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Topic Title: FL House Bill 1645
Topic Summary: “rejecting the agenda of the radical green zealots”
Created On: 05/23/2024 06:43 AM
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 05/23/2024 11:45 AM
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Paddle faster....I hear incel inbred banjo music...
and a'squealing lak a peeyug
Hey opie-x: how ARE things in gooberry? Any qool prideboy circle wank parties lately?
Now: about that chief science officer, blue-green algae impending disasters.....and broken campaign promises....again
Lie, Spin, Deflect....and then: simply change the subject:

It's a democratic hoax
 05/23/2024 11:58 AM
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Originally posted by: nukeh2o Paddle faster....I hear incel inbred banjo music... and a'squealing lak a peeyug Hey opie-x: how ARE things in gooberry? Any qool prideboy circle wank parties lately? Now: about that chief science officer, blue-green algae impending disasters.....and broken campaign promises....again Lie, Spin, Deflect....and then: simply change the subject: Genius!
Allow me to use this fine example of what happens to one's brain when afflicted with Libtardism...

Case in point, a thread was started about an opinion piece presented by 3rdworld, on a bill thats being passed through the Florida legislature. Of course said opinion was bias driven narrative, distracting from the full intention of the bill.

The bill itself was produced, and said bias/narrative called out.

Enter the braying donkey, spouting shit with no relevance to what's being discussed....only to go on and accuse others of lying, spinning, deflecting/changing the subject. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You can't make this shit up!

Once again proving, libtards don't/can't handle reality...and have to make up their own.

For those that are not fully inflicted with libtardism, and still have a functioning brain.....take this example as a warning to what happens if you allow said libtardism to fully take hold.


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

 05/23/2024 12:10 PM
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Actually dudsantos claims it was his idea.....watch this space
Now run along and help mims napoleon shovel some pigshit, goobie-x

It's a democratic hoax
 05/23/2024 12:58 PM
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Originally posted by: 3rdworldlover

House Bill 1645, signed yesterday by identity politics politician DeSantis

Eliminates the requirement for the state to consider climate change when crafting energy policy.

Needlessly prohibits the construction of offshore wind turbines in state waters, and

will repeal state grant programs that encourage energy conservation and renewable energy.

The legislation also deletes requirements that state agencies use climate-friendly products and purchase fuel-efficient vehicles.

All of the above checks out per the law signed by our identity politics governor yesterday:


 05/23/2024 01:18 PM
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And the outline for this lying qrap came from his "platform" during his illustrious run for magat in thief.
And which is in stark contrast to his guvner campaign promises.
Which I will provide in detail here.....he's doing a swine job

It's a democratic hoax
 05/23/2024 05:15 PM
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Originally posted by: OBX

Originally posted by: 3rdworldlover

House Bill 1645, signed yesterday by identity politics politician DeSantis

Eliminates the requirement for the state to consider climate change when crafting energy policy.

Needlessly prohibits the construction of offshore wind turbines in state waters, and

will repeal state grant programs that encourage energy conservation and renewable energy.

The legislation also deletes requirements that state agencies use climate-friendly products and purchase fuel-efficient vehicles.

Weird, here is the bill, in full text:

For those that would like to form their own opinion

I encourage the class to read through the bill itself. Then, read through the parroted outrage from our resident libards (parroting the opinion of someone else) through the lens of your newly, independently acquired knowledge.

It'll be a good test for youself.....do you care about that truth of what's being said and will actually start to "see it", or are you more concerned with your own confirmation bias (IE always being right), truth/context be dammed and would rather continue being a sheep.

EDIT: Notice the blurb removing any energy products procured from "forced labor" off their list of allowable resources? Thats the real source of their outrage over this bill....

Yes, the law says what 3rd stated. Thanks for posting it.

I was right.

Edited: 05/23/2024 at 05:16 PM by Cole
 05/24/2024 08:04 AM
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It is a great law. Congratulations to our Florida gov't. Nice having a sane gov't, isn't it? And not having a senile executive is almost heaven. That said, it could have been better. They should have put in language that would deny progs any form of energy. But perhaps we can do that later.

I :heart; Q
 05/24/2024 09:46 AM
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No one cares about water until the well runs dry.

Nothing screams cuck like flying a flag with another man's name on it.
 05/24/2024 11:45 AM
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Originally posted by: RustyTruck No one cares about water until the well runs dry.
Same with power. At least we are surrounded by water.

I :heart; Q
 05/24/2024 12:25 PM
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Surrounded by wind, but it's against the law to use it for power. Someone might miss a Bombardier jet payment.

Nothing screams cuck like flying a flag with another man's name on it.
 05/24/2024 02:03 PM
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Originally posted by: tpapablo

It is a great law. Congratulations to our Florida gov't. Nice having a sane gov't, isn't it? And not having a senile executive is almost heaven. That said, it could have been better. They should have put in language that would deny progs any form of energy. But perhaps we can do that later.

Our taxes pay to keep the Red states working.

I was right.
FORUMS : National Enquirer (FORMERLY NSR) : FL House Bill 1645

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