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Topic Title: Fixed Income Investing
Topic Summary: Outlook - Improving
Created On: 11/19/2022 01:05 PM
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 11/19/2022 01:05 PM
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Joined Forum: 09/28/2004

Since I'm a fossil I'm not much for high beta investments. So it's nice to see CD's, treasuries, AAA Corporate and GSE's starting to have attractive yields. I'm finding 4.5% return with less than a year to maturity on some of those items. The main reason I posted was that just today I saw our local Space Coast Credit Union offering a 33 month CD with 4.84% APY! That's the best rate I've seen on a CD in a very long time. I bonds have dropped from the crazy 9.62 to 6.89% which is still a great return.
Another idea I saw in a article in Barron's was Activision Blizzard $ATVI. Quote " Barron's made the case for buying Activision Blizzard stock in anticipation of Microsoft closing its $69 billion acquisition of the company. With Activision shares trading at a significant discount to the deal price, the stock looked closest to a sure thing in an increasingly uncertain market." Deal price $95, Friday's closing price $74.10. Full disclosure, I own shares of ATVI.
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