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 10/13/2006 03:08 PM
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anybody had a microdiscectomy or similar procedure? if so, how did it go and do you still experience leg/nerve pain? what kind of shape were you in before the operation and how long had you been in that shape? how long ago did you have the operation, and how long did it take you to to be able to move around, work, surf, etc? any doctor recommendations? Thanks
 10/13/2006 04:40 PM
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I had a microdiskectomy about 15 years ago, had it done by dr. Joseph Traina in miami. I had atrophied and was getting ready to blow my brains out if I didn't get any relief, lost feeling in my right foot, then the calf, upper leg then finally the buttocks. I went into surgery hoping for the best and that's what happened, I woke up pain free walked around and it was incredible, of course a couple of weeks later I reinjured it slightly, so I still have some pain but it is manageable. My exwife went through a similar experience, except she really overdid it and reinjured herself badly, I guess the discs are more vulnerable for a while until they make a new coating? just a guess there, but I wholeheartedly recommend it, but please do not reinjure it, you will pay for it if you do, I guess what happens, is you feel so good, you figure you are invincible again.

Good Luck and make sure your neurosurgeon comes highly recommended and I don't mean ask his mother!

"A working man voting for George Bush is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders"
 10/13/2006 06:41 PM
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Yeah, I also had that same procedure done about 15 years ago. I had such bad back pain I couldn't sit for very long at all. I had it done over Christmas vacation while in college and went back to school at the end of break. It really wasn't that big of a deal compared to open surgery. I was up and about after a few days though limited activities for several weeks. I really haven't compared the success rates between the two - would be worth checking into. I still have bouts with back pain occasionally (not very often thankfully - maybe 1 week out of every year or two). I run at least 3 miles every day and lift mod. weights twice a week. So I guess I am doing pretty good. I think basically once you have some herniation you will always be a little prone to pain but you get used to it. I don't have the daily leg pain, but do have a little stiffness and need to be careful.

Also, if you just started having back pain don't rush into it...sometimes discs resolve themselves after a while. I was having the back pain for several years from a sports injury and it wouldn't go away. I had the pain going down my legs every day.

Also there are exercises for strengthening muscles which support the back which help greatly, not to mention stretching. I know I have to be careful though.

As for which doctor...I lived in PA at the time and had it done in York...so that won't help you for a recommendation.

Let us know what you decide.

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 10/13/2006 06:56 PM
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I am a Operating Room nurse, nursing professor, and have either been in the room caring for or scrubing in with the surgeon on at least 500+ microdiscectomies. I'm guessing you need surgery on L5-S1 ?? or L4-L5?? This is a very common surgery, the skin to skin (surgeons) time is only 20-35 minutes. USUALLY all goes very well, many times the patient goes into the OR with pain down one leg, wakes up and the pain is gone. Sometimes...the results are not as evident right away, sometimes there is no result at all, sometimes the patient feels worse(not too common). As for the above folks whom had their surgeries 15 years ago, the procedure has changed a bit. Smaller incision, smaller + finer instruments, way better anesthesia = faster recovery.
You should seek a surgeon who has done 250+ micros, is a neuro. surgeon, and who has practiced at the facility for at least a few years. I know of a few good ones who do it at Holmes Reg. Med Center. Consult their physcian directory to locate a surgeon.

Also, a MRI will show either a herniated or a ruptured disk, with or without spinal cord compression. All those factors play into your symptoms and need for the surgery.

good luck.

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 10/13/2006 07:30 PM
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I had mine done 3 years ago, couldn't walk or stand for more than a couple minutes; after the procedure I was fine within a very short time. rehab was minimal and was back in the water within 6 weeks. Dr. Paine did mine (also did a c2-5 fusion in 2001).

Romans 8;18-32 John 3;16-18; Ecl. 10-2
 10/14/2006 05:23 AM
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I am in OR several times a month doing microdiscs with Dr. El Kommos. He has done this on several surfers that I know and they have had good results. If you have this done locally, your options are fairly limited. At Cape Canaveral, the only surgeons who do them are Kommos, Helmy, and Matuk. Holmes offers more surgeons who do this procedure. Now if they say you need a fusion, try everything else first!

 10/14/2006 05:42 AM
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This is actually an old injury for me, and i have been in pain for 10 years. 5 years ago i went through a really bad period and went through several dedicated rehabs, epidurals, tens unit, etc and did not receive any relief. I too was ready to end it all at that time. i started doing yoga and exercises at the time and got in better shape. i lost my insurance at that time and did not really receive much education concerning this procedure because i was pushed (rightly so) to try all other avenues. I have not been back to a doctor in 5 years because of the insurance thing. I guess i accepted the level of pain i have been in as better than what it was, and that i would have it the rest of my life. I am tired of it though, and am really feeling discouraged that it is taking me so long to finish school because i cant sit and concentrate, prevented from being as active as i like and when i do surf, etc i hurt for wks. My main problem is the nerve pain down the legs, and from what i understand this procedure mainly helps that sort of pain. Thanks for the info and experiences.. i would like to hear from more, if there are more people out there.


edited: yes it is in the L4-5 area.

Edited: 10/14/2006 at 05:44 AM by saltylass
 10/14/2006 06:21 AM
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Originally posted by: trekker6
My exwife went through a similar experience, except she really overdid it and reinjured herself badly, I guess the discs are more vulnerable for a while until they make a new coating? just a guess there, but I wholeheartedly recommend it, but please do not reinjure it, you will pay for it if you do, I guess what happens, is you feel so good, you figure you are invincible again.

What exactly did your wife do to "over do it?" Was she in bad of shape as you were, ie did she have numbness or just tingling/nerve pain? I ask because i know this will be a concern for me because i am having relapses now because i over did it. I have been feeling better (nerve pain only about once every 2 wks for a few days compared to every day) for the last 6 months, but because i felt "invincible" perhaps i tried went jogging a couple times and then surfed a couple times, and now i have been having nerve pain that has not let up for 3-4 wks. this has been a pattern for the 5 years i have been working stengthing the back I guess i want to really hear that people are able to do the physical things they want to do (w/in reason) after the procedure, and what limits they had to place on themselves.
 10/14/2006 06:59 AM
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I still do most things nowadays, limiting factor is knees, back is stiff, but manageable and the stiffness is mainly because I let myself get out of shape, the more I surf the better off I am, I think arching your back while paddling helps although it hurts a bit if you haven't surfed for a while. My exwife moved furniture and luggage shortly after surgery and reinjured her back, it was not the surgery, but her inability to rehabilitate.

Let me ask you this, have tried a medication called cataflam? I reinjured my back 10 years ago and instead of surgery, a doctor prescribed cataflam, I had been overdosing on motrin to relieve the pain, but it stopped working and my stomach was giving out. I tried the cataflam and I was good within a week, since then I've given (yes I know it's illegal, but fellow back sufferers need a break) other people with back problems a couple cataflam and most have experienced relief with it, I try to not use it too much, use aspirin or motrin for achiness in my back, but If I feel something bad coming on, I take cataflam and it straightens it right out, usually only take one or two and I'm good.

"A working man voting for George Bush is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders"
 10/14/2006 07:10 AM
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What about nucleoplasty? Anyone have that? I think it's a tad less invasive than a discectomy. Everyone at my chiro/PT's office has had really good results from them.

Wetness is the essence of beauty--Derek Zoolander
 10/14/2006 08:34 AM
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does the cataflam help w/ the nerve pain? (the only thing i know to do for nerve is stretch and move) i have never had medication touch the nerve pain.. well except for after taking a oxy and well.. you pretty much dont feel anything; i have even taken a vicodin and felt the leg pain. I take alot of ibuprofen, but only when it is the dull back ache or stiffness. i dont usually bother to take anything if it is the leg pain because i know it will not touch it, that is unless it is unbarable and have to go for something stronger. (which is rare considering i have to go to school and it is somewhat hard to remember what the professor said on the stronger stuff ) i assume the cataflam is an antiflamatory of some sort?

i have never heard of the nucleoplasty... thanks, i will look into it.

Edited: 10/14/2006 at 09:07 AM by saltylass
 10/14/2006 08:35 AM
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Surfing is for life
 10/14/2006 08:38 AM
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i think it is very much surf related, because my goal is to find out if people who have had this procedure were able to be as active as they like.. i.e. surf.
 10/14/2006 09:54 AM
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I had a laminectomy sp?, bout 10 years ago, I ruptued my disc so it was an emergency surgery. Lost the nerve to myshin muscle. First year could not surf, then rode a long board, I now ride a 6'6 to a 7'0 and I'm 50 years old. The way back was staying lean, yoga, mountain biking and paddleboarding. What I have learned is when there is pain stop, let the muscles rest because that is what did me in i never let it rest. Best of the luck, I know your pain.
 10/14/2006 07:31 PM
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does the cataflam help w/ the nerve pain?

Cataflam saved me the second time, I can't tell you how many back pain sufferers I've given it to, who swear by it. It is an antiinflammatory and if you take it long term, you have to take kidney function tests, but I take it sparingly, a bottle lasts me over a year.

"A working man voting for George Bush is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders"
 10/15/2006 12:01 PM
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The laminectomies had a thirty percent success rate and left a huge scar down your back.

"A working man voting for George Bush is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders"
 10/17/2006 09:08 AM
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thanks for the responses everyone. any other comments/experiences would be appreciated.

i have some considering to do.

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Do the therapy and wait for the Doctors release to do sports, make sure he knows what you want to do!

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This thread impresses me.


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