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Topic Title: He knows more than the.......
Topic Summary: Reagan, bush and....fat orange chumpanzee on border solutions
Created On: 02/25/2024 07:34 PM
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 02/25/2024 07:34 PM
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which one of these is not like the other.......

It's a democratic hoax

Edited: 03/01/2024 at 11:59 AM by nukeh2o
 02/26/2024 06:02 AM
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It's an election tool, they have no need or want for border legislation. Real congressional steps were underway and they killed it dead at the wishes of trump.

I was right.
 03/01/2024 12:02 PM
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And now baby blimp blocks yet another reasonable bipartisan move to improve southern border solutions.
Then blames the other guy....aka his lifelong MO.
String him up, vote them out

It's a democratic hoax
 03/02/2024 09:23 AM
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Yep, enough of these two-faced. liars. Vote Blue.

I was right.
 03/02/2024 11:02 AM
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Did he "build the wall"? nope

Does he really want to fix the border issue? nope

Does he want to complain non-stop? yup


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