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Topic Title: Dolphin that was looking out for me on 12/17
Topic Summary: tail slapper
Created On: 12/18/2021 05:13 AM
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 12/18/2021 05:13 AM
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Was surfing at Watson by myself Friday lunchtime, 12/17. Decent waves, lots of fish and wildlife. Really a good session by most standards, light wind, shoulder high with some head high sets, not a long period, but breaking outside and rolling through a bit. A porpoise about 100 yards out that was mulling around started some pretty furious tail slapping. It continued to do so, so it wasn't just a one time thing. I looked south and saw a huge fin cruising just outside the break coming my way. I caught a wave and paddled in. Can't say I've ever been in that kind of situation before. Just a shout out for that dolphin making me aware.
 12/25/2021 01:21 AM
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Thanks Pomp! Killer story!
 01/04/2022 04:38 PM
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Joined Forum: 07/24/2003

I don't check this forum enough, what a great story. i always FEEL like porpoises are protecting us and you have a great example of that.

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