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Topic Title: FL House Bill 1645
Topic Summary: “rejecting the agenda of the radical green zealots”
Created On: 05/23/2024 06:43 AM
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 05/23/2024 06:43 AM
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House Bill 1645 removes the word "climate" from Florida statute in nine different instances, limits renewable energy production and likely expands the use of fossil fuels, according to the CLEO Institute. The legislation bans offshore windmill turbines and relaxes regulations of natural gas pipelines.

Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/editorials/article288642175.html#storylink=cpy

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation this year that prohibits local governments from passing heat protections for outdoor workers.Another bill he signed last week deletes most references to climate change from state law, among other things.

In some cases, the bill's deletions of climate change seem innocuous. In others, those deletions are more far-reaching. For example, Florida statute used to read: "The Legislature finds that... the impacts of global climate change can be reduced through the reduction of greenhouse gas emission." That was removed and replaced with: "The purpose of the state's energy policy is to ensure an adequate, reliable, and cost-effective supply of energy for the state..." In some ways, the new law is a symbolic move that Florida is "rejecting the agenda of the radical green zealots," as radical red dickhead DeSantis said last week. The state, for example, doesn't attract much wind energy investment because of its lower wind speeds. Therefore, the practical effects of the HB 1645 might be minimal - though it could stifle future innovation if wind energy becomes more feasible in the state, the Times/Herald Tallahassee Bureau reported.

 05/23/2024 06:49 AM
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Why hello Big Government!

I was right.
 05/23/2024 06:52 AM
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So, and, perhaps as Lars predicted, it will be North against South, , , ,

I can't find him right now but a British dude pretty much nailed it when he said, in-so-many-words, that the UK produces 2% of the world's CO2. If they stop producing CO2, So What!!?? The world's poor in Asia and South America don't give a fuck about the 'climate'!!

Dora Hates You
 05/23/2024 06:54 AM
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Those brown people don't needed no breaks from the heat.

I was right.
 05/23/2024 06:57 AM
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If God's will is to drown Florida, then let it rain.

Nothing screams cuck like flying a flag with another man's name on it.
 05/23/2024 07:02 AM
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China and India are actually outpacing the US with their rate of converting to use of renewable and green energy sources
 05/23/2024 07:26 AM
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For those that are not driven by identity politics or aren't fueled by corporate programmed hatred. Here is what the bill actually does:

GENERAL BILL by Commerce Committee ; Energy, Communications & Cybersecurity Subcommittee ; Payne ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Altman ; Barnaby ; Roth

Energy Resources; Allows resiliency facilities in local government comprehensive plans & specified districts; requires rural electric coops & municipal electric utilities to enter into mutual aid agreement for restoring power after natural disaster; requires public utilities to provide notice to PSC of power plant retirements; authorizes PSC to approve voluntary electric vehicle charging programs; prohibits construction, operation, or expansion of certain wind energy facilities & wind turbines; requires PSC to conduct assessment of state's electric grid & natural gas facilities against physical & cyber threats; requires PSC to evaluate feasibility of using advanced nuclear power technologies; requires DOT to study hydrogen fueling infrastructure to support hydrogen-powered vehicles.

Read for yourself

The resident sheep libtards on here can continue bouncing around in their miserable bubble.

Don't let facts get in the way of rhetoric or narrative...right fellas?

Edit to add the hilarity of an "opinion" piece being used by 3rdworld to "spread the news" instead of him actually reading the bill himself to form his own opinion. Once again reminding the rest of the class.....their opinions are formed for them and not by them. IE....this is another fine example of being a libtarded sheep.


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

Edited: 05/23/2024 at 07:31 AM by OBX
 05/23/2024 07:36 AM
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"The purpose of the state's energy policy is to ensure an adequate, reliable, and cost-effective supply of energy for the state...
Pretty solid goal, in my view. Of course, this is the free state of Florida, so you progs have every right to not use any electricity, gas, etc. Indeed, if you really cared about the environment, you wouldn't. But you don't.

I :heart; Q
 05/23/2024 07:39 AM
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Wind Bad. Nuke good. Words "climate change" prohibited. Got it.

Nothing screams cuck like flying a flag with another man's name on it.
 05/23/2024 07:54 AM
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Originally posted by: dingpatch So, and, perhaps as Lars predicted, it will be North against South, , , , I can't find him right now but a British dude pretty much nailed it when he said, in-so-many-words, that the UK produces 2% of the world's CO2. If they stop producing CO2, So What!!?? The world's poor in Asia and South America don't give a fuck about the 'climate'!!
Correct. If the US went cave man overnight. Wouldn't change a thing.

I :heart; Q
 05/23/2024 08:29 AM
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House Bill 1645, signed yesterday by identity politics politician DeSantis
Eliminates the requirement for the state to consider climate change when crafting energy policy.

Needlessly prohibits the construction of offshore wind turbines in state waters, and

will repeal state grant programs that encourage energy conservation and renewable energy.

The legislation also deletes requirements that state agencies use climate-friendly products and purchase fuel-efficient vehicles.

 05/23/2024 08:50 AM
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Originally posted by: 3rdworldlover House Bill 1645, signed yesterday by identity politics politician DeSantis Eliminates the requirement for the state to consider climate change when crafting energy policy. Needlessly prohibits the construction of offshore wind turbines in state waters, and will repeal state grant programs that encourage energy conservation and renewable energy. The legislation also deletes requirements that state agencies use climate-friendly products and purchase fuel-efficient vehicles.
That sounds fantastic. Shows that DeSantis should be president in 2028. Man it's nice living in a red state. Now, do your part, progs. Stop using energy immediately to balance out this. Our lives depend upon you doing the right thing.

I :heart; Q
 05/23/2024 09:40 AM
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What they need is a good bleeding! Who's the barber here?


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 05/23/2024 09:41 AM
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Sorry, Cole, this has nothing to do with 'color'. Economics is always so hateful.

Dora Hates You
 05/23/2024 09:44 AM
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It's too late to stop them from fucking the place up. Smart people are are in phase two of plan B.

Nothing screams cuck like flying a flag with another man's name on it.
 05/23/2024 09:53 AM
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Originally posted by: 3rdworldlover House Bill 1645, signed yesterday by identity politics politician DeSantis Eliminates the requirement for the state to consider climate change when crafting energy policy. Needlessly prohibits the construction of offshore wind turbines in state waters, and will repeal state grant programs that encourage energy conservation and renewable energy. The legislation also deletes requirements that state agencies use climate-friendly products and purchase fuel-efficient vehicles.
Weird, here is the bill, in full text:

For those that would like to form their own opinion

I encourage the class to read through the bill itself. Then, read through the parroted outrage from our resident libards (parroting the opinion of someone else) through the lens of your newly, independently acquired knowledge.

It'll be a good test for youself.....do you care about that truth of what's being said and will actually start to "see it", or are you more concerned with your own confirmation bias (IE always being right), truth/context be dammed and would rather continue being a sheep.

EDIT: Notice the blurb removing any energy products procured from "forced labor" off their list of allowable resources? Thats the real source of their outrage over this bill....


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

Edited: 05/23/2024 at 09:57 AM by OBX
 05/23/2024 10:58 AM
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Anybody remember Rondon dirtsantos running on how he was gonna do something about the now routine problem of blue-green algae festering in lake o?
Deal with fertilizer and defoliant runoff off from sugar and citrus operations?
Due to ...wait for it:....climate change?! 85% unfulfilled.
The lake water levels are being kept way too high....again, and with the scariest storm season forecast ever....what could possibly go wrong?
Well, st lucie/ Martin inland waterways are already unswimmable, pro divers refuse to enter it. Fishing? Yumm, poisoned fish on the menu!
The drinking water aquifers now have toxic, virtually unremovable levels of the blue-green toxin. And massive amounts of beach closing, watersports business destroying, real estate and tourism crushing toxic spew poised to pour into both coasts? Again?
Btw: Anybody heard from his "chief scientist" environmental guy from UF lately btw?
Guess that magat war on woke takes precedence over Florida's most valuable resources and businesses, huh chumpfsqum vermin? Sure lerned dizknee a thing, huh incel inbred chumpfsqum vermin? At taxpayer expense of course. Again.
But just ask the mighty emperor of mims, napoleon pigblo:
pigsugar Ronduh....is doing a fiiine job

It's a democratic hoax

Edited: 05/23/2024 at 11:07 AM by nukeh2o
 05/23/2024 11:10 AM
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The howling hypocrites are at it again. Haven't seen any progs pledging to forswear energy usage yet. Until we see that happening, we all know that you are just engaged in your unending bellyaching and couldn't give a damn about the environment. No one takes progs seriously.

I :heart; Q
 05/23/2024 11:25 AM
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Piglets.....getcher red hot free piglets here!
Ostriches... next big thing!
A swampside hamlet in goobervile, jojahstan misses its idiots.
Speaking of: how that drag queen show tour with "samba" Jorge Santos and your beau swishyfish going?

It's a democratic hoax
 05/23/2024 11:31 AM
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Originally posted by: nukeh2o Piglets.....getcher red hot free piglets here! Ostriches... next big thing! A swampside hamlet in goobervile, jojahstan misses its idiots. Speaking of: how that drag queen show tour with "samba" Jorge Santos and your beau swishyfish going? wee...weeeee......Weeeeeeak!

I can't be the only one that reads Nukeys post, and "hear" a braying donkey in my head......


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

Edited: 05/23/2024 at 11:32 AM by OBX
FORUMS : National Enquirer (FORMERLY NSR) : FL House Bill 1645

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