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Topic Title: Mallika Mango
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Created On: 05/25/2023 11:12 AM
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 05/25/2023 11:12 AM
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Posts: 37257
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Anybody picking them yet?
I always get it wrong

"The truth is incontrovertible.
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 05/25/2023 12:45 PM
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Central Floridave

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Nope. too early. Rosigold right now.
 05/26/2023 01:17 PM
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Soon I hope, they are getting big and fallin.

"The truth is incontrovertible.
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but in the end,
there it is." -Sir Winston Churchill
 05/27/2023 06:26 AM
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Central Floridave

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Mallika is June to July so yes they are close. I've got a tree. Hoping to get some fruit.
 05/30/2023 01:08 PM
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Lancetilla is just about ready to pick. Mallika not quite.
 06/11/2023 03:11 PM
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Need to pick the Lancetilla tomorrow. Coloring up.
 06/29/2023 10:35 AM
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Central Floridave

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So much mango right now...
 06/30/2023 05:23 AM
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Trying to keep the randos off our Valencia Pride mangos. People assume that because they are huge that we are wasting them because there are so many on the tree. But they aren't quite ready and we pick as they come. It will be August before we are done harvesting. Still people keep steeling them and/or knocking on our door wanting some because they "hate to see them go to waste".


 06/30/2023 12:23 PM
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Still not ready. Mine are safe from peeps but not squirrels in the back yard. Picked a bunch of Lancetilla today.

Edited: 06/30/2023 at 12:23 PM by ww
 06/30/2023 02:41 PM
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Central Floridave

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I made mango jam last night. Gonna keep making it as got a ton of mango and mason jars. Easy to make. Just takes time.
 07/03/2023 12:54 PM
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I really don't want to pick them green but I'm fixing to strip the whole tree bare. That or bust out some Duda tactics. This is getting ridiculous.


 07/04/2023 09:21 AM
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Why not just make a quick sign that says, "yes, I will be using all my mangos."? Or something to that effect.
 07/05/2023 08:52 AM
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Sign is the sensible option. Cuts down on the the random door knocks from people nice enough to ask before grabbing. Doesn't stop the theft. Somebody went into our neighbor's back yard and took some.


 07/05/2023 09:35 AM
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Central Floridave

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Definitely make a sign. That will cut down 75 percent of the people knocking on your door.

The other 25 percent will say they travelled a long way and can they have the fruit on the ground and/or pick the fruit themselves.

 07/06/2023 12:00 PM
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My sign was on the box full I put out front.
It said Free Mangoes.

I picked most of them a few days ago, squirrels got 25%.
Ripening in my wheelbarrow in the garage.
Mostly I am giving them away to neighbors and to the various medical people helping me get back into the water soon.,

Sharing some with my daughter right now. they are phreaking awesome.

"The truth is incontrovertible.
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Edited: 07/06/2023 at 12:02 PM by WG
 07/13/2023 09:03 AM
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Originally posted by: Central Floridave Definitely make a sign. That will cut down 75 percent of the people knocking on your door. The other 25 percent will say they travelled a long way and can they have the fruit on the ground and/or pick the fruit themselves.
Hah, got the long distance request on Sunday. Family on vacation from South Carolina. "But we've come so far". My wife, otherwise known as Gollum when it comes to her precious mangoes, let them have some of the low hanging fruit. Oh well, in two or three weeks when the last of this year's bounty comes down then it will be time for serious pruning and thinning. Its been a great year; tomatoes, pineapples, and mangos out the wazoo. Hell, we've given away over 20 gallons of mangos, have had a shitload just disappear, and still are going to end up filling our freezer with frozen. Gollum flew Southwest yesterday and didn't need a 2nd bag. But a 2nd bag flies free on Southwest so 40lbs of mangos got boxed up and went to PA with her.


 07/14/2023 08:04 AM
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Central Floridave

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It's been a bumper crop this summer for mango! So many road side stands on South Tropical Trail.

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