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Topic Title: Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze
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Created On: 09/22/2010 07:00 AM
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 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - Cocheech - 09/22/2010 07:00 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - jdbman - 09/22/2010 11:50 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - Bamboo - 07/29/2015 04:43 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - Sniper - 07/29/2015 05:40 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - WG - 07/29/2015 06:14 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - Bamboo - 07/29/2015 07:57 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - 3rdworldlover - 07/29/2015 08:06 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - Bamboo - 07/29/2015 08:38 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - theglide - 07/29/2015 08:40 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - jdbman - 07/29/2015 08:50 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - theglide - 07/29/2015 08:54 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - RustyTruck - 07/29/2015 05:39 PM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - follydude - 07/29/2015 06:56 PM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - Bamboo - 07/30/2015 04:27 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - follydude - 07/30/2015 06:00 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - RustyTruck - 07/30/2015 07:48 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - Bamboo - 07/30/2015 08:40 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - crankit - 07/30/2015 11:15 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - Bamboo - 07/30/2015 12:37 PM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - follydude - 07/30/2015 01:18 PM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - jdbman - 07/30/2015 01:21 PM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - Bamboo - 07/31/2015 10:55 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - bob3000 - 11/20/2015 07:50 PM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - WG - 11/20/2015 07:57 PM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - bob3000 - 11/21/2015 05:02 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - RustyTruck - 07/31/2015 01:07 PM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - Bamboo - 11/20/2015 08:38 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - follydude - 11/20/2015 10:57 AM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - pompano - 11/20/2015 12:30 PM  
 Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze   - RustyTruck - 11/20/2015 05:47 PM  
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 09/22/2010 07:00 AM
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...Pollard's supporters in Israel and the US have tried to portray his actions as motivated by loyalty to the Jewish state. However, that position has been undermined because he was paid for the information and the FBI has claimed he also sold secrets to apartheid South Africa and attempted to pass them to Pakistan.

Pollard began passing US secrets to Aviem Sella, an Israeli military officer, in 1984 in return for cash and jewellery. He was caught the following year having passed tens of thousands of pages of documents. The full extent of the damage done by Pollard to US intelligence interests has not been made public but he is known to have given Israel comprehensive details of the US's global electronic surveillance network. Pollard was jailed for life under a plea agreement and his wife sentenced to five years in prison.

For more than a decade after Pollard was jailed, Israel denied that he was on its payroll, saying he was part of a rogue operation, even though it granted him citizenship in 1995....

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair
 09/22/2010 11:50 AM
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Israeli women in underware

So if you are a surfer I wish you the prosperity that allows you more time to pursue the salt water dream, and the true happiness that comes from warm water, clean waves and the companionship of your fellow surfers. If you are an internet troll just spewing bs then f off.
 07/29/2015 04:43 AM
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Looks like the traitor Jonathan Pollard who spied on the USA for Israel will be paroled in November 2015. 

He served his time, so his release is fair.  But, I hope they don't waive the requirement that he remain in the USA for 5 years after his parol.







Jdbman - your post is no good without pictures. 

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
 07/29/2015 05:40 AM
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Screw Pollard. Did they let Cocheech out of Gitmo???

"The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul," - George Bernard Shaw

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“Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer” ~ Rick Sanchez
 07/29/2015 06:14 AM
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"The truth is incontrovertible.
malice may attack it,
ignorance may deride it,
but in the end,
there it is." -Sir Winston Churchill
 07/29/2015 07:57 AM
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Oh yeah, those soldiers definitely need some rigid discipline!    

Nice follow through, WG.    Jdbman was slacking. 


Like him or not, many of Cheech's posts turned out to have merit.  He was wrong about the no-basements-in-Florida thing, though.    

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
 07/29/2015 08:06 AM
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Ehhh, not too exciting
Maybe better if they switched out the matzah for frijoles

 07/29/2015 08:38 AM
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Improvise, adapt, and overcome. 

Where there is the will, there is a way.

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
 07/29/2015 08:40 AM
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I would be honored to go into the bush with them for some tactical training.
 07/29/2015 08:50 AM
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Crap, I thought cheech had returned. I was going to whack a mole him again.

Hey, many thanks for the TGIF on humpday.


Jb, bb, chup, braz, where are ya?

So if you are a surfer I wish you the prosperity that allows you more time to pursue the salt water dream, and the true happiness that comes from warm water, clean waves and the companionship of your fellow surfers. If you are an internet troll just spewing bs then f off.
 07/29/2015 08:54 AM
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Maybe Cheech is still here with a new username?
 07/29/2015 05:39 PM
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Jewish women are hot. There. I said it.

The American patriot professes love of his country while simultaneously hating 90% of its people.
 07/29/2015 06:56 PM
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... finally. a thread that doesn't end up arguing about gun control.

 07/30/2015 04:27 AM
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Follydude – focus….this is about Israel spying on the USA, not gun control.

 We need to get to the bottom of this. 

Although, posting pics of cute women is always good. 

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
 07/30/2015 06:00 AM
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... oh, that's right.

Bad, Israel!

 07/30/2015 07:48 AM
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Pollard should have been shot.

Now let's look at hot Israeli girls on trampolines.

The American patriot professes love of his country while simultaneously hating 90% of its people.
 07/30/2015 08:40 AM
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Concur -  then give the guy a Colombian Necktie and send him home to Israel. 

Also concur- hot Israeli girls on Trampolines would be nice.

Speaking of nice - here is an IDF selfie.  Gotta love the smile. 

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
 07/30/2015 11:15 AM
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But libs praised trading a deserter for 5 terrorists!

Romans 8;18-32 John 3;16-18; Ecl. 10-2
 07/30/2015 12:37 PM
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I'm sorry to hear that you are good with what Pollard did...spy on the USA for money.   Hope you never have to fill out an SF86 and/or take a poly test.

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV

Edited: 07/30/2015 at 12:59 PM by Bamboo
 07/30/2015 01:18 PM
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Originally posted by: crankit

But libs praised trading a deserter for 5 terrorists!

GOP Deity Ronnie Reagan and Ollie North sent 1,000's of TOW missiles, Hawk Anti-Air missiles, and mounds of spare parts and cash to the Dreaded Iranians.

... and Conservitards built an altar to Ollie.

Yeah, posting hot IDF chicks is better than this.

 07/30/2015 01:21 PM
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can this thread be pinned to the top...for some reason I keep coming back to it.

thank you cheech for starting this thread, whereever you are.

So if you are a surfer I wish you the prosperity that allows you more time to pursue the salt water dream, and the true happiness that comes from warm water, clean waves and the companionship of your fellow surfers. If you are an internet troll just spewing bs then f off.
 07/31/2015 10:55 AM
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If she was a spy, I'd seek her release....or even if she wasn't.  

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
 11/20/2015 07:50 PM
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Water dissolving...and water removing
There is water at the bottom of the ocean
 11/20/2015 07:57 PM
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Shirt them a-tear up, trousers is gone
I don't want to end up like Bonnie and Clyde
Poor me Israelite

"The truth is incontrovertible.
malice may attack it,
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but in the end,
there it is." -Sir Winston Churchill
 11/21/2015 05:02 AM
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5/5 WG. Thread hijacked(c wut i did ther?). Mods please move to Music section. tx.

Water dissolving...and water removing
There is water at the bottom of the ocean
 07/31/2015 01:07 PM
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I'd like to be in charge of the interrogation. I have ways of making her talk.

The American patriot professes love of his country while simultaneously hating 90% of its people.
 11/20/2015 08:38 AM
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The Israeli spy Pollard was released, and the condition that he stay in the US for five years was not waived. 



If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
 11/20/2015 10:57 AM
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His lawyers are crying that he must wear an ankle bracelet and have his communication monitored.

He should have been tried for treason and shot.

 11/20/2015 12:30 PM
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bracelet, hell, give him a full up electronics laden vest and send him to israel or somewhere nearby and let him loose in a market or afternoon mosque after giving him a bunch of hallucinogens on the plane ride over.

 11/20/2015 05:47 PM
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I don't like people who spy against the United States and I don't know why we pay Israel to do it. I would have had him shot and send him to bibi in a box.

The American patriot professes love of his country while simultaneously hating 90% of its people.
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