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Topic Title: New Neilson Surfboards website
Topic Summary: Support your local shaper
Created On: 08/31/2022 08:09 AM
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 New Neilson Surfboards website   - lawless - 08/31/2022 08:09 AM  
 New Neilson Surfboards website   - Greensleeves - 08/31/2022 09:24 AM  
 New Neilson Surfboards website   - tom - 08/31/2022 10:36 AM  
 New Neilson Surfboards website   - Cole - 09/01/2022 06:43 AM  
 New Neilson Surfboards website   - LBLarry - 09/02/2022 10:42 AM  
 New Neilson Surfboards website   - moody - 09/05/2022 10:27 AM  
 New Neilson Surfboards website   - oceanblue - 09/06/2022 06:57 PM  
 New Neilson Surfboards website   - Lounge-A-Rama - 09/07/2022 05:38 AM  
 New Neilson Surfboards website   - Greensleeves - 09/01/2022 11:21 AM  
 New Neilson Surfboards website   - Cole - 09/02/2022 09:03 AM  
 New Neilson Surfboards website   - lawless - 09/09/2022 10:53 AM  
 New Neilson Surfboards website   - OCSURFER32 - 09/11/2022 05:22 AM  
 New Neilson Surfboards website   - Tomtube - 09/22/2022 09:58 AM  
 New Neilson Surfboards website   - ww - 09/22/2022 11:19 AM  
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 08/31/2022 08:09 AM
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Posts: 3180
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Been a long time coming, but the Neilson Surfboards website finally got a refresh.

Go find your next board:

Current Inventory is all in stock and ready to buy off the rack (mostly through dealers, but hit Tom up if you see something you like):
 08/31/2022 09:24 AM
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Sickness! Easy to navigate with a resultant jones inevitable.

Edited: 08/31/2022 at 09:25 AM by Greensleeves
 08/31/2022 10:36 AM
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Interesting. I thought Mr. Neilson had retired. I've about worn out that fish he made for me...

add a signature since I'm here in profile anyway
 09/01/2022 06:43 AM
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Originally posted by: tom

Interesting. I thought Mr. Neilson had retired. I've about worn out that fish he made for me...

I was under the same impression?

I was right.
 09/02/2022 10:42 AM
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Originally posted by: tom

Interesting. I thought Mr. Neilson had retired. I've about worn out that fish he made for me...

I thought that Tom just got outta the retail shop part of the biz ..... which is the sucky part.

"Most people would die sooner than think; in fact, they do." - Bertrand Russell

"Morality is doing what is right, regardless of what you are told. Religion is doing what you are told, regardless of what is right.

If I do not answer you .... nothing personal, I just have you on ignore.
 09/05/2022 10:27 AM
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It's much easier to order a board; thank you!

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 09/06/2022 06:57 PM
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I'm stoked! Welcome back Tom!
 09/07/2022 05:38 AM
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The old shop that Tom's son was running is closed?

Life is a garden*Dig it!
 09/01/2022 11:21 AM
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He's makin' sticks and people's dreams come true!
 09/02/2022 09:03 AM
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Good! All that unused talent would be a horrible waste.

The more people we get off these damn foam boards the better.

I was right.
 09/09/2022 10:53 AM
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Lounge, yeah that shop is mostly just to run the Surf School classes out of during the summer and Tom said it's open a few random days a month but it's run by his son Noah.

The best way to reach Tom about a new board is through the website. It's got his email and phone #:

He's still shaping amazing boards!

Edited: 09/09/2022 at 11:00 AM by lawless
 09/11/2022 05:22 AM
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Last I heard he was shaping in Steve Forstalls shaping room next to Richie B room
 09/22/2022 09:58 AM
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Hey everyone Tom here I finally found my password so I can post on here again! Not retired but I did make an attempt at that notion! I had so many orders when I announced I retired that it took so long to get boards finished because of covid demand that I agreed to take another order, then another- since the other boards were going to take so long to finish! Then Tory Strange ordered ten boards and pretty much demanded I not retire! One thing led to another and I finally just gave up on the notion and simply kept shaping! Just this past Tuesday I worked form 8:30 to about 7:30 pm and realized that I really enjoyed shaping and now, air
brushing boards. In spite of the resin fumes, dust and other things you well here any craftsman complain about! So yeah, still making boards and guess it is going to be a lifelong passion this shaping, surfing, having fun lifestyle.

Go to tomneilsonshapes.com for a fun website to check out. Created by none other than David Lawless the web site guru...
 09/22/2022 11:19 AM
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Good for Tory Strange. He did very well by leasing that unwanted little gas station, long ago.
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