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Topic Title: Just how old are things, , , , ,
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Created On: 01/29/2024 04:36 AM
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 01/29/2024 04:36 AM
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I'm not into the "paranormal" and ghosts and such. But, I do follow the UAP hubbub and the arguments about the ages of the Earth's "ancient ruins" and such.

Lately, the big thing is the age of the Sphinx.

There is a new study done by real live geologists who say that the geologic 'erosion' age of the Sphinx and its enclosure is around 800,000 years. Lots of the erosion is from water/wave action.

Some years ago, the pot started to get stirred when a geologist and his buddy where touring the Sphinx and, not knowing anything more about it than the average Joe, were stunned at the amount of water erosion they saw. "No, no, no, that erosion is from sand! It was dry here when the Egyptians built it." But, another 'modern' example of just how Wrong science MUST be!! LOL

And, now, , , , , out in the UFO/UAP wilds, , , , there is an increasing current in 'consciousness', ESP, 'visions' and 'remote viewing' and such. And, it is getting more into the 'mainstream'. Many people are sorta kinda 'don't have a clue but, Something IS going on!" Dr. Garry Nolan has found a small part of certain people's brain that 'activates/shows increased activity' when people 'feel' something. Pretty much to the point where he can analysis the report of a US Military pilot who not only saw an UAP but also felt it (wherein others there only saw but did not 'feel'), and then perform a physical brain scan on the pilot and, , , yep, theres that spot! It is the spot in our brains that 'sees' what is happening and decides what to do before you "yourself" has a chance to react.

Dora Hates You
 01/30/2024 03:07 PM
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The present-day Sahara was wet during the last ice age. There's a good recent book on the subject. Wikipedia has an article that doesn't seem a model of good writing, but its section on "water erosion" looks good.
 01/31/2024 06:10 AM
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Things changed. There was less water.

This is kinda deep, but it does explain a few things.


I was right.
 01/31/2024 06:14 AM
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I have a nut relative that says Stonehenge is fake. I told him that's a hell of a lot of effort for something that doesn't matter.

Some people should stay away from the internet.

I was right.

Edited: 02/01/2024 at 12:51 PM by Cole
 02/01/2024 01:36 AM
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Jorge Luis Borges's story "The Babylonian Lottery" was standard reading for Spanish classes. A world where the lottery gets so complex that no one can make sense of what's going on.
 02/22/2024 03:57 AM
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Dwarka, India !!!!

Check it out.

120 feet under the Arabian Sea. Was submerged "6000 to 7000" years ago. Recent carbon dating and such put it at 'at least' 9500 years old!!!

These are real 'ruins' with columns, statues and such, not just 'stone' that looks like it 'could have been worked'.

Dora Hates You
 02/22/2024 10:55 AM
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Read Graham Hancock's "Fingerprints of the Gods" or watch his series on Netflix "Ancient Apocalypse"

If you're not already familiar with him/these, you will enjoy them.....


"Its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

 02/23/2024 08:24 AM
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Grifters gonna grift.


 02/23/2024 02:07 PM
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Yahbut: crop circles are real!
The pyramids were actually....grain silos.
The city and empire of Atlantis is there....just haven't found it yet
There really are chupacabras mutilating livestock......and shape shifting antifa aliens lurking among qalifornia's homeless
Yeti, bigfoot, swamp apes, leprechauns, gremlins, and witches, oh my....
Windmills cause cancer

It's a democratic hoax

Edited: 02/23/2024 at 02:13 PM by nukeh2o
 02/26/2024 05:43 AM
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Insert meme picture of the internet Alien guy here...

“The United States now faces a different kind of violence, from people who will tell you that they are for ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom,’ but these are merely code words for personal grudges, racial and class resentments, and a generalized paranoia"
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