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Topic Title: Chump Normalization syndrome
Topic Summary: united states of amnesia
Created On: 05/25/2024 07:35 PM
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 05/25/2024 07:35 PM
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It'll be gone in a week. Warm weather kills it. Drinking bleach cures it. etc
lest we forget

It's a democratic hoax
 05/26/2024 07:49 AM
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This Rolling Stone article gets it right.

Trump had so much crap going on during his administration.
Literally a stupid drama every week. He wasn't serious about running the country.
He had some good people, but they left him and his administration...remember that?
Tired of the Trump Reality Show.

And to answer the question for me I am much better off now that 4 years ago.

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
 05/26/2024 10:32 AM
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4 years ago they had just figured out it wasn't gone by Easter

Trump was telling America to shove light bulbs up their ass and drink bleach

and Twrongz made his infamously wrongz proclamation the Covid was OVER!



The Incredible Disappearing Fraud!
 05/28/2024 04:14 PM
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And while the fat stinqy orange traitor was spreading deliberately false disinformation, he went on tape with Bob woodward:
"It goes through the air bob, deadly stuff.
Much worse than the most strenuous flu....."
How many lives were lost, ruined by this lying saq of shit?
Doctors, nurses, teachers, world's premier infectious disease experts getting death threats and needing bodyguards.
So much....for winning

It's a democratic hoax
 05/28/2024 04:22 PM
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While at the same time profusely praising his chicommie house guest, self appointed emperor for life xi for his help.
While blaming qungflu on fauci. How many lost lives?
String him up

It's a democratic hoax
 05/29/2024 08:16 PM
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Well, only he can qure windmill cancers.
And remember when he valiantly prevented that Chinese hurricane cannon from wiping us out?
How else would we know about:
John Kerry using directed energy beams to steer hurricanes to red states.
His buddy fat Alex enlightened to the CIA program to emasculate qop mens. That was by poisoning the water......leading to gay frogs.
We were thankfully informed about the 5g chips and tentacle qritters in every COVID vaccine dose.
And most of these issues are due to demon sperm and alien DNA.
This is really stupid shit, folks. And there's just mounds more of this utter nonsense from these idiots.

It's a democratic hoax
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