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Topic Title: Panic starting to set in.
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Created On: 05/20/2024 11:30 AM
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 05/20/2024 11:30 AM
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This is about the 3rd article to this effect this month. Think you are too late, pro-slavers. Dementia Joe is too far gone to see the handwriting on the wall. In his demented mine he thinks he is doing great and will win in a landslide. Cole might be the only other person in the country who also believes that. Not a good sign.

I :heart; Q
 05/20/2024 01:11 PM
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If Biden can stay awake for that entire debate then every legacy media outlet and all the crazies here will be claiming that Biden is the most accomplished debater who has ever walked the earth. Trump should not accept any of these exceptions that Biden is demanding to make him appear less dead. The moderators are all ideologs. Trump shouldn't accept unless Biden agrees to a pre-debate drug screen to see what they are using to jack Biden up with. This is clearly a joint effort between the DNC and CNN to bring Biden's candidacy back to life by any means necessary. It will not be a debate. They will attempt to make this a roast of Donald Trump, with zero focus on Biden's handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, chaos at the southern border, the effect of inflation on the poor and elderly, Biden's failed foreign policy, or the blatant corruption of the Biden family which turned selling out our country into the family business.

"The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul," - George Bernard Shaw

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f—k things up.” - Barack Obama

“End of quote. Repeat the line.” - wise words from Joe Biden
 05/20/2024 02:42 PM
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I love how the Right is now starting to hedge against the debates. lol

I was right.
 05/20/2024 03:59 PM
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Originally posted by: Sniper If Biden can stay awake for that entire debate then every legacy media outlet and all the crazies here will be claiming that Biden is the most accomplished debater who has ever walked the earth. Trump should not accept any of these exceptions that Biden is demanding to make him appear less dead. The moderators are all ideologs. Trump shouldn't accept unless Biden agrees to a pre-debate drug screen to see what they are using to jack Biden up with. This is clearly a joint effort between the DNC and CNN to bring Biden's candidacy back to life by any means necessary. It will not be a debate. They will attempt to make this a roast of Donald Trump, with zero focus on Biden's handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, chaos at the southern border, the effect of inflation on the poor and elderly, Biden's failed foreign policy, or the blatant corruption of the Biden family which turned selling out our country into the family business.
Trump (and everyone else) knew all that before he accepted. He still believes that he will benefit. I do too. Most people will tune in to see Dementia Joe describe, for example, his efforts to save Detroit from covid while VP. I doubt we'll be disappointed. Plus, one of the side effect of Adderal is diarrhea. That would be fun to behold during the debate.

I :heart; Q
 05/20/2024 04:03 PM
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Trump walked right into the Biden's dotard trap with the debates.

He was too scared of being outed for the wimp he is.

Now they're crying about every little detail trying to get out of it. Like a little kid trying to avoid an after-school fight.

If your tangerine turd is such a "man", why can't he just pull his pants up and debate anywhere, anytime like a real man would?

and while we're on that subject, why is he going to wimp out of testifying?

A REAL MAN gets on the stand and STANDS UP FOR HIMSELF!


Pro Puppy-Killer Party 2024

Edited: 05/20/2024 at 04:49 PM by fishkller
 05/21/2024 06:38 AM
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Originally posted by: tpapablo

Originally posted by: Sniper

If Biden can stay awake for that entire debate then every legacy media outlet and all the crazies here will be claiming that Biden is the most accomplished debater who has ever walked the earth. Trump should not accept any of these exceptions that Biden is demanding to make him appear less dead. The moderators are all ideologs. Trump shouldn't accept unless Biden agrees to a pre-debate drug screen to see what they are using to jack Biden up with. This is clearly a joint effort between the DNC and CNN to bring Biden's candidacy back to life by any means necessary. It will not be a debate. They will attempt to make this a roast of Donald Trump, with zero focus on Biden's handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, chaos at the southern border, the effect of inflation on the poor and elderly, Biden's failed foreign policy, or the blatant corruption of the Biden family which turned selling out our country into the family business.

Trump (and everyone else) knew all that before he accepted. He still believes that he will benefit. I do too. Most people will tune in to see Dementia Joe describe, for example, his efforts to save Detroit from covid while VP. I doubt we'll be disappointed. Plus, one of the side effect of Adderal is diarrhea. That would be fun to behold during the debate.

Trump should have responded, saying he will agree to the debates using the same format that every other election has used up to this point. I don't think the Biden campaign would even suggest a debate unless they thought they could bend the rules to achieve the outcome that they want. It is still extremely risky for Biden, considering he confuses his wife for his sister and wanders around on stages like a Roomba cleaning a floor, but that just shows how desperate his campaign is. Either the Biden campaign actually believes that they are so low that they have nowhere to go but up or they are looking at this as their Hail Mary. The odds are still against Biden doing great if he is asked to defend his record on basically anything.

"The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul," - George Bernard Shaw

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f—k things up.” - Barack Obama

“End of quote. Repeat the line.” - wise words from Joe Biden
 05/21/2024 06:43 AM
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Trump should just be a man and debate.

Why is he such a crying bitch all the time?


Pro Puppy-Killer Party 2024
 05/21/2024 07:54 AM
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Originally posted by: Cole

I love how the Right is now starting to hedge against the debates. lol

Like I said. lol

And as previously mentioned: Why not take the stand?

I was right.

Edited: 05/21/2024 at 07:54 AM by Cole
 05/21/2024 07:59 AM
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Trump wants Biden to take a drug test. He believed all that bs about sleepy joe and then got trolled by Biden in real time and figured that the only thing that could account for that non sleepy performance was drugs. Hysterical. Ok. But don't ask someone to do something that you aren't willing to do yourself. Would trump pass a drug test?


"One of the reasons why propaganda tries to get you to hate government is because it's the one existing institution in which people can participate to some extent and constrain tyrannical unaccountable power." Noam Chomsky.

 05/21/2024 09:22 AM
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Originally posted by: Cole

Originally posted by: Cole

I love how the Right is now starting to hedge against the debates. lol

Like I said. lol

And as previously mentioned: Why not take the stand?

Trump should do the debates. These debates should not allow any of the concessions that Quid Pro Joe is requesting and there should be three debates, just like every other Presidential election.

"The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul," - George Bernard Shaw

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f—k things up.” - Barack Obama

“End of quote. Repeat the line.” - wise words from Joe Biden
 05/21/2024 10:48 AM
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Sure.. and Trump's gonna testify too. He said so!


Pro Puppy-Killer Party 2024
 05/22/2024 06:07 AM
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Originally posted by: Sniper

Originally posted by: Cole

Originally posted by: Cole

I love how the Right is now starting to hedge against the debates. lol

Like I said. lol

And as previously mentioned: Why not take the stand?

Trump should do the debates. These debates should not allow any of the concessions that Quid Pro Joe is requesting and there should be three debates, just like every other Presidential election.

What about Trump's Quid? He will force a drug test? Is that normal for presidential debates?

I was right.
 05/22/2024 07:32 AM
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The question is why are all of these pro-slavers and progs wanting Dementia Joe to drop out? Kind of weird, don't you think? I mean he is the best president ever, after all. A modern day FDR. And, by all accounts, he is "sharp as a knife" intellectually. Very perplexing.

I :heart; Q
 05/22/2024 07:34 AM
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More tall tales.

Quit running from the question Tbok.

He challenged your wimp to a debate, and your wimp is crying about it.

Why can't your wimp just shut his puss and debate like a real man?


Pro Puppy-Killer Party 2024
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