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Topic Title: Out of Maximo / St Pete/ Tampa Bay 8/7/23
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Created On: 08/08/2023 07:28 AM
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 08/08/2023 07:28 AM
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Posts: 12279
Joined Forum: 07/28/2003

It was Owen's Birthday. Had to take him fishing. In shore fishing in most of Florida right now is difficult due to several factors:
* Its hot, water temps are around 90
* Most species are catch and release only

Got Owen at O dark 30. Decided to get out on Tampa Bay. Went out of Maximo in St Pete.
Public Park with very good ramp and parking.

Stopped at O'Neill's and got some shrimp. Threw a net and got some pin fish. Got out near the Skyway and sabikied up some greenies.

Went to an area just east of the skyway. Got a few Mangrove snappers. Small. went to the west side of the Skyway, got a small gag on pin.

Went on the beach side of Ft Desoto . Looking for pomps or maybe snook. Nothing here.

Went back inside near Weedon Island. Grass flat had some bait. Threw the top waters and you guessed it trout, trout, trout. 3 trout one was 19"

Back at the ramp at 1030 am

Did I say it was HOT?

I will be back to Mosquito Lagoon on Aug 25.

So if you are a surfer I wish you the prosperity that allows you more time to pursue the salt water dream, and the true happiness that comes from warm water, clean waves and the companionship of your fellow surfers. If you are an internet troll just spewing bs then f off.

Edited: 08/08/2023 at 02:22 PM by jdbman
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