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Topic Title: Gavin Newsom Signs Controversial Bill Designating California First 'Sanctuary State' for 'Trans' Children
Topic Summary: What's wrong with you prog liberal POS humans?!?!
Created On: 09/30/2022 01:45 PM
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 09/30/2022 01:45 PM
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Fish Killer

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Gavin Newsom Signs Controversial Bill Designating California First 'Sanctuary State' for 'Trans' Children
By Mike Miller | 4:30 PM on September 30, 2022

In this episode of The No-Longer-Golden State...

Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom, on Thursday, signed into law a bill designating California as the first sanctuary state for "gender-dysphoric" children and teens seeking so-called "gender-affirming care." If you've grown numb or desensitized by the pace of metastasis of this horrific abuse of America's children, you're not alone. However, as California goes, other liberal states have a tendency to follow.

As reported by Breitbart, Senate Bill 107, introduced by left-wing state Sen. Scott Wiener (D), offers a range of legal protections for "transgender" kids and their parents who travel to California seeking hormone prescriptions or sex-reassignment surgeries that have been made illegal in other states.

In a signing statement, Newsom called policies restricting gender transition for minors hateful and accused conservative states of attempting to "demonize" transgender youths, as transcribed by Breitbart:

In California we believe in equality and acceptance. We believe that no one should be prosecuted or persecuted for getting the care they need - including gender-affirming care. Parents know what's best for their kids, and they should be able to make decisions around the health of their children without fear. We must take a stand for parental choice.

The people we "demonize," Governor Newsom, are adults who champion - and now move to protect - the irreversible mutilation of young children's bodies.

Whether the new bill is constitutional remains to be seen, but one thing seems certain: SB 107 will likely make its way to the U.S. Supreme Court for a number of reasons.

The law also weakens parental rights of those who aren't supportive of sex changes for their kids and makes the enforcement of out-of-state arrest warrants for violations of child sex change bans the state's lowest law enforcement priority. Legislators added a severability clause at the last minute so that parts of the law can stay in effect if a court determines that other parts violate the Constitution, according to the Los Angeles Times. But Wiener remained defiant:

We may have limits under the U.S. Constitution, but we are going to go right up to the edge of what we're able to do to protect them and say, 'Unless we are absolutely forced to send you back, we are not going to send you back.'

Via Wiener's press office:

California must stand with LGBTQ kids and their families, especially when they're under attack across the country.

[SB 107] prohibits the arrest or recognition of any demand for extradition of an individual that criminalizes allowing a person to receive or provide gender-affirming health care where that conduct would not be unlawful under California's law.

It will declare that it is California's public policy that any out-of-state criminal arrest warrant for someone based on violating another state's law against receiving gender-affirming care is the lowest priority for law enforcement in California.

At least 20 Republican-led states have introduced legislation that would ban "gender transition services" for minors and penalize parents and health care providers who try to transition children. However, as noted by Breitbart, many of these attempts have stalled in courts. In August, a federal appeals court blocked Arkansas from enforcing its ban on "gender-affirming care" for minors.

Conservative groups blasted the new law, which the California Family Council. said encourages "medical child abuse." Of course, it does and it is obscene to believe otherwise. CFC President Jonathan Keller said in a statement:

SB 107 endangers every young person in the nation who experiences gender dysphoria. By signing this extreme bill, Gavin Newsom is telling all parents across the country that he knows what's best for their children. Mothers and fathers in every state should demand their elected representatives push back against this unconstitutional assault on parental rights. Governors and legislators must defend their citizens from this out-of-control government in Sacramento.

Amen - and then some.

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 09/30/2022 02:27 PM
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This is horrific. But you know what? If progs want to make themselves eunuchs, that's their business. Aren't they eunuchs for all practical purposes anyway? Not sure that mutulating themselves is going to make much difference.

I :heart; Q
 09/30/2022 02:53 PM
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How's this? Be the Party of Small Government that you profess to be and GTFO of people's lives and personal business.

 09/30/2022 06:01 PM
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Fish Killer

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Originally posted by: follydude

How's this? Be the Party of Small Government that you profess to be and GTFO of people's lives and personal business.

WE are wanting your people to stay out of innocent mentally ill parent altered children's bad decisions.

They have no ability to rationally OR logically make a decision at their age and wind up mutilated for the rest of their lives!

If they want to make that decision as an adult FINE!

As a child...FUCK NO!


The REAL truth is....both of the forum idiots are OWNED.
-BOTH of them have no clue who their owner is.
-They are both card carrying narcissists.
^These are PROVED facts.
 10/01/2022 10:13 AM
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Originally posted by: fishkller "WE THE PEOPLE" MEANS ALL OF US
ok coco chow
 10/01/2022 02:43 PM
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Maybe Ke11y will identify as a woman and go on the womens tour--that would be awesome, right libtards!!

Romans 8;18-32 John 3;16-18; Ecl. 10-2
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Question marks.. they work well for questions.

Cocaine.. it's a helluva drug.


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