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Topic Title: garden beds
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Created On: 04/14/2023 02:21 PM
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 garden beds   - larenyon - 04/14/2023 02:21 PM  
 garden beds   - jedi - 04/15/2023 05:49 AM  
 garden beds   - Central Floridave - 04/15/2023 06:00 AM  
 garden beds   - Central Floridave - 04/15/2023 06:05 AM  
 garden beds   - garcia - 04/15/2023 07:59 AM  
 garden beds   - garcia - 04/15/2023 01:14 PM  
 garden beds   - garcia - 04/15/2023 01:15 PM  
 garden beds   - ww - 04/17/2023 03:36 AM  
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 04/14/2023 02:21 PM
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Posts: 313
Joined Forum: 10/19/2009

The wife and I want to plant some veggies and things like blueberry, etc. I was thinking of making a raised garden bed out of cedar about 8' x 4' x 1'. Pretty easy project, but what i was wondering... is it even worth it/necessary? We live in Mel Bch and have typical sand soil. I want to get started asap, so any advice is welcome. Also, are there any local websites besides 2nd,Ishtar that I can post questions like this (gardeners sites), or is everything thru social media, which I don't use?
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