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Topic Title: Repeal and replace!
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Created On: 02/22/2017 07:35 PM
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 02/22/2017 07:35 PM
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Where's the plan guys?

Day one is gone. Day 30 is gone. Still want to fire bomb health care with no water?

Nothing screams cuck like flying a flag with another man's name on it.
 02/22/2017 07:41 PM
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They'd rather just mess with trans kids right to take a shit in peace.

"The truth is incontrovertible.
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but in the end,
there it is." -Sir Winston Churchill
 02/23/2017 02:53 AM
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Such impetuous children; why wouldn't any rational person try to get all the ducks in a row? Isn't that what you kids have been whining about for the last month? One or the other but be consistent. Put the landing gear down, ya'll are about to crash
 02/23/2017 03:50 AM
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The GOP had 7 years to develop a better plan. 

The Cheeto Jesus has been talking about this for at least 18 months, and bragging that his plan is the Greatest ever - more awesome, provides more benefits, is cheaper, etc.  - since at least December 2016. 

They/he have had a lot of time to get their ducks in a row.  The question is valid.

I sincerely hope that they do implement a national health care plan that is the Greatest.


If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
 02/23/2017 04:25 AM
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Originally posted by: Bamboo

The GOP had 7 years to develop a better plan. 

The Cheeto Jesus has been talking about this for at least 18 months, and bragging that his plan is the Greatest ever - more awesome, provides more benefits, is cheaper, etc.  - since at least December 2016. 

They/he have had a lot of time to get their ducks in a row.  The question is valid.

I sincerely hope that they do implement a national health care plan that is the Greatest.


And they wont. Nor do they care. They will repeal and sell us an inflated Band-Aid for our severed limb.
 02/23/2017 05:31 AM
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The ACA was based on a Republican plan from the 90's and I'm pretty sure even they realized a plan won't work without a mandate. I'm very interested to see how they will fix that issue.

On a side note, why are:

Poor black people stuck in areas with no opportunity welfare vampires?

Poor white people stuck in areas with no opportunity down on their luck patriots?

I was right.

Edited: 02/23/2017 at 05:52 AM by Cole
 02/23/2017 05:50 AM
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I'm be waiting to hear the plan.

Nothing screams cuck like flying a flag with another man's name on it.
 02/23/2017 07:01 AM
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Their only plan was to try to make a black guy look bad.
 02/23/2017 07:04 AM
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Now they are kind of screwed. They can scrape Obamacare, but that's going to screw the MAGA rubes who didn't know ACA was Obamacare.

Nothing screams cuck like flying a flag with another man's name on it.
 02/23/2017 09:11 AM
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The town halls will be a lot more interesting for those few republicans brave enough to tell those crowds that they are now free to accept no healthcare in a world where they want everyone to believe that nothing is better than something.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 02/23/2017 09:49 AM
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I'm pretty sure even they realized a plan won't work without a mandate.

True. Without a mandate how can pre-existing conditions be covered or children up to age 26?

If they don't include these the public will go bananas.
 02/23/2017 10:53 AM
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There's no easy way out, now that they shat all over the concept of a mandate.

Funny though, because in other contexts they are all about personal responsibility. The mandate is just that.

It shows that the R's as a party at least are not bound by any real ideological commitment. It's all about being in power, and the ends justify the means.

George Will is the last real conservative.

Nothing screams cuck like flying a flag with another man's name on it.
 02/23/2017 10:58 AM
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Originally posted by: RustyTruck
all about personal responsibility. The mandate is just that.

No, a government mandate is the antithesis or personal responsibility.
 02/23/2017 12:24 PM
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Romans 8;18-32 John 3;16-18; Ecl. 10-2
 12/03/2023 02:25 PM
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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said, if elected president, he would "replace and supersede" the Affordable Care Act with "a better plan," saying that "Obamacare has not worked."

"You will have a totally different health care plan," the Republican presidential candidate said on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday, later adding, "This will be replacing Obamacare."

DeSantis said details of the plan will likely be worked out in the spring and that his campaign would "roll out a big proposal."

And then there is this from the orange jesus...
"Donald Trump, the front-runner in the GOP presidential race, has renewed his call to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act"
He says this as if it is an new idea and one that only he can do...

The comments in this thread from 2017 are valid for 2023...where the hell is the GOP plan for replacing ACA?
Dog ate it?

The GOP has become sad.
I hope Nikki gets traction, or better yet Cheney who is an actual republican and conservative...but of course the GOP would like to hang her in spite of the fact that she is right about the current state of her party...or soon to be former party.

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
 12/03/2023 03:18 PM
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Dumbell Ron just copied Trump's huge mistake LOL


So... America's Great Now?
 12/03/2023 08:10 PM
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"Healthcare is really hard." Trump.

Desantis is forgoing the explicit statement of what replace actually means because he's seen how actually repealing Obamacare would require them to come up with something as good or better. They have nothing and they never have. Rick Scott went forward with his plan and it devastated all republicans. Mitch McConnell reminded them that they needed to have message discipline, a polite way of saying attack the existing system but never speak of what would happen if that system was repealed and what plan it would take to replace it. The GOP is only capable of criticism. They get elected and they cannot govern and continue to blame everyone but themselves. It's their pattern and modus operandi.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 12/03/2023 08:13 PM
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"Lapado-Care" LOL

Demon Sperm for everyone!


So... America's Great Now?

Edited: 12/03/2023 at 08:14 PM by fishkller
 12/04/2023 03:14 AM
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I understand he plans to use the hugely popular and successful Florida home insurance system as a template. Good choice!

add a signature since I'm here in profile anyway
 12/04/2023 05:59 AM
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Millions are on Obamacare, as am I. Biden saves me roughly $10,000 a year on premiums. That will end in 2025 if he loses the election. Vote smart. Vote Blue.

I was right.
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