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Topic Title: Here you go, Dingpatch.
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Created On: 04/18/2024 03:28 PM
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 04/18/2024 03:28 PM
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They're out there.

I :heart; Q

Edited: 04/18/2024 at 03:36 PM by tpapablo
 04/19/2024 04:37 AM
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On another 'forum', , , , , there are many who just simply can say nothing more that Bull Shit! "None of this CAN BE REAL!" (as in "This MUST NOT be Real" or, 'it's all a conspiracy to distract us from, , , (INSERT you favorite cause Here). But, Sad Fact is, this video has been confirmed as very real by the DoD.

Many with a 1982 eighth grade science education are incapable of grokking. "Has to be just drones, , , ,,, ," So, hmmmmm, , ,, , 'we' had drones in the 1930s that could fly at 2000 MPH and do 30 G turns??! Right!

And, let us not have to get into the religious implications but, I will anyway. There are no angels, demons or gods. Mrs Dingpatch was Read In. She told me that she hoped there really is a god because there can't be just Them. She was raised on the bible, the knowledge broke her with PTSD.

Dora Hates You
 04/19/2024 05:52 AM
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You aren't doing your cause any favors hitching on with bullshit fraudsters like Jeremy Corbell that presents flares (29 Palms case) as UFOs and that uses the Bokeh camera artifact to manufacture "triangle UAPs". Here he is showing a hot infrared signal going over the horizon with imaging artifacts caused by waves and shotty resolution. Whatever truth is out there you aren't getting it from these disinformation stooges and con artists.


 04/19/2024 06:08 AM
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Of course there is life in other parts of the universe. Billions of stars, a trillion planets and we are the only one?

Why they would bother with us is the big question.

I was right.
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