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Topic Title: South Brown water color after south winds in CB area
Topic Summary: Any idea where it clears up?
Created On: 05/23/2022 07:32 AM
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 05/23/2022 07:32 AM
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Posts: 2125
Joined Forum: 10/11/2004

winds really affect our water color here in CB area, anyone know off hand where it starts to clean back up?

We do get pretty water but for what ever reason that southerly wind changes things to brownish and silty...

Figure it must be some bottom growth stirred up and pushed in?

I've decided to accept the fact - I'll always be a big kid!
 05/24/2022 07:27 AM
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I always love the water on MI side off tropical trail from airport to pineda

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 06/02/2022 05:51 PM
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It's usually happens when the winds have a south component and I imagine if has something to do with the natural north flow being disrupted. North and east winds bring in clear water, south does thew opposite.

I was right.
 07/16/2022 01:43 PM
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Algae everywhere from Sebastian to the Cape.

I was right.
 07/21/2022 05:39 AM
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It's poo, and algae feeding on poo.

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 07/22/2022 11:39 AM
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poo and fertilizer, one is optional

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