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Topic Title: The dumbest senator in history?
Topic Summary: an enemy of our military
Created On: 02/28/2024 04:57 PM
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 02/28/2024 04:57 PM
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sperm r huminz.....

It's a democratic hoax
 02/28/2024 07:30 PM
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Sounds like a likely front runner to replace Mitch.
 02/29/2024 03:14 AM
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Christian Bull Shit Artist

Dora Hates You
 02/29/2024 03:37 AM
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Again, just to make this clear, , , there are no 'gods'.

Mrs dingpatch was "read in". The Earth has a primitive civilization that still believes in magic and the supernatural.

She told me that she hoped there really is a 'god' because there can't be just Them. (she was raised in a family that could barely complete a sentence without referring to a bible verse).

Dora Hates You
 02/29/2024 04:53 AM
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He's a white power guy who was duly elected by Republicans. This is what the new GOP wants.

I was right.
 02/29/2024 06:17 AM
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Originally posted by: dingpatch

Again, just to make this clear, , , there are no 'gods'.

Mrs dingpatch was "read in". The Earth has a primitive civilization that still believes in magic and the supernatural.

She told me that she hoped there really is a 'god' because there can't be just Them. (she was raised in a family that could barely complete a sentence without referring to a bible verse).

So honor your wife and don't vote Trump.

Otherwise you're voting in the "primitives"


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 02/29/2024 04:44 PM
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dangerously stupid
Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama has done a huge favor to anyone who wants to argue that he's a profoundly stupid man by providing a mountain of evidence. In November 2020, soon after being elected, he gave an interview indicating that he thinks the three branches of the United States government are "the House, the Senate and executive," rather than the legislative, the judicial, and the executive.
He's twice been involved in businesses that turn out to be ridiculously fraudulent. He's boasted that he'd raise money from his Senate office - a scheme that is not only sleazy but would in fact be a crime.

In recent weeks, Tuberville has been entangled in political conflicts that are excruciatingly embarrassing and politically damaging for the Republican Party. He has blocked hundreds of promotions in the military - including the commandant of the Marine Corps - in order to protest the Defense Department policy of allowing access to abortion for service members. Speaking on an Alabama radio show in May, Tuberville objected to efforts to keep white nationalists out of the military.

It's a democratic hoax
 03/01/2024 02:32 AM
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Two threads about this clown, Nukey? Is he your new man crush or have you just lost track of what you've already parroted?


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

 03/01/2024 04:22 AM
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The idiocy of Tommyboy Testtubebaby can't be overstated.


Chaos & Violence Party 2024

Edited: 03/01/2024 at 04:25 AM by fishkller
 03/01/2024 06:51 AM
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"If you freeze a fertilized embryo, you might be able to make a baby. But if you freeze a human, you've got some explaining to do."

--John Oliver


 03/01/2024 07:14 AM
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He screwed hundreds of general and flag officers for 10 months which messed up succession and readiness for long after.

Why did he give up?
Because he was about to get his ass kicked from his fellow senators, both Dem and Rep, who thought besides being an idiot he was doing real harm to national security.
So, he gave up his blockade to save face...but still wanted to be tough so he blocked the 4 star promotions for another few months and quietly let those go in December.
Way to go GOP!!!

"...He finally relented after heavy pressure from fellow Republican senators who had grown increasingly alarmed about the damage his holds were having on US military readiness.Critics said that Tuberville's ire was misplaced and that he was blocking the promotions of people who had nothing to do with the policy he opposed.

Tuberville had little choice but to back down. Senate Democrats had introduced a proposal that would let the Senate make a one-time exception to its rules to confirm the military appointees, and it had garnered enough Republican support that it was going to pass if Tuberville did not shift his position.

He allowed the Senate to vote to confirm almost all of the top-ranked military positions, but kept his hold on four-star generals, blocking 10 or so of the most senior military promotions until he relented his blockade in December."

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
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