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Topic Title: About them pesky ol' factz......
Topic Summary: where's all that violence chumpfsheep?
Created On: 02/27/2024 09:17 PM
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 02/27/2024 09:17 PM
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but.....that's what them spambot sources done sayed

It's a democratic hoax
 02/28/2024 04:59 AM
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Unlike Tuberville, Whitmire also offered links to information supporting his claims in subsequent tweets. As of Tuesday afternoon, the senator hadn't responded to Whitmire's fact check.

That sounds familiar. The GOP is broken all the way down to mom and pop. Not only do they fall for lies, they push them relentlessly and with no remorse.

I was right.

Edited: 02/28/2024 at 04:59 AM by Cole
 02/28/2024 08:50 AM
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The party of feelings. Their devolution is now complete.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 02/28/2024 10:19 AM
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An article (from the Huff Post, none-the-less) that mostly consists of tweets from other people....is what you clowns consider "information?"

Thank you for illustrating how you guys do nothing but parrot and spread other people's opinions as "news." Following the heard with the programmed narrative is the intellectual way, huh fellas?

Who cares about context, just repeat and follow.

You geniuses care to chime in with a comparison between New York City and Alabama's following statistics, too? (bonus if you can explain why such a comparison is non-sequitur in the first place.)

- Rape
- Robbery
- Felony Assault
- Burglary

Or is murder rate the only statistic for "safety?"

freaking classic.....thank you for this.


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

 02/29/2024 04:10 PM
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What's silly opie of goobervile got his big boi panties bunched up about now?
Alabama is the smelly armpit of merka....period.
Tubby-tubesteaksd is a fuqqing liar. And a stinking traitor.
"For nine months, Tuberville single-handedly blocked more than 450 military promotions, throwing the entire U.S. military into disarray. According to the Alabama Republican, this was the best way to protest the department's policy of reimbursing service members who have to travel out of their state of deployment for an abortion.
After all those months of protesting, Tuberville accomplished ... nothing. The Defense Department's abortion policy is still in place. The only difference is that now, all of the department leadership and pretty much every other senator is angry with him."
"Despite promising in 2020 to donate "every dime" he makes in Washington to veterans' causes, Tuberville has yet to actually do so. He appears to have completely fabricated his father's military record, and he has lived in Florida, not Alabama, for nearly two decades."
Military leaders called him out by name, accusing him of "aiding and abetting Communist and other autocratic regimes" - a devastating insult for any Republican but especially a far-right on
But of course goobie-x and his fellow putie poodle porqpoleon of mims will call it fake news.
And continue kneeling before their chumpf as rambo full size graven image.

It's a democratic hoax

Edited: 02/29/2024 at 04:25 PM by nukeh2o
 02/29/2024 04:24 PM
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"....mostly consists of tweets from other people....is what you clowns consider "information?"
Thank you for illustrating how you guys do nothing but parrot and spread other people's opinions as "news." Following the heard with the programmed narrative is the intellectual way, huh fellas?

Who cares about context, just repeat and follow. "

And there, ladies and germs, you have the treasonous magat manifesto.
They then dutifully accuse the rest of normal citizens of doing precisely what they have so blatantly tried to foist on us. But here's the news, chumpfscum vermin:
the people ain't buying it. Your fat orange pusball messiah is a banqrupt traitorous qriminal.

"It would be easy to dismiss Tuberville's stunt as pure idiocy. His colleagues certainly think he's a knucklehead. In November, some of Tuberville's fellow Alabama Republicans tried to defend his refusal to acknowledge that white nationalists are racist.
"I do not believe that Tommy Tuberville is a racist at all," one of them said, speaking anonymously. "I really believe that maybe he doesn't have an understanding of the English language."

It's a democratic hoax

Edited: 02/29/2024 at 04:27 PM by nukeh2o
 02/29/2024 04:41 PM
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Rape - New York is below Alabama.


Aggravated assault - New York is below Alabama


I was right.
 03/01/2024 02:09 AM
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Originally posted by: nukeh2o "....mostly consists of tweets from other people....is what you clowns consider "information?" Thank you for illustrating how you guys do nothing but parrot and spread other people's opinions as "news." Following the heard with the programmed narrative is the intellectual way, huh fellas? Who cares about context, just repeat and follow. " And there, ladies and germs, you have the treasonous magat manifesto. They then dutifully accuse the rest of normal citizens of doing precisely what they have so blatantly tried to foist on us. But here's the news, chumpfscum vermin: the people ain't buying it. Your fat orange pusball messiah is a banqrupt traitorous qriminal. "It would be easy to dismiss Tuberville's stunt as pure idiocy. His colleagues certainly think he's a knucklehead. In November, some of Tuberville's fellow Alabama Republicans tried to defend his refusal to acknowledge that white nationalists are racist. "I do not believe that Tommy Tuberville is a racist at all," one of them said, speaking anonymously. "I really believe that maybe he doesn't have an understanding of the English language."
Hahaha, someone got triggered with that smack of reality.

Tuberville is a moron.

Just like you're a moron for trying to gaslight others for doing exactly what you were just called out for doing.

What a clown.....


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

Edited: 03/01/2024 at 02:10 AM by OBX
 03/01/2024 08:36 AM
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Simply pointing out the facts, (you know: actual ones(!) rebutting gomie goobervile's latest qlueless sack of lies seems to have triggered some form of incel inbred response. Omg omg, huffpost.com is liberl!
Like all good widdle maga sheep, goober stick with foreign agitprop party line....noo yawk qrime, qalifornia's antifa homeless,...
All hilary's fault, soros/gates plot, fauci's kung-fu conspiracy,....blah blah, oinq oinq ad nauseum
Now run along and help mims napoleon shovel some pigshit, dorq

It's a democratic hoax
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