Hey Matt B ... How the hell o are you ??? :)

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Topic Title: Unemployed pabs.
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Created On: 03/01/2024 02:49 PM
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 03/01/2024 02:49 PM
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He's been posting on the forum all day, all week.

Doesn't seem like Pabs has clients, and if he does, they're sure not getting their money's worth- all he does all day is panic post.

I'm sure they figure out in 10 minutes that he's a nutjob and skeedaddle the F outta his office to find another lawyer.

The Trump flags and swastikas on the desk might be a tell.

Could this be a past customer driving around town? Seems about right...


Chaos & Violence Party 2024

Edited: 03/01/2024 at 02:51 PM by fishkller
 03/01/2024 03:22 PM
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Piglets.....getcher red-hot free piglets here...
ostriches: next big thing....etc
Mee-lon musqrats moving next door...any minute now

It's a democratic hoax
 03/01/2024 05:50 PM
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Maybe the MAGAT from T'ville/Mims that shot at construction workers from his airboat the other day can hire pabs for defense.


 03/01/2024 06:19 PM
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Paging highly self esteemed walmart floor maintenance engineer pigblo:
cleanup on aisle Q666

It's a democratic hoax
 03/02/2024 09:09 AM
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I still can't see how he was a successful lawyer. His shit on here is so dumb, it's embarrassing.

I was right.
 03/02/2024 11:09 AM
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Yeah- I'd imagine he'd do the same thing in court that he does here- use dumb/wrongz logic with more than a hint of anger and false bravado, then get shot down repeatedly


Chaos & Violence Party 2024

Edited: 03/02/2024 at 11:16 AM by fishkller
 03/02/2024 12:31 PM
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Calling the judge a "prog" probably doesn't go over too well.

“The United States now faces a different kind of violence, from people who will tell you that they are for ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom,’ but these are merely code words for personal grudges, racial and class resentments, and a generalized paranoia"
 03/04/2024 07:16 AM
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Refusing to leave to courtroom after he lost, claiming it was stolen, rigged by Biden and Obama


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 03/04/2024 07:28 AM
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Originally posted by: fishkller

Refusing to leave to courtroom after he lost, claiming it was stolen, rigged by Biden and Obama

The accused admits to the crime and doofball calls it a hoax.

I was right.
 03/04/2024 10:58 AM
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How do you plead?

"Hoax, you honor!"


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