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Created On: 02/29/2024 05:15 AM
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 02/29/2024 10:22 AM
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Originally posted by: tpapablo
Originally posted by: Bamboo I'm pretty sure a bunch of us here said if hunter biden is guilty throw him in the slammer. That's the way it goes. It is pretty funny..but not unexpected.. how the GOP's star witness turns out to be a shill for the Russians, though.
The star witnesses aren't shills for Russians. You guys need to educate yourselves. Foolish request, huh?
Its almost like they only have rhetoric and false narratives to rely on, doesn't it? Facts be damned!!!!!


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

 02/29/2024 10:31 AM
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Originally posted by: OBX

And, Pelosi's son probably wouldn't end up arrested......

I should think not, he probably wouldn't be breaking into cars.

“The United States now faces a different kind of violence, from people who will tell you that they are for ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom,’ but these are merely code words for personal grudges, racial and class resentments, and a generalized paranoia"
 02/29/2024 10:34 AM
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Originally posted by: OBX
Originally posted by: tpapablo
Originally posted by: Bamboo I'm pretty sure a bunch of us here said if hunter biden is guilty throw him in the slammer. That's the way it goes. It is pretty funny..but not unexpected.. how the GOP's star witness turns out to be a shill for the Russians, though.
The star witnesses aren't shills for Russians. You guys need to educate yourselves. Foolish request, huh?
Its almost like they only have rhetoric and false narratives to rely on, doesn't it? Facts be damned!!!!!
They certainly are not ones who are big on reality, knowledge, wisdom, critical thinking, or common sense. Their only strength is their susceptability for falling for hoaxes. I suspect that is what this "Russian shill" thing is.

I :heart; Q
 02/29/2024 10:37 AM
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Originally posted by: RustyTruck
Originally posted by: OBX And, Pelosi's son probably wouldn't end up arrested......
I should think not, he probably wouldn't be breaking into cars.
Of course not, he's more into big time crime.....without getting arrested

Pelosi Jr doges federal charges for the 7th time


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

 02/29/2024 10:47 AM
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Tell it to the cops if you have some evidence.

“The United States now faces a different kind of violence, from people who will tell you that they are for ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom,’ but these are merely code words for personal grudges, racial and class resentments, and a generalized paranoia"
 02/29/2024 10:50 AM
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Originally posted by: RustyTruck Tell it to the cops if you have some evidence.

Just admit the hypocrisy and be done.

"Kill the ego and feed the soul"


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

 02/29/2024 12:59 PM
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I think the important takeaway here is that "Lil' Bobo" is going to be an awesome rapper name for his stint in the joint...


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 02/29/2024 01:04 PM
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He can work out and convert to Islam.

“The United States now faces a different kind of violence, from people who will tell you that they are for ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom,’ but these are merely code words for personal grudges, racial and class resentments, and a generalized paranoia"
 02/29/2024 02:42 PM
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You probably would.....except you missed the point that you guys would chime in and defend

Nope, that's another lie. Show one example where we defended Hunter Biden.

I was right.
 02/29/2024 02:43 PM
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Originally posted by: OBX

Originally posted by: tpapablo

Originally posted by: Bamboo

I'm pretty sure a bunch of us here said if hunter biden is guilty throw him in the slammer.

That's the way it goes.

It is pretty funny..but not unexpected.. how the GOP's star witness turns out to be a shill for the Russians, though.

The star witnesses aren't shills for Russians. You guys need to educate yourselves. Foolish request, huh?

Its almost like they only have rhetoric and false narratives to rely on, doesn't it? Facts be damned!!!!!

Did the star witness for the GOP have Russian connections?

I was right.
 02/29/2024 03:03 PM
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Originally posted by: OBX

Originally posted by: tpapablo

Originally posted by: Bamboo
I'm pretty sure a bunch of us here said if hunter biden is guilty throw him in the slammer.
That's the way it goes.
It is pretty funny..but not unexpected.. how the GOP's star witness turns out to be a shill for the Russians, though.

The star witnesses aren't shills for Russians. You guys need to educate yourselves. Foolish request, huh?

Its almost like they only have rhetoric and false narratives to rely on, doesn't it? Facts be damned!!!!!

Listen to these two widdle pro-rooskie, spambot posting goobers contorting and spinning their way into a frenzy, folks.
Yahbut, wuddabout.....boebart is trash, husbands trash, hence incel inbred POS qid is trash.
These traitor dimwits worship the most practiced liar in american, maybe world history. The whole qult of the fat orange smelly monkey is one long, achingly obvious "alternative faqts" sqam-a-thon. He's so rich, he won't need campaign assistance....as he squanders all the contributions from these oinking sheepz...again.
But send him mo' o' yo' money magat vermin....it'll be different this time....honest.... he reeeaaally means it...has only your best interests in his pus filled swollen, soon to fail heart....etc

It's a democratic hoax

Edited: 02/29/2024 at 03:17 PM by nukeh2o
 02/29/2024 07:57 PM
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Russia has suckered them since '16.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 02/29/2024 09:18 PM
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Those Daily Mail allegations are hilarious!
Bribing the building permit official for his girlfriend's home improvement project by making a $1.5k donation to his favorite charity, the local rugby club through another party.

"Smoking gun"
 03/01/2024 01:52 AM
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Originally posted by: Cole You probably would.....except you missed the point that you guys would chime in and defend Nope, that's another lie. Show one example where we defended Hunter Biden.
Jesus dude, how could you be so stupid to post this, and in your very next post, you defend Hunter by again invoking the Russian hoax.

"a person who always has to be right has a fragile ego. Their self-esteem is so frail that if they are challenged, their ego cannot tolerate admitting a mistake. Instead, the person who must always be right will actually distort reality in their minds and twist it to protect themselves."

Kill the ego and feed the soul. Or continue living in fantasy land and looking stupid.


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

 03/01/2024 04:11 AM
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No one here ever defended Hunter's dumb behavior.

The fact that you dopes got bamboozled by Russia is on you rubes.

Ex-FBI informant charged with lying about Bidens had Russian intelligence contacts


Chaos & Violence Party 2024

Edited: 03/01/2024 at 04:14 AM by fishkller
 03/01/2024 07:06 AM
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Originally posted by: Cole
Originally posted by: OBX
Originally posted by: tpapablo
Originally posted by: Bamboo I'm pretty sure a bunch of us here said if hunter biden is guilty throw him in the slammer. That's the way it goes. It is pretty funny..but not unexpected.. how the GOP's star witness turns out to be a shill for the Russians, though.
The star witnesses aren't shills for Russians. You guys need to educate yourselves. Foolish request, huh?
Its almost like they only have rhetoric and false narratives to rely on, doesn't it? Facts be damned!!!!!
Did the star witness for the GOP have Russian connections?
Not that have been reported.

I :heart; Q
 03/01/2024 07:06 AM
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Hunter Biden responds to questions:

SWALWELL: Any time your father was in government, prior to the Presidency or before, did he ever operate a hotel?

BIDEN: No, he has never operated a hotel.

SWALWELL: So he's never operated a hotel where foreign nationals spent millions at that hotel while he was in office?

BIDEN: No, he has not.

SWALWELL: Did your father ever employ in the Oval Office any direct family member to also work in the Oval Office?

BIDEN: My father has never employed any direct family members, to my knowledge.

SWALWELL: While your father was President, did anyone in the family receive 41 trademarks from China?


SWALWELL: As President and the leader of the party, has your father ever tried to install as the chairperson of the party a daughter-in-law or anyone else in the family?

BIDEN: No. And I don't think that anyone in my family would be crazy enough to want to be the chairperson of the DNC.

SWALWELL: Has your father ever in his time as an adult been fined $355 million by any State that he worked in?

BIDEN: No, he has not, thank God.

SWALWELL: Anyone in your family ever strike a multibillion dollar deal with the Saudi Government while your father was in office?


SWALWELL: That's all I've got.



 03/01/2024 07:10 AM
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Haha, perfect
 03/02/2024 11:04 AM
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Full Pwn.


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 03/02/2024 03:50 PM
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Originally posted by: OBX

Originally posted by: Cole

You probably would.....except you missed the point that you guys would chime in and defend

Nope, that's another lie. Show one example where we defended Hunter Biden.

Jesus dude, how could you be so stupid to post this, and in your very next post, you defend Hunter by again invoking the Russian hoax.

"a person who always has to be right has a fragile ego. Their self-esteem is so frail that if they are challenged, their ego cannot tolerate admitting a mistake. Instead, the person who must always be right will actually distort reality in their minds and twist it to protect themselves."

Kill the ego and feed the soul. Or continue living in fantasy land and looking stupid.

Hoax? You are saying the words directly from the witness's mouth are lies?

You are also saying the FBI is working for the Biden administration and has administered trumped up charges against the guy who said his information came from Russian sources?

Are you fucking delusional? lol

I was right.

Edited: 03/02/2024 at 03:52 PM by Cole
FORUMS : National Enquirer (FORMERLY NSR) : Little BoBo in the clink

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