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Topic Title: American Airlines Board Restrictions? Topic Summary: American Airlines Board Restrictions? Created On: 09/21/2024 08:20 AM |
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- coolchange | - 09/21/2024 08:20 AM |
- ww | - 09/21/2024 06:59 PM |
- coolchange | - 09/22/2024 10:48 AM |
- ww | - 09/22/2024 08:26 PM |
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09/21/2024 08:20 AM
Hey Folks-
has anyone recently tried to bring a long board on an AA flight? I just had a friend fly down to Mexico and the board got rejected.
They said the new restriction have a maximum 115 inches width and length that are now allowed on any flight?
This will knock out most , if not all 9 foot range long boards, SUP's, and multi board bags too- let me know if anyone has experienced this ? It's a game changer if indeed this is the new deaL.
Appreciate any insights- looking to go to centro next year and am a little wondering what the deal is- Cheers!
American Airlines Board Restrictions?
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