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Topic Title: Surf Conservation Retreat in Tamarindo, Costa Rica
Topic Summary: Join us on August 13th - 19th, 2018
Created On: 06/11/2018 08:27 AM
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 Surf Conservation Retreat in Tamarindo, Costa Rica   - GREG - 06/11/2018 08:27 AM  
 Surf Conservation Retreat in Tamarindo, Costa Rica   - GREG - 06/17/2018 10:47 AM  
 Surf Conservation Retreat in Tamarindo, Costa Rica   - GREG - 06/17/2018 10:47 AM  
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 06/17/2018 10:47 AM
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Joined Forum: 08/20/2003

The surf retreat got some news in the Inertia - How a Surf Retreat is Fueling Conservation in Costa Rica

Here is why this retreat is different:

At many environmental conferences, the attendees are listening to the leaders of the movement, being inspired to action. We leave the room with that shared message in our hearts and then go back to our homes and apply it to our individual lives. What I have enjoyed the most about attending these events is not just the speaker, but the mingling afterward of those who came to see her or him. In this space everyone is an equal listener and speaker, and the dialogue created can lead to empathy for a common cause and to new initiatives that could be replicated on broader scale.

At this retreat, we only have one speaker - Robert August - who lives in Tamarindo and shapes boards. He is a legend. But after that it's all just mingling. Mingling while exploring some of the best surf breaks in the country. From Ollie's Point to Playa Negra, and beaches in between, participants can surf sand bars to cobble stone point breaks, to rock ledges. There can be an 11 foot tidal range so that will dictate the when and where. If you don't surf, you will get a lesson the first day if you want one, but are not required to paddle out at all. You don't even need to get in the water, but will be part of the group examining the coastline.

The retreat has three themes. The first is Pollution - plastic and sewage. The second is Beach Erosion. And the third is Public Access. During our beach cleanups, around the breakfast table, out in the lineup, watching the sunset, we can share our experiences and ideas for each of these themes in a small group setting. As we travel to the other beaches around Tamarindo we can observe how each of these themes are exemplified and compare them to ours back home. Participants can summarize their discussions on each theme from that day and share it in an online document.

Throughout the week, local surf industry and environmental group volunteers will be joining in to provide their perspective on these themes and what is happening in their communities. Many have grown up witnessing the changes in their towns as the tourism industry grew in Costa Rica. The Surfrider Tamarindo chapter has done a lot to support the lifeguard program and recycling in the area. Part of the retreat package is a $100 donation directly to them.

Each of you have a valuable perspective that could spark an idea in someone you may have never met unless you were together on a tropical beach in Costa Rica. In having volunteered in Florida and California with the Surfrider Foundation, I saw so much common ground. We fought the same battles, we used the same tactics, we had awesome fundraisers, and we had many victories - not just because of our leaders - but the committed volunteers that worked together because they believed in protecting their oceans, waves, and beaches.

Those are the people who I am looking forward to seeing on August 13th to the 19th, 2018. Come join us.

http://www.crsurf.com ~ CR Surf Travel Company

Instagram - @crsurf
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