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Topic Title: Shark bump at San Clemente, Ca.
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Created On: 05/27/2024 01:19 PM
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 05/27/2024 01:19 PM
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    An aggressive shark bumped a surfer off his board late Sunday, May 26, prompting lifeguards to close the waters along a two-mile stretch of San Clemente for much of the day Monday.
    The incident occurred at T-Street beach just south of the San Clemente Pier at about 7:55 p.m. The surfer was bumped after seeing a large, dark object swimming toward him, said San Clemente Marine Safety Lt. Sean Staubenbaur.
    The surfer came out of the water and told lifeguards about the incident, which prompted the 24-hour closure.
    Orange County Register
 05/29/2024 05:06 AM
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Joined Forum: 07/24/2003

Ever been chased to the sand by an 'aggressive' Bull?

Out in the line-up at Swamis one day, , , , , a seal/sea-lion had just swam through and we were talking about 'wildlife'. I brought up that I had been 'tasted' at Monster Hole in 1972. Lots of 'stares'. LOL!

I took a poll of who there had seen a shark in the surf, , , , , , only one person, a gal who saw a shark while surfing in, , , , , , Jacksonville. Out of about the 20+ folks at the main 'peak/shoulder'!!!

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