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Topic Title: Import Guitar quality
Topic Summary: has gotten crazy good
Created On: 05/20/2023 09:55 AM
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 05/20/2023 09:55 AM
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Posts: 8231
Joined Forum: 07/24/2003

Ok, not really in the gear buying mode anymore but did go to a couple of music stores while traveling and tried their wares.

of course, I love the old American stuff for the most part but the used prices for even doggy 70's LPs/Strats/Teles has gotten totally ludicrous.
American brands like Hamer, BC Rich, MusicMans, aren't so bad but still pretty pricey and possibly in the ludicrous zone depending on the model (I still crush on the late 70's Hamer Sunburst, great guitar).

So, the Japanese guitars like Ibanez and Yamaha have always been good, and in the 90's when fender started making guitars in Mexico lots of people dogged Fender but they were a good guitar and now the Mexican Fenders can be quite good....arguably as good as the the non-custom shop American made line.

So, enter the non-Japanese Asian manufactures in Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, China,etc.

i have a few Non-Japanese guitars from years ago and they are good (PRS SE line for instance) but i think these countries have really stepped up their game and the price points are realistic.

I checked out the usual American made suspects and gotta say Gibson has some really good guitars these days coming from their custom shop...but damn, that is some real coin for a casual player. Same with the Fenders.
So, started messing with the Indonesian made guitars from Yamaha and PRS... Really nice stuff at good prices.
I played a Japanese made Yamaha with P-90s against the near identical Indonesian made version and really couldn't tell a lot of difference and actually liked the Indonesian made guitar overall a little better. Japanese made Yamaha = $2,000, Indonesian made Yamaha = $800.

I appreciate American PRS guitars, they can be works of art.
But their Asian made SE line is extremely good and thousands less.

Talking to some younger guitar players and that seems to be a pretty typical story. But several are willing to pay the American made guitar premium to own something special that they will treasure, and I get that too.

So, you six string razor slingers...what are your thoughts on Import guitars and their quality?

Asking for a friend.

If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph: THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC - KV
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