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Topic Title: U.S. successfully test ICBM interceptor.
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 05/31/2017 11:15 AM
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Back when Reagan got this started, the progs of the day were against it and mocked Reagan by calling it "Starwars." Said it could never work. Progs back then were just as stupid and just as wrong as the ones today.

This is a reminder of how good Reagan was.

I :heart; Q
 05/31/2017 11:16 AM
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^ grand opening - grand closing  ^

 05/31/2017 12:48 PM
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Originally posted by: tpapablo Back when Reagan got this started, the progs of the day were against it and mocked Reagan by calling it "Starwars." Said it could never work. Progs back then were just as stupid and just as wrong as the ones today.


This is a reminder of how good Reagan was.


Are you fucking kidding me?

It's barely possible now thanks to the advancement and refinement of, oh, just about everything. How's about those computers in the 80s, huh?

You're an engineer. You know what controls systems are based on, right?

 05/31/2017 01:01 PM
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Oh, please.

Back then it was science fiction and Star Wars was a popular movie and used as a reference.  All of those projects had very high failure rates in the beginning, but as time went on and the science and tech got better the engineers were able make some of the concepts work.  Even now we could not execute some of those concepts sucessfully.  Also, many were against them because they violated several treaties including space based weapons and ABM agreements. 

Trumpatsy is not a very brilliant pebble, is he?

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
 05/31/2017 01:03 PM
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He's just button pushing. He knows all this.

 05/31/2017 01:07 PM
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Yeah, you are probably right...but I have seen him surf and there is no excuse for that!!!! 

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
 05/31/2017 01:11 PM
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Originally posted by: Bamboo

Yeah, you are probably right...but I have seen him surf and there is no excuse for that!!!! 

HAHAH! straight off adolf!

I troll 2L.com to be a better person in real life
 05/31/2017 01:28 PM
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Imagine what we could do if we dedicated 40 years and the equivalent amount of money spent on Star Wars to curing cancer, heart disease, diabetes, HIV, and proving healthcare to all citizens.

"Bees don't waste their time explaining to flies that honey is better than shit"
 05/31/2017 01:55 PM
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 05/31/2017 02:20 PM
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Wouldnt have it but for the foresight of Reagan. You guys would have spend all that money on welfare and other stupid stuff.

I :heart; Q
 05/31/2017 02:22 PM
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Originally posted by: RustyTruck

Imagine what we could do if we dedicated 40 years and the equivalent amount of money spent on Star Wars to curing cancer, heart disease, diabetes, HIV, and proving healthcare to all citizens.

The bad guys would come and take it all from us?
 05/31/2017 03:16 PM
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Originally posted by: RegularJoe

Originally posted by: RustyTruck

Imagine what we could do if we dedicated 40 years and the equivalent amount of money spent on Star Wars to curing cancer, heart disease, diabetes, HIV, and proving healthcare to all citizens.

The bad guys would come and take it all from us?

Yuh think? What bad guys? The only invasion we've ever had to fight off was the British in 1812 and a drive-by by Pancho Villa.

"Bees don't waste their time explaining to flies that honey is better than shit"
 05/31/2017 03:28 PM
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Betcha it ain't a done deal.

Easier to hit your own test missile.

 05/31/2017 04:56 PM
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Originally posted by: RustyTruck

Originally posted by: RegularJoe

Originally posted by: RustyTruck
Imagine what we could do if we dedicated 40 years and the equivalent amount of money spent on Star Wars to curing cancer, heart disease, diabetes, HIV, and proving healthcare to all citizens.

The bad guys would come and take it all from us? [IMG][/IMG]

Yuh think? What bad guys? The only invasion we've ever had to fight off was the British in 1812 and a drive-by by Pancho Villa.

Your original statement could be interpreted in at least three ways:

1) Imagine if we (had already) spent that money on healthcare INSTEAD of defense

2) Imagine if we (had already) spent that money on healthcare IN ADDITION TO defense

3) Imagine if we were to (future) spend that equivalent money on healthcare

The results could be (or could have been):

1) We (and most of our allies) would have little defense. Although we might not have been invaded, allies might have been.

2) We would be broke. But have fewer health issues to need money for.

3) Because we are $20T in debt and healthcare is already 1/6 of our total economy, we'd have to make some tough choices. See #1 about defending allies.

With Putin getting wacky and China getting filthy rich it would be careless to not keep our defenses top-notch.

Constitutionally, the preamble's "provide for the common defense" is a lot more explicit about intent than "promote the general welfare."

For an armchair historian, I'm surprised you missed the fact that during WW II, the Imperial Japanese Army took control of two of the westernmost Aleutian Islands - Attu and Kiska, and also attacked the American base at Dutch Harbor by air. Don't forget the German U-boats off the coast of NC either. Pearl Harbor and 9/11 count in my book too.
 05/31/2017 05:04 PM
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Originally posted by: SuperTeeBird
Betcha it ain't a done deal.
Easier to hit your own test missile.

Mostly true, with some dependency on the dynamics and signature of the enemy's missile.

I'm surprised this was announced as a first, and was surprised the test was announced on CNN before it was conducted.

Just think -- if the test had failed, the world would know about. Enemies would be emboldened to think their ICBMs could get through, and Americans would be shitting bricks.

I doubt we would have announced it as a first unless we were close to 100% assured of success, which could only happen if built on previous (but secret) successes. Part of the rationale for the timing of the current (public) test seems to be putting Kim Jong Un on notice that he's wasting his money to continue a missile program, as well as alleviate some of the world's concern that, despite Trump's incompetent saber-rattling, we do have a backup plan.

As far as Star Wars goes, some of the earlier proving ground came via Patriot missiles in Israel shooting down Iraqi SCUDs. We would not currently have what we have without all the baby steps before us.
 05/31/2017 05:25 PM
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Originally posted by: RegularJoe

Originally posted by: RustyTruck

Originally posted by: RegularJoe

Originally posted by: RustyTruck

Imagine what we could do if we dedicated 40 years and the equivalent amount of money spent on Star Wars to curing cancer, heart disease, diabetes, HIV, and proving healthcare to all citizens.

The bad guys would come and take it all from us? [IMG][/IMG]

Yuh think? What bad guys? The only invasion we've ever had to fight off was the British in 1812 and a drive-by by Pancho Villa.

Your original statement could be interpreted in at least three ways:

1) Imagine if we (had already) spent that money on healthcare INSTEAD of defense

2) Imagine if we (had already) spent that money on healthcare IN ADDITION TO defense

3) Imagine if we were to (future) spend that equivalent money on healthcare

The results could be (or could have been):

1) We (and most of our allies) would have little defense. Although we might not have been invaded, allies might have been.

2) We would be broke. But have fewer health issues to need money for. [IMG]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0[/IMG]

3) Because we are $20T in debt and healthcare is already 1/6 of our total economy, we'd have to make some tough choices. See #1 about defending allies.

With Putin getting wacky and China getting filthy rich it would be careless to not keep our defenses top-notch.

Constitutionally, the preamble's "provide for the common defense" is a lot more explicit about intent than "promote the general welfare."

For an armchair historian, I'm surprised you missed the fact that during WW II, the Imperial Japanese Army took control of two of the westernmost Aleutian Islands - Attu and Kiska, and also attacked the American base at Dutch Harbor by air. Don't forget the German U-boats off the coast of NC either. Pearl Harbor and 9/11 count in my book too.

Don't we spend more on defence than the next 10 or so countries combined? My point is that we spare no expense on the military industrial complex, but claim poverty when it comes to wellness, much to our peril.

I'll concede the Aleutian islands, but the U Boat menace and the other attacks you list were not "invasions".

Do you think a foreign enemy could physically hold significant geography in the lower 48?

We will perish under the weight of our own feckless vanity long before we're defeated militarily.

"Bees don't waste their time explaining to flies that honey is better than shit"
 05/31/2017 07:24 PM
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Over the last eight years, how much did Obama cut military spending?

I was right.
 05/31/2017 08:52 PM
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As I've mentioned before, the military spending compared to other countries is a red herring. They pay their people less than we do, use shoddier resources, and have no regard for environmental laws. In other words, much less overhead, and much more bang for the buck. Most of our enemies aren't paying to defend as many allies we are either. It's too bad we aren't reaping all the benefits of medical research and health care that our allies provide, in return for our defense.

Nobody's going to hold much of the Lower 48 for long, I'll give you that. But we still have allies to defend, and many of them could be easily overrun, especially now that we're tired and have less stomach for it.

 06/01/2017 05:35 AM
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Originally posted by: RustyTruck

Imagine what we could do if we dedicated 40 years and the equivalent amount of money spent on Star Wars to curing cancer, heart disease, diabetes, HIV, and proving healthcare to all citizens.

Type 2 Diabetes, non-congenital heart disease, and many forms of cancer are all metabolic in nature. We could have made a massive dent in this ourselves simply by eating properly and exercising. I know telling people that they are fat and it is going to kill them isn't politically correct these days, but sometimes you have to hurt feelings for the greater good.

As far as the rest of cancer goes, we simply didn't have the tech to do the things 10-40 years ago that we have now. The bitch of cancer is that it is unique to the individual. Things like CRISPR/CAS9 are already making massive breakthroughs and techniques based off this tech have already cured incurable cancer in a few test subjects (not to mention all the other things it can do......). Hell, not even 5 years ago could we think about editing DNA inline like a word processor can edit text. Now you can do it in your garage for a couple thousand dollars and a little know how.
 06/01/2017 05:39 PM
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Originally posted by: SuperTeeBird

Betcha it ain't a done deal.

Easier to hit your own test missile.

We know the signatures of NK missiles, lotsa data good signatures who you foolin?
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