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Topic Title: Nazca Mummies, , , ,
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Created On: 08/12/2024 08:26 AM
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 08/12/2024 08:26 AM
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First, Yes, there are/were "mummies' that were 'doll size' have been shown to be 'constructs' made from animal parts but, , , ,

There is another group of, let's say human size, mummies that are being studied at a Peruvian university.

Peer reviewed findings show that they are carbon dated 1700-1800 years old, scans show they are the bodies of actual previously living beings, they have brain capacities of up to 30% larger yhan humans, all internal organs appear to be intact, there are up to 7 different 'species', they all have 3 very long fingers and toes, they have between 4 and 6 phalanges in their hands/feet (we have 3), there is no evidence of head binding, no ears (only holes), some have 'implants', perhaps up to 40% of the DNA is not found anywhere else on Earth!

And now, 2 members of the US Congress are going to 'investigate' WTF.

Update: the large one's DNA has "human" components but, around/up to 30% of its other DNA is 'not found' in lists of 'Earth' DNA!!!!!!! But, it is being said that, if nothing else, the large ones will be classified as "hominid" but, will require a new 'branch' in the Tree of Life!!

Dora Hates You

Edited: 08/27/2024 at 04:01 AM by dingpatch
 08/12/2024 08:36 AM
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These are the previously 'debunked' 'dolls/dead children', which are now Confirmed to be the bodies of previously living beings! Forensic Pathologists, CTs & X-rays confirm!!! BUT!, , , , , ,

I'm a gonna do a lot more digging but, for now, , , , these little ones are "not from around here". No 'jaw' joint, solid bone, no 'chewing'! Hollow bones!?! Lower arms and legs have a single bone. They have a 'one piece' collar bone like a bird/reptile!? The ribs are single 'circular' bones!!! A few of them do have 'metallic' implants that the bodies 'grew around' and 'bonded' to!! One of then has eggs!!!!!!!!!

Dora Hates You

Edited: 08/27/2024 at 03:34 AM by dingpatch
 08/12/2024 08:52 AM
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The original 'doll' mummies were being reputed to be "aliens".

The ones in the peer reviewed paper are only described as 'not human'.

Dora Hates You
 08/24/2024 05:12 AM
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Here is one of the 'not human' mummies, along with an Xray of the hands. Oh and, not 'mummies', but complete bodies with internal organs intact.

Dora Hates You

Edited: 08/24/2024 at 09:58 AM by dingpatch
 08/24/2024 05:32 AM
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Very hard to find any accurate 'printable' links. Lots of 'recent' coverage still references back to the small 'dolls' that were shown and debunked in 2017. I only readily found a new YouTube about the Peruvian U's investigations, that talks about, and shows, the recently released peer reviewed paper.

Very interesting. Could be a Very Big What The Fuck!!

Dora Hates You
 08/24/2024 06:23 AM
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Hmmmmmmm, , , , , , I'm finding that the small "60 centimeter" ones in the first photo are solidly reputed to be real. The 'debunking' involving 'constructed' dolls and such was probably an 'obstruction'!!?? I'm not sure what to think about the 'dolls' but, , , ,

The big ones? Finger prints are not human. More like a gecko's; just straight lines on the hands and feet, no swirls and such like humans. They do have 'nail beds'. One of them has a fetus but, , , , , , one of the 'dolls' has eggs! DNA is still being worked. Only 1 of 4(?) bodies sampled had DNA that was not too 'degraded' and that DNA is 95% 'aligned' to human (Maria).

Dora Hates You

Edited: 08/30/2024 at 05:32 AM by dingpatch
 08/25/2024 03:48 AM
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Objective: Report the bioarchaeological case and perform the morpho-anatomical biometric characterization and dating of the antiquity of a tridactyl humanoid specimen found in Nasca-Peru.

Method: Qualitative approach study of a bioarchaeological case report of a tridactyl humanoid specimen. The imaging analysis applied the RadiAnt DICOM Viewer software version 2024.1 and the age dating technique used
radiocarbon 14.

Results and Discussion: The tomographic imaging analysis showed that the specimen is a desiccated humanoid body with a biological architecture similar to that of a human, but with many morphological and anatomical structural differences such as the lack of hair and ears, an elongated skull and an increase in cranial volume. (30% greater than humans); maxillary and mandibular protrusion as well as protrusion of the eyeballs, absence of the fifth lumbar vertebra, tridactyly in both hands and feet, in addition to different foci of arthropathies. Carbon-14 dating analysis of the specimen gave an age of 1771 ± 30 years, corresponding to 240 AD-383 AD. (after Christ).

Implications of the research: If it is demonstrated with further studies that this is a new humanoid species, it would have a strong impact on biology and science and scientific-historical and socio-cultural implications.

Originality/Value: The sui generis theme and the applied scientific methodology grant originality and value is given by the significance of the revealed findings, which ipso facto reveal the non-human humanoid biological existence.

Dora Hates You

Edited: 08/25/2024 at 03:48 AM by dingpatch
 08/26/2024 03:07 AM
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>> So now, and I do not know if they are talking about the 'small' ones or the 'big' ones but, they had been eating grapes!!! Nope, no grapes in the 'new world' yet. So, grapes in Peru? 1700 to 2000 years ago?

>> An award winning forensic pathologist has taken a look at the bodies. The big ones are 'human' enough. The small ones, , , , , Are Not.

Dora Hates You
 08/27/2024 11:25 AM
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The three fingered pregnant one seems interesting.


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 08/27/2024 12:58 PM
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The pregnant one is a 'newbie' to the party.

Dora Hates You
 08/30/2024 05:25 AM
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Drinking hole 'push back' like "What the fuck are you talking about? That CAN'T be real."

A main 'racial' gene showing up in one of the larger ones is "Han" Chinese. "How did that get here"? But, perhaps, how/when did that gene get to China!!??

I can't find much on the small ones. The broad consensus is still that 'they aint from here'.

Dora Hates You
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