Hey Matt B ... How the hell o are you ??? :)

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Topic Title: Quiver-baiters unite
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Created On: 05/11/2024 04:52 PM
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 05/11/2024 04:52 PM
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building a FL quiver

 05/14/2024 12:48 PM
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I thought I had a lot of boards...
 05/15/2024 08:09 AM
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Only your wife thinks you have "a lot of surfboards".

add a signature since I'm here in profile anyway
 05/17/2024 01:32 PM
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I'm picky, when I get one I like, I ride it into the ground. That means I have three: A shortie, a log and a hybrid fish.

I was right.
 05/18/2024 06:36 AM
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Between our Son, Daughter and myself, we have a 17 board quiv~~ but, I really only ride 3 of'em anymore. When there are waves- which damn, been about as consistent the past year or so as Lake Michigan.

ola ~

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