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Topic Title: How many of you libs are simply "sneering at your parents"?
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Created On: 07/30/2015 06:44 AM
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 How many of you libs are simply "sneering at your parents"?   - Sniper - 07/30/2015 06:44 AM  
 How many of you libs are simply "sneering at your parents"?   - tpapablo - 07/30/2015 07:34 AM  
 How many of you libs are simply   - RustyTruck - 07/30/2015 07:38 AM  
 How many of you libs are simply   - Greensleeves - 07/30/2015 07:58 AM  
 How many of you libs are simply   - tpapablo - 07/30/2015 08:07 AM  
 How many of you libs are simply   - Sniper - 07/30/2015 08:20 AM  
 How many of you libs are simply "sneering at your parents"?   - scombrid - 07/30/2015 08:35 AM  
 How many of you libs are simply   - RustyTruck - 07/30/2015 09:01 AM  
 How many of you libs are simply   - follydude - 07/30/2015 01:26 PM  
 How many of you libs are simply   - Cole - 07/31/2015 05:54 AM  
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 07/30/2015 06:44 AM
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Interesting read, written by a liberal worth listening to.

"The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul," - George Bernard Shaw

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 07/30/2015 07:34 AM
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I view Paglia more as a lib, as opposed to a prog. She largely stands up for traditional liberal values.

I :heart; Q
 07/30/2015 07:38 AM
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Paglia? Really? Not someone I would expect you to pay any attention to. She's kind of a cranky obnoxious lesbian atheist.
Good for you stepping out of your typical zone.

Interesting read, but she comes across as arrogant to me. Maybe a bit jealous of Jon Stewart's success. I love Stewart, and I like the fact that he is self effacing and doesn't hesitate to criticize liberals and democrats as well as R's.
I don't take him as smug, snarky, or superior at all.

I don't know about "sneering at parents", it's a curious idea but I don't really think it's valid on a large scale. Personally I go to great lengths not to be politically confrontational with my parents out of respect.

There is a lot of inflexibility on the left/liberal side that is masked with an false air of open mindedness and inclusion. That's quite true. But it doesn't absolve the right of it's associations with intolerance.

Overall I think she's a self absorbed intellectual "shock jock". Howard Stern with a PhD.

What did you get out of it?

"Bees don't waste their time explaining to flies that honey is better than shit"
 07/30/2015 07:58 AM
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That from a "brilliant cultural critic"?   Gleaned from the article, she doesn't like snark and John Stewart.  Oh yeah and the old ways are better.  I bet in part two she talks about Bill Buckley! Wow!

My Dad is a retired Navy pilot and my Mom is working class amazing.  Both are the strongest examples of how to live your life that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.   My Mom told 4 year old me in 64 that she was voting for Lyndon Johnson and that he was a Democrat.   That was that!



 07/30/2015 08:07 AM
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Originally posted by: RustyTruck Paglia? Really? Not someone I would expect you to pay any attention to. She's kind of a cranky obnoxious lesbian atheist. Good for you stepping out of your typical zone. Interesting read, but she comes across as arrogant to me. Maybe a bit jealous of Jon Stewart's success. I love Stewart, and I like the fact that he is self effacing and doesn't hesitate to criticize liberals and democrats as well as R's. I don't take him as smug, snarky, or superior at all. I don't know about "sneering at parents", it's a curious idea but I don't really think it's valid on a large scale. Personally I go to great lengths not to be politically confrontational with my parents out of respect. There is a lot of inflexibility on the left/liberal side that is masked with an false air of open mindedness and inclusion. That's quite true. But it doesn't absolve the right of it's associations with intolerance. Overall I think she's a self absorbed intellectual "shock jock". Howard Stern with a PhD. What did you get out of it?

Nothing. I agree with her on some that stuff. I agree with her, for example, that Stewart is an unfunny ass who is only liked by losers. But, I didn't need her to tell me that.

I :heart; Q
 07/30/2015 08:20 AM
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Originally posted by: RustyTruck Paglia? Really? Not someone I would expect you to pay any attention to. She's kind of a cranky obnoxious lesbian atheist. Good for you stepping out of your typical zone. Interesting read, but she comes across as arrogant to me. Maybe a bit jealous of Jon Stewart's success. I love Stewart, and I like the fact that he is self effacing and doesn't hesitate to criticize liberals and democrats as well as R's. I don't take him as smug, snarky, or superior at all. I don't know about "sneering at parents", it's a curious idea but I don't really think it's valid on a large scale. Personally I go to great lengths not to be politically confrontational with my parents out of respect. There is a lot of inflexibility on the left/liberal side that is masked with an false air of open mindedness and inclusion. That's quite true. But it doesn't absolve the right of it's associations with intolerance. Overall I think she's a self absorbed intellectual "shock jock". Howard Stern with a PhD. What did you get out of it?

Her first few paragraphs do a good job at pointing out the childish behavior of most atheists these days, similar to many on this forum. The people salivating to tear down the beliefs of others and having to do a clean-up job on their keyboard when they think they have successfully done so.

Who knows, I could be an atheist but I respect other people's traditions too much to be lumped in with the angry group that most often self-identifies as being atheists.

I like that she is an atheist who is still interested in religion and spirtuality. She doesn't view people's spirituality as fairy tails and doesn't accuse anyone who doesn't worship science of being an idiot.

"The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul," - George Bernard Shaw

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f—k things up.” - Barack Obama

“End of quote. Repeat the line.” - wise words from Joe Biden
 07/30/2015 08:35 AM
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I certainly don't sneer at my parents or grand parents.

My mom was one of those indispensible secretaries that pretty much ran the construction company where she worked her 30 some year career. She was dispatcher, permit puller, bid writer, payroll calculator...

Dad is a PhD in ichthyology that was a college professor for 40 years. He had me out on the creek hand-lining blue crabs before I could walk and from high school through grad school he, my brother, and I cobia fished every weekend in the summer and fished for stripers right into the winter.

My Dad's dad was one of those old school stodgy conservatives that was respectible in every way unlike the intemperate rednecks that are these days pretending to be conservatives.


 07/30/2015 09:01 AM
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Well, I'm off to watch Jon Stewart on DVR as is my mid day lunch tradition. Not sure what I'll do after next week, maybe have to see what John Oliver is up to.

Paglia is boring and irrelevant, and there is still no god, at least in the form promoted by the big three marketing departments.

Everybody be nice to your folks.

"Bees don't waste their time explaining to flies that honey is better than shit"
 07/30/2015 01:26 PM
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I like 'Stream of Consciousness' writing!

 07/31/2015 05:54 AM
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Who is Camille Paglia?

Why should I value her opinion?

I was right.
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