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Topic Title: Trump Cosplays at the Border
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Created On: 03/01/2024 09:56 AM
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 Trump Cosplays at the Border   - fishkller - 03/01/2024 09:56 AM  
 Trump Cosplays at the Border   - nukeh2o - 03/01/2024 12:10 PM  
 Trump Cosplays at the Border   - fishkller - 03/01/2024 02:52 PM  
 Trump Cosplays at the Border   - johnnyboy - 03/01/2024 03:04 PM  
 Trump Cosplays at the Border   - Cole - 03/02/2024 09:20 AM  
 Trump Cosplays at the Border   - fishkller - 03/02/2024 11:13 AM  
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 03/01/2024 09:56 AM
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Posts: 21905
Joined Forum: 11/13/2016

So Biden meets with actual Customs and Border Patrol agents, while Trump shows up in his weird blue suit and surrounds himself with Maga wannabe-cowboys wearing dick-compensation Stetsons, Sean Hannity of course, and Western Dr. Strangelove himself, Greg Abbott.

All people who don't actually do the job, lol.

Then Donny goes into his hours long rant about how much America sucks and what a shithole it is now, all while referring to himself as "we"

"we call it this" "we call it that"

dude sounds like Gollum freaking out about his Precious.

If that's not a red flag for a dissolving brain, I dunno what is.

Then on the flipside, Biden extends an olive branch and cuts right to the fuckin' solution

Quit all the Reality show fake bitching and help me pass this Border Bill.

Calls Donzo right out and tells him to walk his talk LOL.

Of course, crickets from the fraudster.

Desert Dr. Strangelove wheels away in his squeaky wheelchair while Texas burns down, dreaming of the final solution..


Chaos & Violence Party 2024

Edited: 03/01/2024 at 02:56 PM by fishkller
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