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Created On: 08/15/2017 10:58 AM
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 08/15/2017 10:58 AM
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For the most part, I've been silent on what happened in Charlottesville. Watching, reading, listening, and thinking. I know I am going to be attacked, but wanted to put this out there:

With all the hatred towards Nazis, KKK, and White Supremacist Douchebags (WSDs), I can't help but draw some stunning similarities by those espousing the hatred, to the objects of target. In fact, some of the very tactics used by the Nazis, KKK, and WSDs are being used against them in the name of "standing up for whats right."

Something I have observed; the BLM protests, the liberal protesting accross the nation over Trump, or the protests at college campuses over conservative speakers, most, if not all of them, resulted in damage to property and/or violence. What realy stands out is, they were allowed to progress with minimal interaction from the government/police. Ferguson was literaly allowed to burn, by those who swore to protect it.

There is a certain "Mob mentality" going on here in America that is clouding any logic, reasoning, or ability to openly discuss opposing views (thus preventing any common ground), I am watching people, Americans none-the-less, do the very same things the Nazis did, under the guise of "acceptance" and "tolerance." And the irony of said tactics and beliefs are lost on them. We are becoming a society that is OK with shutting down the opposition with violence, erasing history, forcing beliefs by scare tactics and/or insults thrown at those who don't believe, and all of this is fueled by a media that does not report facts, but only narratives.

This Mob mentality is the very mentality that allowed the Nazis to gain power. This Mob mentality (whether its under the guise of acceptance, tolerance, civil rights, socialism) is the very thing we all should be aware and cautious of, for its this mentality that has lead to the wrong people gaining power and the deaths of millions all throughout history.

We are watching History repeat itself, and its not the WSDs we should be worried about. Its the ones who are shutting down the opposition, refusing to accept democratically elected officials, insighting violence, damaging property, and free from the rule of law that are always the predecessors of a dark, evil time in history. Once they gain power, only one viewpoint will be accepted and backed by law. Is this really what you guys want?

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and loose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves" ......in the name of progress

Lest History repeat itself........

 08/15/2017 11:05 AM
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I hear you but strongly disagree with your conclusions.

How's that for an attack?

 08/15/2017 11:16 AM
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Originally posted by: obx2 For the most part, I've been silent on what happened in Charlottesville. Watching, reading, listening, and thinking. I know I am going to be attacked, but wanted to put this out there:

With all the hatred towards Nazis, KKK, and White Supremacist Douchebags (WSDs), I can't help but draw some stunning similarities by those espousing the hatred, to the objects of target. In fact, some of the very tactics used by the Nazis, KKK, and WSDs are being used against them in the name of "standing up for whats right."

Something I have observed; the BLM protests, the liberal protesting accross the nation over Trump, or the protests at college campuses over conservative speakers, most, if not all of them, resulted in damage to property and/or violence. What realy stands out is, they were allowed to progress with minimal interaction from the government/police. Ferguson was literaly allowed to burn, by those who swore to protect it.

There is a certain "Mob mentality" going on here in America that is clouding any logic, reasoning, or ability to openly discuss opposing views (thus preventing any common ground), I am watching people, Americans none-the-less, do the very same things the Nazis did, under the guise of "acceptance" and "tolerance." And the irony of said tactics and beliefs are lost on them. We are becoming a society that is OK with shutting down the opposition with violence, erasing history, forcing beliefs by scare tactics and/or insults thrown at those who don't believe, and all of this is fueled by a media that does not report facts, but only narratives.

This Mob mentality is the very mentality that allowed the Nazis to gain power. This Mob mentality (whether its under the guise of acceptance, tolerance, civil rights, socialism) is the very thing we all should be aware and cautious of, for its this mentality that has lead to the wrong people gaining power and the deaths of millions all throughout history.

We are watching History repeat itself, and its not the WSDs we should be worried about. Its the ones who are shutting down the opposition, refusing to accept democratically elected officials, insighting violence, damaging property, and free from the rule of law that are always the predecessors of a dark, evil time in history. Once they gain power, only one viewpoint will be accepted and backed by law. Is this really what you guys want?

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and loose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves" ......in the name of progress

Lest History repeat itself........

Why do you call the nazis etc douchebags? Please give specific reasons. Then state why our "mob mentality" should not oppose them.
 08/15/2017 11:57 AM
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Originally posted by: HAPDigital
Originally posted by: obx2 For the most part, I've been silent on what happened in Charlottesville. Watching, reading, listening, and thinking. I know I am going to be attacked, but wanted to put this out there:


With all the hatred towards Nazis, KKK, and White Supremacist Douchebags (WSDs), I can't help but draw some stunning similarities by those espousing the hatred, to the objects of target. In fact, some of the very tactics used by the Nazis, KKK, and WSDs are being used against them in the name of "standing up for whats right."


Something I have observed; the BLM protests, the liberal protesting accross the nation over Trump, or the protests at college campuses over conservative speakers, most, if not all of them, resulted in damage to property and/or violence. What realy stands out is, they were allowed to progress with minimal interaction from the government/police. Ferguson was literaly allowed to burn, by those who swore to protect it.


There is a certain "Mob mentality" going on here in America that is clouding any logic, reasoning, or ability to openly discuss opposing views (thus preventing any common ground), I am watching people, Americans none-the-less, do the very same things the Nazis did, under the guise of "acceptance" and "tolerance." And the irony of said tactics and beliefs are lost on them. We are becoming a society that is OK with shutting down the opposition with violence, erasing history, forcing beliefs by scare tactics and/or insults thrown at those who don't believe, and all of this is fueled by a media that does not report facts, but only narratives.


This Mob mentality is the very mentality that allowed the Nazis to gain power. This Mob mentality (whether its under the guise of acceptance, tolerance, civil rights, socialism) is the very thing we all should be aware and cautious of, for its this mentality that has lead to the wrong people gaining power and the deaths of millions all throughout history.


We are watching History repeat itself, and its not the WSDs we should be worried about. Its the ones who are shutting down the opposition, refusing to accept democratically elected officials, insighting violence, damaging property, and free from the rule of law that are always the predecessors of a dark, evil time in history. Once they gain power, only one viewpoint will be accepted and backed by law. Is this really what you guys want?


"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and loose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves" ......in the name of progress


Lest History repeat itself........


Why do you call the nazis etc douchebags? Please give specific reasons. Then state why our "mob mentality" should not oppose them.

Anybody who beligerantly stands by any belief of "self rightousness" because of (insert whatever), is a douchebag in my book.

To be more specific, pertianing to the Nazis/WSDs, I can laugh at them and go abouts my buisness uneffected.  My concern would develope if they are actively violent, actively shutting down events, actively pursuing a goal of dominence either politicaly, socialy, or by force. From my perspective, I can still laugh at them and go abouts my buisness/life uneffected.

It appears there is a ceratin ideology, a certain side of the political spectrum, that are the ones being violent, actively shutting down events, and actively pursuing dominance of opinion. Thus the point of this thread, thats were the concern should be.

I commend you for at least admitting the mob mentality that is going on.

 08/15/2017 12:06 PM
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All I know is that the mob mentality was displayed when a group of "people" on their way to Charlottesville, came very close to attacking my family because of a Bob Marley sticker.

In my former job of a news photog. The only hostile groups that I ever encountered were the alt-right. Having stuff thrown at us at Trump events for being the libereal media. Being threatend by the gun freaks for reporting on their rally ( that they sent out press realeses about).

Conversely an anti-hate event had no such display of ass-hatery

We didnt have the option of laughing at them on Saturday. Luckily the state police got there as the storm strooper-wannabe started coming back to us with his modified hiking stick. 

yeah. Its the peaceniks that are the problem.  


 08/15/2017 12:15 PM
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Originally posted by: obx2
Originally posted by: HAPDigital
Originally posted by: obx2 For the most part, I've been silent on what happened in Charlottesville. Watching, reading, listening, and thinking. I know I am going to be attacked, but wanted to put this out there:


With all the hatred towards Nazis, KKK, and White Supremacist Douchebags (WSDs), I can't help but draw some stunning similarities by those espousing the hatred, to the objects of target. In fact, some of the very tactics used by the Nazis, KKK, and WSDs are being used against them in the name of "standing up for whats right."


Something I have observed; the BLM protests, the liberal protesting accross the nation over Trump, or the protests at college campuses over conservative speakers, most, if not all of them, resulted in damage to property and/or violence. What realy stands out is, they were allowed to progress with minimal interaction from the government/police. Ferguson was literaly allowed to burn, by those who swore to protect it.


There is a certain "Mob mentality" going on here in America that is clouding any logic, reasoning, or ability to openly discuss opposing views (thus preventing any common ground), I am watching people, Americans none-the-less, do the very same things the Nazis did, under the guise of "acceptance" and "tolerance." And the irony of said tactics and beliefs are lost on them. We are becoming a society that is OK with shutting down the opposition with violence, erasing history, forcing beliefs by scare tactics and/or insults thrown at those who don't believe, and all of this is fueled by a media that does not report facts, but only narratives.


This Mob mentality is the very mentality that allowed the Nazis to gain power. This Mob mentality (whether its under the guise of acceptance, tolerance, civil rights, socialism) is the very thing we all should be aware and cautious of, for its this mentality that has lead to the wrong people gaining power and the deaths of millions all throughout history.


We are watching History repeat itself, and its not the WSDs we should be worried about. Its the ones who are shutting down the opposition, refusing to accept democratically elected officials, insighting violence, damaging property, and free from the rule of law that are always the predecessors of a dark, evil time in history. Once they gain power, only one viewpoint will be accepted and backed by law. Is this really what you guys want?


"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and loose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves" ......in the name of progress


Lest History repeat itself........


Why do you call the nazis etc douchebags? Please give specific reasons. Then state why our "mob mentality" should not oppose them.

Anybody who beligerantly stands by any belief of "self rightousness" because of (insert whatever), is a douchebag in my book.

To be more specific, pertianing to the Nazis/WSDs, I can laugh at them and go abouts my buisness uneffected.  My concern would develope if they are actively violent, actively shutting down events, actively pursuing a goal of dominence either politicaly, socialy, or by force. From my perspective, I can still laugh at them and go abouts my buisness/life uneffected.

It appears there is a ceratin ideology, a certain side of the political spectrum, that are the ones being violent, actively shutting down events, and actively pursuing dominance of opinion. Thus the point of this thread, thats were the concern should be.

I commend you for at least admitting the mob mentality that is going on.

Did you read my post? There was quotes around "mob mentality." I'm not sure but I think this fits the definition of a mob.
 08/15/2017 12:17 PM
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Originally posted by: bus All I know is that the mob mentality was displayed when a group of "people" on their way to Charlottesville, came very close to attacking my family because of a Bob Marley sticker. In my former job of a news photog. The only hostile groups that I ever encountered were the alt-right. Having stuff thrown at us at Trump events for being the libereal media. Being threatend by the gun freaks for reporting on their rally ( that they sent out press realeses about). Conversely an anti-hate event had no such display of ass-hatery We didnt have the option of laughing at them on Saturday. Luckily the state police got there as the storm strooper-wannabe started coming back to us with his modified hiking stick.  yeah. Its the peaceniks that are the problem.  [IMG][/IMG]  
My friend's grandfather, that stormed Normandy, once told me: If you ever come across a Nazi, punch him. Punch him dead.
 08/15/2017 12:36 PM
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Or once in a while let him live with a swastika carved on his forehead.

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there it is." -Sir Winston Churchill
 08/15/2017 12:44 PM
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8000 pixels wide - forum friendly images please


Pro Puppy-Killer Party 2024
 08/15/2017 12:49 PM
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Originally posted by: fishkller 8000 pixels wide - forum friendly images please
Sorry. I got two big ass monitors for editing. never notice image size. Will do next time hahah
 08/15/2017 01:00 PM
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It's the epitome of white privilege to suggest that there is no problem because it doesn't affect you personally.

Sure, bet Obie can laugh at and walk past the KKK and the Nazis, they aren't after his kind.

"Bees don't waste their time explaining to flies that honey is better than shit"
 08/15/2017 01:27 PM
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Portland, Oregon has been plagued by mob-of-the-day.  And terrorism on a transit train near a station that I used all the time.  

So far, much more of a white supremacist than a lefty/anarchist problem.  And it's almost entirely white.  Attempts to create minority bogey-mobs aren't credible.

And I don't think George Washington statues are in much danger.

BTW, I think that guy with the triangular logo in the much-reproduced tiki-torch photo has an east European family name that would have marked him for good Viennese and for Nazis as an undesirable Slav, at best a second-rate human, suitable for manual labor and not much more.  The Prussian estate system in East Prussia, a.k.a. Poland, was somewhat comparable to the plantation system in the US, with serfs instead of slaves.  Someone did a good Phd dissertation on the subject some years ago.  

 08/15/2017 01:30 PM
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Though I don't think George liked statues, or was that just heads on coins?

 08/15/2017 01:38 PM
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Washington's family refused to have him buried under the Capitol dome.  If you can wangle permission, the intended burial site is still there, a floor beneath the "crypt" where tourists are welcomed.  

Washington statues popped up all over, including bare-chested Roman Washingtons, though I don't think there was ever a Washington in Roman armor, done up like Augustus.  

For those worried about fascism and access to the Washington Post, a good assessment, looking back to the 1930s.  American democracy was wobbly at the time.  Of course some of the right wing think Franklin Roosevelt destroyed the Constitution.  I go along with the consensus that whatever messes he made, he saved the country and won a necessary war.  

 08/15/2017 01:43 PM
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Originally posted by: RustyTruck It's the epitome of white privilege to suggest that there is no problem because it doesn't affect you personally. Sure, bet Obie can laugh at and walk past the KKK and the Nazis, they aren't after his kind.

Its the epitome of self righteous arrogance and ignorance to not recognize this shit happens on both sides of the spectrum, and soley think one side is the offender. 

By your logic, can I refer to the ability to riot without consequence, the ability to protest without media backlash, vote for who I want (as long as it's a Democrat), and the ability to speak on college campuses as "Liberal Privilege?" I

Bus- What happened to you and your family is horrible, and again, I a. Not defending the WSDs. All I am asking is for you (as in the hardcore Leftists) on here is to recognize that what happened to you, is no different then being assaulted just because of who you choose to vote for.

Hatred and bigotry can not be fought with hatred and bigotry. Nowhere am I blaming peacenicks. I don't see peace being practiced anywhere on the left side. In fact, Ill go a step further and say, with the exception of the WSDs, I don't see the level of violence or civil unrest the left has been committing nearly equatable to the right. 

As a stark reminder, most, if not all of dictatorships responsible for the deaths of millions were started out by leftist political ideals.

 08/15/2017 01:44 PM
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Originally posted by: obx2
Originally posted by: RustyTruck It's the epitome of white privilege to suggest that there is no problem because it doesn't affect you personally. Sure, bet Obie can laugh at and walk past the KKK and the Nazis, they aren't after his kind.
Its the epitome of self righteous arrogance and ignorance to not recognize this shit happens on both sides of the spectrum, and soley think one side is the offender.  By your logic, can I refer to the ability to riot without consequence, the ability to protest without media backlash, vote for who I want (as long as it's a Democrat), and the ability to speak on college campuses as "Liberal Privilege?" I Bus- What happened to you and your family is horrible, and again, I a. Not defending the WSDs. All I am asking is for you (as in the hardcore Leftists) on here is to recognize that what happened to you, is no different then being assaulted just because of who you choose to vote for. Hatred and bigotry can not be fought with hatred and bigotry. Nowhere am I blaming peacenicks. I don't see peace being practiced anywhere on the left side. In fact, Ill go a step further and say, with the exception of the WSDs, I don't see the level of violence or civil unrest the left has been committing nearly equatable to the right.  As a stark reminder, most, if not all of dictatorships responsible for the deaths of millions were started out by leftist political ideals.
But denouncing, shaming and hating nazis is not bigotry.
 08/15/2017 02:05 PM
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"As a stark reminder, most, if not all of dictatorships responsible for the deaths of millions were started out by leftist political ideals."

Not in the least bit true.
Read some fucking history.

"The truth is incontrovertible.
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there it is." -Sir Winston Churchill
 08/15/2017 02:06 PM
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All I can say is that I disagree with most of what you are saying, obx. We could get into brass tacks with a weekend of discussion and googling, but that aside...

I know I can't change you and you should perhaps realize you can't change me. I'm an over-educated middle-aged white male who works and pays taxes and obeys the law. I read, watch, think and keep up with current events. I did not start as a liberal and as my graduate degree is in engineering I was not in school with raging philosophy majors. I slowly found my own way into my beliefs. At this stage of life I feel like I am seeing the same shit over and over; there's not much human nature that surprises me anymore. Every person is just a person and I'm allowed to find my own comfort zone no matter what others say or think. No one is qualified to instruct me on my life.

The only person who will change me at this stage is me.

 08/15/2017 02:12 PM
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Originally posted by: HAPDigital
Originally posted by: obx2
Originally posted by: RustyTruck It's the epitome of white privilege to suggest that there is no problem because it doesn't affect you personally. Sure, bet Obie can laugh at and walk past the KKK and the Nazis, they aren't after his kind.
Its the epitome of self righteous arrogance and ignorance to not recognize this shit happens on both sides of the spectrum, and soley think one side is the offender.  By your logic, can I refer to the ability to riot without consequence, the ability to protest without media backlash, vote for who I want (as long as it's a Democrat), and the ability to speak on college campuses as "Liberal Privilege?" I Bus- What happened to you and your family is horrible, and again, I a. Not defending the WSDs. All I am asking is for you (as in the hardcore Leftists) on here is to recognize that what happened to you, is no different then being assaulted just because of who you choose to vote for. Hatred and bigotry can not be fought with hatred and bigotry. Nowhere am I blaming peacenicks. I don't see peace being practiced anywhere on the left side. In fact, Ill go a step further and say, with the exception of the WSDs, I don't see the level of violence or civil unrest the left has been committing nearly equatable to the right.  As a stark reminder, most, if not all of dictatorships responsible for the deaths of millions were started out by leftist political ideals.
But denouncing, shaming and hating nazis is not bigotry.

 No it is not, I agree. Hating every Trump supporter because they voted for Trump is. Calling someone a racist, traitor, homophobic, or whatever just because they don't agree with you, without actually knowing them, is.

 08/15/2017 02:12 PM
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From a friend: "Let's be clear. Racism is the oppression of a racial group by another, inter-personally and institutionally. There is no such thing as "reverse racism". The oppressed group's resentment and resistance is not its own "racism", it is a rightful and just stance toward the oppressor. To decry bigotry and hate "on many sides" is to seek to deny, protect and preserve the power imbalance. "
FORUMS : National Enquirer (FORMERLY NSR) : Lest History repeat itself

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