Hey Matt B ... How the hell o are you ??? :)

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Topic Title: Only Five People Know The Secret To Making Zildjian's Iconic Cymbals | Still Standing
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Created On: 02/27/2024 02:23 PM
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 02/27/2024 02:23 PM
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Central Floridave

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 02/28/2024 07:09 AM
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Central Floridave

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 02/28/2024 07:35 AM
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Central Floridave

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 03/01/2024 07:42 AM
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Zildjian is indeed legendary. Once, in Jacksonville, the orchestra was going to do a big percussion piece after intermission, so I wandered over to the stage as the #2 percussionist was getting everything set. Turned out he'd been a biology major, but found employment as a musician. We were mutually impressed that we both had jobs that were pretty hard to get (my biology degree was my permanent meal ticket).
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