/23/2017 12:55 PM
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I landed farhead first, perpendicular to the ground, heard lower back crunch tear when i was in ther water, i was shocked i was alive. I need to avoid bad beach breaks, only injury in my life in the water, in easily 3000 surfing sessions. Does anyone with experience know if this could be a broken back? the first hour out of the water i stood in disbelief that i had no pain. then after 1.5 hrs lower back starts hurting when reaching stooping, some sitting pain, better when walking, no limb tingling or numbness, the lower back about 5 inches up is the spot, its on the spine tender to the touch. it does go away once or twice a day for a couple minutes so im hoping its just another disk issue, ive had two already, or muslce. Does anyone think it could be a broken bone?
 07/23/2017 01:29 PM
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If this happened recently. Go see a doctor. If this Happened more than a week ago Go see a doctor

Medical peace of mind is not found on 2ndlight.

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 07/23/2017 01:30 PM
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And let us know how it turns out. Hoping for the best for you brother

I type on fone 99% of time. Let the typos slyde. Thanks
 07/23/2017 02:22 PM
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Several years ago, I crunched my neck.  After thinking about it for an hour or so, took it to the emergency room.  CT scan showed no bone damage, just muscle strain/sprain, which meant no panic when the left trapezius muscle, a huge sheet that connects back side of shoulder to neck and spine, began having spasms, limiting my use of the shoulder for a while.  That problem went away.  I could have gotten away with not going to the ER, but the visit was warranted.  

That's a different problem to yours, but yours looks likely to be more serious.  If at all possible, you should get yourself examined.  

BTW, the other guy in the ER that Saturday had an encounter with a Weed Eater.  

 07/23/2017 03:38 PM
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If you feel pain as you are go to the ER. No one in this site can diagnose an individual issue without proper Medical Education and attention.  Dropsolo is spot on. Do not F##k around.


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 07/23/2017 03:40 PM
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I did this too two years ago, I was surprised I wasn't more injured but an X-ray was done to be sure.  My neck was hurting for a while.  Get an x ray to be sure there isn't more extensive damage.  



 07/23/2017 05:19 PM
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Um....go to the Emergency room.  Hopefully, you will get xrays and nothing is broken.  Follow up with your Primary Phyisican and if you are still symptomatic possible MRI for disc hernation.


Waiting for waves is ok......most people spend their lives waiting for nothing.

 07/23/2017 05:24 PM
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It could be a lot of things... definitely need to go to a doctor  for xrays asap... And, I hope all is ok and youre able to get back in the water soon - perhaps just hang on till late August when the storms come so it'll be working outside and can avoid beachbreak! I had a similar fall years back, nothing serious thank God, but ever since I avoid surfing 2' crap breaking is knee deep -  if I'm gonna take that risk gonna be over a reef in South Pacific...


get up early and go surf - it'll make that hangover go away and/or make the workday more tolerable :)

 07/23/2017 05:58 PM
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When did this happen? If it was in the last day or so , go to the ER. If it was more than a week ago, go to your primary or a walk in clinic. It is called the emergency room for a reason.
 07/23/2017 06:14 PM
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This happend friday morning. I have extreme dislike for the hospital...I was in the hospital for the 1st time in feb for being assaulted, just one night...if i wasn;t bleeding i wouldnt of went. I am afraid to go to hospital and have them say..oh backs cracked you need to stay here till surgery in 2 days..etc..I guess i took chance waiting this long. Ill see what primary doctor thinks tomorrow.
 07/23/2017 08:13 PM
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Back + crack = bad

100% go see the doctor, you might be doing yourself some real, permanent damage.

I was right.
 07/24/2017 04:15 AM
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Originally posted by: wasupfools

This happend friday morning. I have extreme dislike for the hospital...I was in the hospital for the 1st time in feb for being assaulted, just one night...if i wasn;t bleeding i wouldnt of went. I am afraid to go to hospital and have them say..oh backs cracked you need to stay here till surgery in 2 days..etc..I guess i took chance waiting this long. Ill see what primary doctor thinks tomorrow.

Fine, like I said we're just strangers on here. Don't have to go to the hospital but go see a doctor. Preferably your primary and not the walk in clinic. And demand you be seen asap.

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 07/24/2017 07:22 AM
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Do NOT let anyone rush you into back surgery. You have been moving for four days so unless you have foot drop or have lost control of bodily functions, you can get more than one opinion. Surgery is not always your best option.
 07/24/2017 07:40 AM
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What everyone else has said, plus don't let a chiropractor move anything unless you've gotten a proper diagnosis, ideally from an orthopedic specialist, with X-rays and MRI if possible.

A primary doc's referral should at least get you in to an ortho specialist quickly if it's serious.

In the mean time, you could see if icing helps. Inflammation can aggravate (and accompany) almost any injury.

Good luck. If you need cash for a MRI or deductible, we'll take up a collection. Some of the MRI centers offer discounts for people doing cash payments without insurance.
 07/24/2017 08:05 AM
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Don't cheap out when it comes to your back. Stop all physical activity and get to an orthopedist immediately (either by calling if you already have one or through a referral from your primary). They'll most likely give you an x-ray first, and if that's inconclusive an MRI. You can't treat it effectively if you don't know what you're dealing with. In the mean time some Ibuprofen may help for inflammation (provided you've taken it before without issues). Disclaimer- I'm no medical professional but have been through a broken back injury.
 07/24/2017 08:23 AM
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Originally posted by: wasupfools I landed farhead first, perpendicular to the ground, heard lower back crunch tear when i was in ther water, i was shocked i was alive. I need to avoid bad beach breaks, only injury in my life in the water, in easily 3000 surfing sessions. Does anyone with experience know if this could be a broken back? the first hour out of the water i stood in disbelief that i had no pain. then after 1.5 hrs lower back starts hurting when reaching stooping, some sitting pain, better when walking, no limb tingling or numbness, the lower back about 5 inches up is the spot, its on the spine tender to the touch. it does go away once or twice a day for a couple minutes so im hoping its just another disk issue, ive had two already, or muslce. Does anyone think it could be a broken bone?

I've done that a few times in my illustious surfing career. More or less the same results. I didn't go to the doctor and everything went away after a few weeks. Like you, I avoid doctors and, especially, hospitals unless I am absolutely sure that I am on my death bed. But, that is admittedly stupid. You should go to a doctor. Probably isn't anything, but if it is, the next jolt you get could paralyze you.

I :heart; Q
 07/24/2017 08:37 AM
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Wasupfools, check your PM's.


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 07/24/2017 01:51 PM
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Whats up Doc, I mean fool. This is a 2nd light medical treatment. Grind a Rhino horn into powder, cut up a bat wing, pour the incredients into a fin box, drink with prune jucie. Click your heels together 3 times and say"there is no place like second light". Place a shell to your ear and if you hear the ocean, your back is broke. lLet me know if this treatment works. I am jumping out of a plane at 10,000 feet without a chute. they told me "worst case scenerio, a sprain ankle".

 07/24/2017 01:56 PM
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Originally posted by: tpapablo

Originally posted by: wasupfools I landed farhead first, perpendicular to the ground, heard lower back crunch tear when i was in ther water, i was shocked i was alive. I need to avoid bad beach breaks, only injury in my life in the water, in easily 3000 surfing sessions. Does anyone with experience know if this could be a broken back? the first hour out of the water i stood in disbelief that i had no pain. then after 1.5 hrs lower back starts hurting when reaching stooping, some sitting pain, better when walking, no limb tingling or numbness, the lower back about 5 inches up is the spot, its on the spine tender to the touch. it does go away once or twice a day for a couple minutes so im hoping its just another disk issue, ive had two already, or muslce. Does anyone think it could be a broken bone?

I've done that a few times in my illustious surfing career. More or less the same results. I didn't go to the doctor and everything went away after a few weeks. Like you, I avoid doctors and, especially, hospitals unless I am absolutely sure that I am on my death bed. But, that is admittedly stupid. You should go to a doctor. Probably isn't anything, but if it is, the next jolt you get could paralyze you.

Based on your NSR diatribes I have no doubt you are telling the truth about falling on your head multiple times and that the damage was worse than you think.

Replace turf grass with native plants that don't need irrigation and synthetic fertilizers or chemicals that can go into our waterways and ocean

 07/24/2017 02:59 PM
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Just check out NSR and you'll see how well Tpapablowhard fared from his headplants.

Learn from his tragedy and get a catscan STAT

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