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 09/29/2022 04:47 AM
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President Biden Signs BiG Momey, (SO BIG). Disaster relief Bill for Florida.

Only he could do it.
 09/29/2022 04:50 AM
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Biden didn't do shit!

Trump "thought" about it years ago, , , , , , , , , , LOL

Dora Hates You
 09/29/2022 05:46 AM
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Wow! trump thought about it. he can declassify papers by thinking about it.

President Joe Biden signed the bill.

trump is just a common citizen now. He Lost the election. He' a Loser. he can do Nothing.

"Only President Biden could do it. It's Big. So Big! "

Edited: 09/29/2022 at 05:48 AM by sandi
 09/29/2022 06:49 AM
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This is what Chris Christie in trouble when he was seen fraternizing with Obama during the aftermath of Sandy. Then candidate Romney called and requested a disaster tour for his campaign and Christie pointed out he was actually busy working and the gop accused him of political sabotage. I can't wait for a reporter to ask Desantis about the speedy aid Biden delivered above and beyond politics.


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 09/29/2022 09:06 AM
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It was 2 days after blunder talked to 3 liberal mayors until he talked to Desantis, no Christie here!

Romans 8;18-32 John 3;16-18; Ecl. 10-2
 09/29/2022 09:31 AM
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Why would biden talk to Desantis and get second hand hearsay when he could ask the mayors there first? Wouldn't they know more than Desantis and know it sooner anyway?


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 09/29/2022 10:50 AM
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Idiot--isn't it Protocall to talk to the Head--it's like calling the white house in an emergency and get that shag carpet redhead and asking for advise?

Romans 8;18-32 John 3;16-18; Ecl. 10-2
 09/29/2022 11:08 AM
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Originally posted by: crankit

It was 2 days after blunder talked to 3 liberal mayors until he talked to Desantis, no Christie here!

... and, that's bullshit.

He spoke with DoucheSantis the same day.

 09/29/2022 01:59 PM
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Originally posted by: follydude

Originally posted by: crankit
It was 2 days after blunder talked to 3 liberal mayors until he talked to Desantis, no Christie here!

... and, that's bullshit.
He spoke with DoucheSantis the same day.

Laughably stupid
Willfully ignorant....it's an inbred incel magat traitor thang, y'all

It's a democratic hoax
 09/29/2022 02:07 PM
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President Biden did it.

"Only he Could do it."

"It was big. So big. Huge."

And The Mexican's paid for it.
 09/29/2022 02:39 PM
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Yah but: the fat orange messiah would have busted out his majic "big boy" extra large sharpie and: viola!
Storm just went elsewhere.... genius!
Of course, he could have just thought about it....crossed him his arms and blinked twice ...

It's a democratic hoax
 09/29/2022 03:19 PM
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I heard Lil Donny already made his phone call of shame

"I'mmm sooweeee for being a douche. Can you help me sir?"

But Biden was already on it.. didn't need the little guy to get things done.


Chaos & Violence Party 2024

Edited: 09/29/2022 at 03:21 PM by fishkller
 09/30/2022 01:15 PM
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Originally posted by: fishkller

I heard Lil Donny already made his phone call of shame

"I'mmm sooweeee for being a douche. Can you help me sir?"

But Biden was already on it.. didn't need the little guy to get things done.

 09/30/2022 01:16 PM
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Fish Killer

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The REAL truth is....both of the forum idiots are OWNED.
-BOTH of them have no clue who their owner is.
-They are both card carrying narcissists.
^These are PROVED facts.
 09/30/2022 01:53 PM
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Biden--taking credit for what Desantis and Florida disaster relief did in preparation for the storm!

Romans 8;18-32 John 3;16-18; Ecl. 10-2
 09/30/2022 07:40 PM
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Once again, useless clueless chumpfscum spankenwank deliberately fails to discern the obvious.
Dudsantis requested federal aid for florida...and the president immediately and generously granted it. And promptly contacted the grandstanding fascist control freak florida is stuck with for the time being.
But: isnt this the same magat guvner who was the only one, in the ENTIRE COUNTRY: to decline billions in aid for florida children and schools?
And voted against disaster aid after sandy?
Pre-positioned disaster crews.....kaka....he did nothing. Period.

It's a democratic hoax
 10/01/2022 11:25 AM
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saw gas at $2.99 today.

Thenk you President Biden.
 10/01/2022 11:28 AM
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Originally posted by: crankit

what Desantis and Florida disaster relief did in preparation for the storm!

Like not releasing enough water pre storm?


Chaos & Violence Party 2024
 10/01/2022 11:57 AM
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Originally posted by: fishkller

Originally posted by: crankit

what Desantis and Florida disaster relief did in preparation for the storm!

Like not releasing enough water pre storm?

It should have been done months ago. The floodplain has been dry enough to burn. The lake above it, full.

I was right.

Edited: 10/01/2022 at 12:16 PM by Cole
 10/01/2022 01:47 PM
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EELs is run by Republicans--Oh the horror!!
Another fucking stupid from crankspanker.
Oh the horror is right folks.
Pigsugar rick did everything he could to screw over our priceless aquatic resources.
The fat orange traitor messiah claimed to be the most environmental preznit....everrrrr!
Nope, nein, nyetski.
Dudsantis is simply another in a series of lying repiglican magats fukn Florida's natural gifts.....for a profit.

It's a democratic hoax
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