Hey Matt B ... How the hell o are you ??? :)

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Created On: 05/24/2024 02:45 PM
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 05/24/2024 02:45 PM
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The alive candidate.

I :heart; Q
 05/24/2024 02:59 PM
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They are going to jettison Joe at the last minute. He doesn't have a chance.
 05/24/2024 03:08 PM
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This will be a funny one to bump back up later when none of your MAGA fantasies and conspiracies come true..


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 05/24/2024 03:47 PM
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Adderall baby! I can't wait to see a tweaking Trump. Oh, and I agree with his drug test idea too, but you KNOW that's not gonna happen. lol

I was right.

Edited: 05/24/2024 at 03:53 PM by Cole
 05/24/2024 03:49 PM
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The alive candidate?

I was right.

Edited: 05/24/2024 at 03:49 PM by Cole
 05/24/2024 04:36 PM
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I'm excited just to see the dumbass look on his face when they cut off his mic after his word salad blather runs too long


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
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