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Topic Title: Playalinda Beach
Topic Summary: and Starship
Created On: 06/13/2024 04:59 AM
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 06/13/2024 04:59 AM
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Pop over to 16streets for commentary on the Starship environmental impact statement. I don't know if this one includes the proposed pad north of 39A that would indeed impact Playalinda access. Ugh.

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 06/13/2024 06:57 AM
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Quick skim of proposed actions at FAA (LC39A and "in proximity") and Space Force (LC37) with no mention of new site north of 39A. Hope that one fades away.

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 06/13/2024 03:37 PM
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Jim is right, we won't know till there ain't a damn thing we can do about it - if we could ever doing anything in the first place.

Hell, look the port. How long until they take the front boat ramp for the next cruise terminal? People say it can't happen, but can't and cash don't really jive together.

I was right.
 06/13/2024 06:16 PM
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Jimmy Mac is by far the smartest and most intelligent individuals that One could possibly ever know and his style of prose and writing is just as every bit as unique as the man himself .He has been ranting about this possible scenario for quite some time now . So , perhaps heed his words . ( And yet , there is really NEVER any proper surf up there anyways ----so EVERYBODY just please kindly stay in town ! )

Edited: 06/13/2024 at 07:55 PM by JOESTRUMMER
 06/14/2024 05:02 AM
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Ummmmm, , , , , , but 'knowing' or not is just a happy thought.

KSC and NASA will do as they please. Kinda sorta get over it.

Dora Hates You
 06/14/2024 06:45 AM
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Central Floridave

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It's now 25 bucks a day to get in. Of course a year pass is cheaper, but... Use to be free as it should be.
 06/14/2024 08:47 AM
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Senior citizen pass. It's great being old.

I :heart; Q
 06/14/2024 10:41 AM
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It's now 25 bucks a day to get in

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Edited: 06/14/2024 at 10:41 AM by LBLarry
 06/14/2024 01:47 PM
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I think it's $25 for a week? Annual pass is $45, worth it. Just for fun, was at Spanish House when a fat tire ebike and board zoomed by. Heading for the inlet, saving $8.

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 06/14/2024 05:17 PM
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Fuck.that.shit. Period.
Please read up on the way MEE-lon muskrat treated the folks in Texas as he blew these things up. And littered the area and wildlife refuge with toxic debris.
The whole Merritt island wildlife area and everything west of there has been blanketed with clouds of yuk for long enough
I'll post the texass stuff if no one else will.
Enough already...texas don't surf, keep this shit there with the other kooq guvner.

It's a democratic hoax
 06/19/2024 02:51 PM
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When the Cape starts running at the tempo of a commercial airport with hundreds of launches/flights all day and night I believe no one is going to want to live in Cape Canaveral or Cocoa Beach or anywhere within 50 miles of the Cape anymore. It will not only be Starships from SpaceX but also New Glens from Blue Origin and several other reusable vehicles as they're developed. I also believe that new way of life will just accelerate the total commercialization of Cocoa Beach with less than 20% of the current year-round population staying by 2035. Within just the past 10 years just over 25% of residential dwellings in CB have become quasi commercial rentals through Airbnb and other platforms. Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun's vision and design from more than seventy years ago has never been closer to actually happening than it is right now. A space port with dozens of launch sites operating simultaneously around the clock. As far as beautiful Playalinda all I can say is please enjoy it now while you can. It is inevitable that more launch/landing sites will be built to the north. That beach along with Mosquito Lagoon and everything else between Port Canaveral and Ponce is one of my most loved and cherished places on the earth. However, I believe it's total destruction along with the coastal launch and landing site in Texas is a very, very small price to pay to enable human beings to become truly interplanetary and perhaps even save the human race one day.

Matt B :)
 06/20/2024 08:45 AM
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^high truthiness index this

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 06/20/2024 02:00 PM
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Central Floridave

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 06/24/2024 05:54 AM
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Originally posted by: LBLarry
It's now 25 bucks a day to get in

Yeppers, $25 for a vehicle pass for a day.....
I never really went that often anyway as it is a bit of a haul for me, but now...yeah, no.

I'm sure the locals love it as it keeps the riff raff like me away, I know i would like that!

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its only 12.50 a day for military Vets.. (Jussayin that park makes i doable for me at least lol)

 07/05/2024 01:01 PM
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It sucks!!!!!!!

It's not how big the wave is! It's how you surf it!

Primus sucks!
PLayalinda sucks!!!!


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