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Topic Title: Are liberals helping Trump?
Topic Summary: Yes, yes they are
Created On: 02/19/2017 04:50 PM
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 Are liberals helping Trump?   - miker - 02/19/2017 04:50 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - SlimyBritches - 02/19/2017 04:54 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - Cole - 02/19/2017 07:14 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - 3rdworldlover - 02/19/2017 07:52 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - WG - 02/19/2017 08:04 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - miker - 02/19/2017 08:22 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - WG - 02/19/2017 08:26 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - miker - 02/19/2017 08:31 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - miker - 02/19/2017 08:37 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - miker - 02/19/2017 08:29 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - WG - 02/19/2017 08:44 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - WG - 02/19/2017 09:01 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - somebodyelse - 02/20/2017 06:42 AM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - SuperTeeBird - 02/20/2017 06:46 AM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - 3rdworldlover - 02/19/2017 10:45 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - Bamboo - 02/20/2017 03:46 AM  
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 02/19/2017 04:50 PM
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Posts: 7813
Joined Forum: 04/05/2010



Cant make a link on this device. Good read, and some of you need to read it.


Maybe if I show you enough repetition you will finally get your collective heads out of your asses and stop alientating the middle. No other way to say it than be blunt about it. One doesn't even have to leave the narrow confines of this forum to see evidence of it. The internet and social media is rife with it.


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