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Topic Title: DVT/Blood Clots got me
Topic Summary: how thin is your blood...
Created On: 02/03/2024 01:21 PM
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 DVT/Blood Clots got me   - pompano - 02/03/2024 01:21 PM  
 DVT/Blood Clots got me   - Central Floridave - 02/03/2024 04:16 PM  
 DVT/Blood Clots got me   - Quadro - 02/08/2024 11:18 AM  
 DVT/Blood Clots got me   - dingpatch - 02/08/2024 12:19 PM  
 DVT/Blood Clots got me   - ww - 02/08/2024 02:26 PM  
 DVT/Blood Clots got me   - CurtisEflush - 02/10/2024 09:08 PM  
 DVT/Blood Clots got me   - Cole - 02/10/2024 09:24 PM  
 DVT/Blood Clots got me   - pompano - 02/14/2024 02:30 PM  
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 02/03/2024 01:21 PM
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Joined Forum: 01/06/2005

On December 1st on a late drop to off the lip to landing in the flats I pulled my calf muscle deep inside. I paddled in shortly thereafter and did the stupid old guy trick of just ignoring it and limping around for a week. I thought I was better and started to get back to normal business and my foot swelled up so much I couldn't get it into my shoe. I kept wife at bay until then, went to clinic on 5th ave; went to get ultrasound; went straight to holmes regional for the weekend with a heparin drip due to extensive venous clots starting at my thigh and going to calf. I pushed it a couple of weeks ago when I was feeling about 90% and sure enough foot swelled up and hurt like hell. The hematologist is some guy off Malabar that said come back in June for blood tests. Don't do anything but walk and keep foot elevated. Anyone deal with this kind of thing? I was supposed to go to Costa in a couple months, but it's not looking positive.
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