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Topic Title: Are liberals helping Trump?
Topic Summary: Yes, yes they are
Created On: 02/19/2017 04:50 PM
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 Are liberals helping Trump?   - miker - 02/19/2017 04:50 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - SlimyBritches - 02/19/2017 04:54 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - Cole - 02/19/2017 07:14 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - 3rdworldlover - 02/19/2017 07:52 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - WG - 02/19/2017 08:04 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - miker - 02/19/2017 08:22 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - WG - 02/19/2017 08:26 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - miker - 02/19/2017 08:31 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - miker - 02/19/2017 08:37 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - miker - 02/19/2017 08:29 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - WG - 02/19/2017 08:44 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - WG - 02/19/2017 09:01 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - somebodyelse - 02/20/2017 06:42 AM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - SuperTeeBird - 02/20/2017 06:46 AM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - 3rdworldlover - 02/19/2017 10:45 PM  
 Are liberals helping Trump?   - Bamboo - 02/20/2017 03:46 AM  
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 02/19/2017 08:22 PM
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No surprise that the fringe idiots just don't get it. Lost the house, lost the senate, and lost the White House to a maniac. At least there isn't much left for you to lose. However, if you want change, you need the support of the middle. 


Also, learn what the term snowflake means before trying to use it. Snowflakes melt, they don't give you the finger and tell you to fuck yourself. 

 02/19/2017 08:26 PM
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which is what the use of "snowflake by the right is so wrong too.
we ain't melting. And our finger, our fuck you is pointed at the fascists, if you think it's pointed at you, then maybe you need to re-examine where you stand.

maybe you will also like this one.

"The truth is incontrovertible.
malice may attack it,
ignorance may deride it,
but in the end,
there it is." -Sir Winston Churchill
 02/19/2017 08:31 PM
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WG I don't give a fuck about left or right in use of the term. When it is wrong, it is wrong. It is a generational term and not a party line term for the most part.


You can be liberal and be a snowflake or conservative and be a snowflake. Sure it is stereotypically fringe liberal millennials, but it doesn't have to be a liberal by any means. If something someone says runs you off to a safe space or you use terms like check your privilege, or you feel guilty because you were born a white male....then you may want to reevaluate yourself

 02/19/2017 08:37 PM
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And yes ...I was being a little silly with that last part on purpose

 02/19/2017 08:29 PM
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The problem is when you alienate people that agree with you in general and are on your side in many things just because they aren't 100 absolutely in line with everything ...you are shooting yourself in the foot.

Push them a little, it is ok. Push them a lot and you lose them. Push them too far and demonize them, then you push them to the other side. You should be embracing the commonality instead of hating the differences. This is where you keep fucking up, especially when you are the side that preaches tolerance. The hypocrisy is just too much for many people.

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