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Topic Title: the Americas' long-lost 'Rome'
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Created On: 01/23/2024 11:58 AM
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 01/23/2024 11:58 AM
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"The unearthing of an immense network of cities deep in the Ecuadorean Amazon is proving that the world's biggest rainforest was once a thriving cosmopolitan hub.

"Let me ask you something," said archaeologist Stéphen Rostain. "What do you know about the history of the Amazon?"

I thought about it for a moment, and just as I opened my mouth to respond, Rostain let me in on a little secret: "You know nothing, because the history that we think we know is wrong. It's a history made by so-called chroniclers that rarely saw what they described. It's a history of lies. We know a little bit from colonial times, but it's a story of exploitation of land, torture and slavery. It's not a beautiful history. But this, the discovery of a vast urban cradle lets us better understand the first actors of this history: the Indigenous people. It forces us to rethink the entire human past of the Amazon."

The previous day, Rostain and his team had published the results of a study that was nearly 30 years in the making, and that sent shockwaves around the world.
Using airborne laser-scanning technology (Lidar), Rostain and his colleagues discovered a long-lost network of cities extending across 300sq km in the Ecuadorean Amazon, complete with plazas, ceremonial sites, drainage canals and roads that were built 2,500 years ago and had remained hidden for thousands of years. They also identified more than 6,000 rectangular earthen platforms believed to be homes and communal buildings in 15 urban centres surrounded by terraced agricultural fields."


"The truth is incontrovertible.
malice may attack it,
ignorance may deride it,
but in the end,
there it is." -Sir Winston Churchill

Edited: 01/23/2024 at 11:59 AM by WG
 01/23/2024 03:50 PM
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Central Floridave

Posts: 52425
Joined Forum: 07/22/2003

Interesting article!
 01/23/2024 09:50 PM
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The research report published in Science mentioned that the Francisco de Orellana voyage down the Amazon in 1542 reported lots of human activity and large communities. Those accounts were long considered fake. The report says bluntly, "Orellana did not lie." The Wiki entry on Carvajal, the expedition's chaplain, gives an idea of what happened.
 01/24/2024 03:19 AM
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Can't find the video but, , , , , let's say that lots and lots of what Lidar is seeing is/are raised earth platforms, maybe 10 ft?, maybe 100 X 100, 100 x 200, and such,, , , , , , , , ALL OVER THE PLACE. Some folks are estimating that there could have been a 2 to 3 million population.

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