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Topic Title: The MAGA Court
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Created On: 03/01/2024 05:48 AM
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 03/01/2024 05:48 AM
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Posts: 69448
Joined Forum: 07/22/2003

That is the official new name for the SCOTUS.

I was right.
 03/01/2024 06:24 AM
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You got your talking points, I see. Smith, BTW, is the one who asked for the Supreme Court to review this issue. So, the Court was actually doing the bidding of progs. As I have pointed out frequently on here, it is a good thing progs are so stupid.

I :heart; Q
 03/01/2024 07:00 AM
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I prefer "SCROTUS"

“The United States now faces a different kind of violence, from people who will tell you that they are for ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom,’ but these are merely code words for personal grudges, racial and class resentments, and a generalized paranoia"
 03/01/2024 07:43 AM
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Posts: 69448
Joined Forum: 07/22/2003

Originally posted by: tpapablo

You got your talking points, I see. Smith, BTW, is the one who asked for the Supreme Court to review this issue. So, the Court was actually doing the bidding of progs. As I have pointed out frequently on here, it is a good thing progs are so stupid.

You actually believe that they are considering giving the president unlimited power? The power to murder under State protection?

I was right.

Edited: 03/02/2024 at 08:25 PM by Cole
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