Hey Matt B ... How the hell o are you ??? :)

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Topic Title: Big heavy yellow plastic item stuck at water's edge in Vero.
Topic Summary: South Beach, where else?
Created On: 05/01/2024 08:45 AM
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 05/01/2024 08:45 AM
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    A crack in one "leg" shows it's plastic, very heavy, so I assume molded.
 05/02/2024 03:10 PM
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Meanwhile, up in the air:
 05/02/2024 06:42 PM
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I dunno.....
looks like sumbuddy dumped an unused figure from a deceased Florida theme park.
Might be able to get a closer look......if the pics weren't some silly extreme unviewable file size.....again.
There are readily available file saving options.
but this from someone who can't post an auto open pic or video.......

It's a democratic hoax
 05/03/2024 06:48 AM
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At 2ndlight, I'm pretty much stuck with Flickr, which is admittedly a sort of antique photo storage setup. Yes, it could be feasible to upload some shrunk files to Flickr.
    Youtube and Vimeo, easier to work with.
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